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vexpopped t1_iy7qdwi wrote

Four monks, including the abbot, tested positive for methamphetamine

I bet that was one clean temple.


Initial_Umpire3913 t1_iy7vyau wrote

Doesn’t really surprise me, I had to travel to Thailand once to retrieve a cousin who decided it seemed like a good place to seek treatment for drug addiction but found himself getting high in a shack up in the hills with a wayward monk instead.


santaclaws_ t1_iy7w15e wrote

Yup, they sped right out of there.


black_flag_4ever t1_iy833gi wrote

Sung to the TMNT theme:

Thai Monks Tweaked on Methamphetamine x3


GranSjon t1_iy8hyli wrote

Me. My neighbors. Does tai chi every morning with early sun. Has been rearranging the giant hole in the roof for two years. Cops removed a body a few months back. Sex workers, street-level, stop in a lot and i don’t think they are selling. Fucking front yard plants, though? On point


CornCobMcGee t1_iy8j0rj wrote

You can still medidate, you just meditate really fast. They were able to hit total consciousness in like 2 months instead of 50 years. So much consciousness, their teeth became sentient so they had to pull them out so they could live their own lives


MightyKrakyn t1_iy8m6sh wrote

> Last month, Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha ordered a clampdown on drugs after a former police officer who had been dismissed from the force for methamphetamine possession killed 37 people during a shooting at a nursery.

Way to bury the lede


Bosh_Bonkers t1_iy8rjca wrote

The work of Ehrlich Bachman, I see


konhaybay t1_iy91mzf wrote

Their kung fu levels must be off the charts


EmployeeBudget8907 t1_iy93iui wrote

Meth monks! from the producers who brought you breaking bad, this summer 4 men, 4 robes and 4 meths…


oceanicfeels t1_iy9etzu wrote

When you meet the Buddha, kill the buddha. There are purportedly enlightened folks who have tons of casual sex with different people, some who take SSRIs and other meds, plenty who are still addicted to different drugs. It's not like issues on the level of form disappear when you become enlightened. Enlightenment does not mean you automatically become less of an asshole if you were before.


ludicrous50 t1_iy9ll77 wrote

First, there was Cocaine Bear!

next year, say hello to

Tweaker monks!!!


pacal117 t1_iy9m8po wrote

Not too late to make that video "Monks on Meth!"


SmashertonIII t1_iyadxlp wrote

I have a Thai friend who says that society expects them as young men, to either go into the military for a bit or be a monk for a bit. Many chose the monk thing. Doesn’t mean they have pure-hearted intentions or aren’t looking for a mental escape. My friend said they often had side gigs to make ends meet as well. He said the military has a drug problem, too. And many of them become cops or reservists.


Unconfidence t1_iyaeyi6 wrote

As long as the monks aren't hurting anybody I don't see the problem.


Antennangry t1_iyaserd wrote

Nothing like a little yabba to make you feel enlightenment.


HaveFireInMyEyes t1_iyb386z wrote

Fine you got me to read the article.

Police won’t say why they drug tested them but it probably has something to do with not eating between noon and the next morning. There are also lots of chores, silence, alone time for months, meth is really cheap, and they’re not supposed to look at women.


Venerablemom t1_iyb3b3t wrote

One of the Buddhist precepts - of which bikkhus (monks and nuns) vows are made - include not taking intoxicants that cloud the mind. It’s part of the vows the monks make to Lord Buddha, their sangha, their communities, and themselves - in addition to apparently being illegal in general.


Getdeded t1_iybkpbb wrote

I’m not sure an article can come close to defining a concept like enlightenment, especially a non scientific one. At least not until we fully understand consciousness.


AceValentine t1_iyc6kpx wrote

When I was younger I went to school with a guy who would sell meth/glass in small bulk (like 20 oz. a week) to an elder type person in the amish community in Shipshewana, IN. every week. The guy would literally show up to the McDonald's parking lot in a horse and buggy. He apparently would distribute it to another amish community as well as his own. How else do you think they are constructing a barn or house in a single day?


oceanicfeels t1_iycp084 wrote

then what is the definition? more specifically, what is the experience? can you show it to me or another person? can you induce it experientially? what is it not? are you enlightened? do you have first hand experience? is it temporary or is it permanent?

who are you apart from your thoughts? do thoughts completely encapsulate or define reality as it is? is reality fixed or is it constantly changing? where exactly do these words you are reading, occur? on your phone? in your mind? where do your thoughts come from, what is their ultimate source? do you think your thoughts, do you decide what to think and what not to?

really investigate here. don't half ass this.


Getdeded t1_iyd5u8d wrote

Well since there’s no real definition that leaves room for people to come up with their own. My interpretation of what the definition would be based on some small knowledge of the subject is that you are in a permanent state of complete contentedness, without the need or desire for anything other than basic survival. I am not enlightened, no one who says they are either. Having the need to express to other people that you are enlightened seems like an ego driven need to me. I could see it as somewhere in the realm of complete control of the unconscious from the conscious mind. It seems like the type of thing that needs to be maintained but once attained maintenance would be second nature. It seems like it would just be how you are now, after years of progressively going in that direction. Imo your thoughts are a sort of range of options fed to the conscious mind from the unconscious based on perception and experience. As to what started the immortal life entity which in my mind is synonymous with consciousness and intelligence that has replicated itself to the point we are now, I’m not sure. But ultimately that’s where thoughts came from, I read a thing about how some theoretical physicists think consciousness could be a different dimension.


feizhai t1_iyd7er8 wrote

i was in Genting Highlands casino and saw 3 thai monks walking around - truly wtf