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pegothejerk t1_iv24tsx wrote

Musk is the same narcissistic sociopathic fat cat all the political cartoons depicted throughout history, always has been. At least he told everyone instead of trying to continue pretending he’s a liberal progressive.


radicalelation t1_iv25d74 wrote

I mean... We keep hitting the same cycles of self abuse as a species. We always love these guys until we realize they're hurting all of us.


calm_chowder t1_iv2wn06 wrote

There's something about power itself that attracts the cartoonishly evil.


Radiant-Dress1423 t1_iv5p09q wrote

Renewable energy tech. Only guy who connects conservatives and climate action.

Tell us your plan what you'll do if your govt can't fund you for providing satellite service but sends 40b to corrupt politicians
