Submitted by vetrivel033 t3_z7qs3g in news
[deleted] t1_iy7r62x wrote
HardlyDecent t1_iy7sgib wrote
This guy's done meth...wait.
[deleted] t1_iy7tn8o wrote
mondo_blunt t1_iy7uk8p wrote
Now you've done it too
Initial_Umpire3913 t1_iy7vyau wrote
Doesn’t really surprise me, I had to travel to Thailand once to retrieve a cousin who decided it seemed like a good place to seek treatment for drug addiction but found himself getting high in a shack up in the hills with a wayward monk instead.
santaclaws_ t1_iy7w15e wrote
Yup, they sped right out of there.
black_flag_4ever t1_iy833gi wrote
Sung to the TMNT theme:
Thai Monks Tweaked on Methamphetamine x3
[deleted] t1_iy83m9e wrote
[deleted] t1_iy84bgd wrote
Initial_Umpire3913 t1_iy84wxp wrote
He’s dead now so... 🫤
Plus this happened 20 years ago so we’re talking opiates.
TuesdayShuffle t1_iy854gr wrote that case, I apologize.
Outrageous_Garlic306 t1_iy89e3l wrote
Buddhist monk meth-heads. Who knew.
[deleted] t1_iy8cb2c wrote
Nigredo78 t1_iy8d7hn wrote
i did not have that on my bingo card.. at all..
stickyWithWhiskey t1_iy8d89i wrote
Tweakers in an orange robe. Cleaning power!
Ello_Owu t1_iy8e8ca wrote
I feel it'd be very hard to sit still and meditate on meth
AnybodyZ t1_iy8gbt9 wrote
The inner wanktum
GranSjon t1_iy8hyli wrote
Me. My neighbors. Does tai chi every morning with early sun. Has been rearranging the giant hole in the roof for two years. Cops removed a body a few months back. Sex workers, street-level, stop in a lot and i don’t think they are selling. Fucking front yard plants, though? On point
CornCobMcGee t1_iy8j0rj wrote
You can still medidate, you just meditate really fast. They were able to hit total consciousness in like 2 months instead of 50 years. So much consciousness, their teeth became sentient so they had to pull them out so they could live their own lives
Pleasant-West8364 t1_iy8jmjt wrote
I bet it was the cleanest temple in Thailand
Ello_Owu t1_iy8lhap wrote
And the adventures of Timmy The Tooth began
MightyKrakyn t1_iy8m6sh wrote
> Last month, Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha ordered a clampdown on drugs after a former police officer who had been dismissed from the force for methamphetamine possession killed 37 people during a shooting at a nursery.
Way to bury the lede
shortredbus t1_iy8ml1o wrote
Mr. Clean's origin story.
IWantToBeTheBoshy t1_iy8p6iv wrote
Did they find Frank Gallagher? Shiiit
Bosh_Bonkers t1_iy8rjca wrote
The work of Ehrlich Bachman, I see
bicyclemycology t1_iy8sgnj wrote
he must have been vacuuming at 3:00 a.m.
pivovy t1_iy8tqbn wrote
Especially since there aren't any electronic devices to take apart.
[deleted] t1_iy8xlgr wrote
Martianmanhunter94 t1_iy8xv8x wrote
More than one way to achieve enlightenment
[deleted] t1_iy8zuk8 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy90ftk wrote
d01100100 t1_iy90mlp wrote
Meth monks mandatorily moved from monastery.
EmployeeBudget8907 t1_iy93iui wrote
Meth monks! from the producers who brought you breaking bad, this summer 4 men, 4 robes and 4 meths…
[deleted] t1_iy9d8la wrote
oceanicfeels t1_iy9etzu wrote
When you meet the Buddha, kill the buddha. There are purportedly enlightened folks who have tons of casual sex with different people, some who take SSRIs and other meds, plenty who are still addicted to different drugs. It's not like issues on the level of form disappear when you become enlightened. Enlightenment does not mean you automatically become less of an asshole if you were before.
lilaprilshowers t1_iy9ex3q wrote
I'd like the full story someday you have the time. How's the cousin now?
[deleted] t1_iy9k2uj wrote
cryptobuddy75 t1_iy9k4jt wrote
Wait, monks get drug tested?
ludicrous50 t1_iy9ll77 wrote
First, there was Cocaine Bear!
next year, say hello to
Tweaker monks!!!
InTheEndEntropyWins t1_iy9n2nd wrote
Stimulants are supposed to help you focus and concentrate. They have the same effects on normal people as those with adhd.
Soo those drugs are probably perfect for meditation.
[deleted] t1_iy9o0sj wrote
HardlyDecent t1_iy9ogv1 wrote
Wait, is that how that works? What if I have a drug test coming up? Where are my front teeth and Mountain Dew!
[deleted] t1_iy9ov51 wrote
Ello_Owu t1_iy9r473 wrote
Meth!? I feel that'd get in the way of "enlightenment"
BlackmouthProjekt t1_iy9rksh wrote
Being a monk is boring. Let me party.
[deleted] t1_iy9wyca wrote
[deleted] t1_iy9x5g1 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy9yw21 wrote
2020willyb2020 t1_iya01yf wrote
Stay up for 5 days straight and guarantee hallucinations and see the realms if your brain doesn’t snap
AceValentine t1_iya18xd wrote
Doesn't surprise me. I learned in my early years about how much meth the Amish do and ever since then my mind is open.
Icydawgfish t1_iya3od7 wrote
Sounds like meth logic
Icydawgfish t1_iya3v74 wrote
My wife is Thai and she’s told me plenty of stories of corruption from high ranking monks, some of them become national scandals.
guyhabit t1_iya62tk wrote
Whoa meth of all things.
[deleted] t1_iya8lvy wrote
Outrageous_Garlic306 t1_iyaa6my wrote
Yikes. That’s one nasty drug.
afternever t1_iyab6rn wrote
They practiced daily methitation
SmashertonIII t1_iyadxlp wrote
I have a Thai friend who says that society expects them as young men, to either go into the military for a bit or be a monk for a bit. Many chose the monk thing. Doesn’t mean they have pure-hearted intentions or aren’t looking for a mental escape. My friend said they often had side gigs to make ends meet as well. He said the military has a drug problem, too. And many of them become cops or reservists.
Unconfidence t1_iyaeyi6 wrote
As long as the monks aren't hurting anybody I don't see the problem.
[deleted] t1_iyaktz0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iyakxxw wrote
Ok_Kaleidoscope1630 t1_iyalzvz wrote
Buddhist Monks On Meth would be a great band name.
PM_me_Henrika t1_iyan62w wrote
Tbh if you spell methitation and meditation out with Thai characters they are actually the same…
Antennangry t1_iyaserd wrote
Nothing like a little yabba to make you feel enlightenment.
[deleted] t1_iyb213d wrote
[deleted] t1_iyb28ul wrote
HaveFireInMyEyes t1_iyb386z wrote
Fine you got me to read the article.
Police won’t say why they drug tested them but it probably has something to do with not eating between noon and the next morning. There are also lots of chores, silence, alone time for months, meth is really cheap, and they’re not supposed to look at women.
Venerablemom t1_iyb3b3t wrote
One of the Buddhist precepts - of which bikkhus (monks and nuns) vows are made - include not taking intoxicants that cloud the mind. It’s part of the vows the monks make to Lord Buddha, their sangha, their communities, and themselves - in addition to apparently being illegal in general.
Outrageous_Garlic306 t1_iyb74ae wrote
I’ve heard about pedophile monks in Thailand, so I shouldn’t be surprised.
Getdeded t1_iyb7bak wrote
ya it does, like specifically. your definition of enlightenment is a little off..
[deleted] t1_iyb9myt wrote
piTehT_tsuJ t1_iybgmgy wrote
So this is how they "levitate"...
sonny_flatts t1_iybjngp wrote
Maybe for some, but I’m with op.
Getdeded t1_iybkpbb wrote
I’m not sure an article can come close to defining a concept like enlightenment, especially a non scientific one. At least not until we fully understand consciousness.
[deleted] t1_iybmo1j wrote
suicidebird11 t1_iybxiin wrote
Go on. I'm curious
idlebyte t1_iybyg2p wrote
Meth Math, notebooks full of it...
[deleted] t1_iyc35dm wrote
Tidesticky t1_iyc3yod wrote
I'm not hungry, are you hungry? I'm not, are you?
AceValentine t1_iyc6kpx wrote
When I was younger I went to school with a guy who would sell meth/glass in small bulk (like 20 oz. a week) to an elder type person in the amish community in Shipshewana, IN. every week. The guy would literally show up to the McDonald's parking lot in a horse and buggy. He apparently would distribute it to another amish community as well as his own. How else do you think they are constructing a barn or house in a single day?
sonny_flatts t1_iycnxd0 wrote
With that in mind, maybe we shouldn’t tell people their idea of enlightenment is off.
jschubart t1_iycohwo wrote
From another reply, the cousin is dead.
oceanicfeels t1_iycp084 wrote
then what is the definition? more specifically, what is the experience? can you show it to me or another person? can you induce it experientially? what is it not? are you enlightened? do you have first hand experience? is it temporary or is it permanent?
who are you apart from your thoughts? do thoughts completely encapsulate or define reality as it is? is reality fixed or is it constantly changing? where exactly do these words you are reading, occur? on your phone? in your mind? where do your thoughts come from, what is their ultimate source? do you think your thoughts, do you decide what to think and what not to?
really investigate here. don't half ass this.
Getdeded t1_iyd5u8d wrote
Well since there’s no real definition that leaves room for people to come up with their own. My interpretation of what the definition would be based on some small knowledge of the subject is that you are in a permanent state of complete contentedness, without the need or desire for anything other than basic survival. I am not enlightened, no one who says they are either. Having the need to express to other people that you are enlightened seems like an ego driven need to me. I could see it as somewhere in the realm of complete control of the unconscious from the conscious mind. It seems like the type of thing that needs to be maintained but once attained maintenance would be second nature. It seems like it would just be how you are now, after years of progressively going in that direction. Imo your thoughts are a sort of range of options fed to the conscious mind from the unconscious based on perception and experience. As to what started the immortal life entity which in my mind is synonymous with consciousness and intelligence that has replicated itself to the point we are now, I’m not sure. But ultimately that’s where thoughts came from, I read a thing about how some theoretical physicists think consciousness could be a different dimension.
[deleted] t1_iyd9noe wrote
WeeklyManufacturer68 t1_iyelmea wrote
That’s wild. 20oz!?
[deleted] t1_iy7ptio wrote