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Daredevilspaz t1_iv8zad7 wrote

I'm sure Putin will see a protest in a country he does not lead , has not had strong diplomatic ties or preassure from and completely decide to capitulate.


ItFromDawes t1_iv8zrl1 wrote

The protestors are complaining about their own government sending weapons to Ukraine. They rather push for negotiations.


COMPUTER1313 OP t1_iv92x1r wrote

> They rather push for negotiations.

Negotiations only work when one side has no intentions of breaking a deal less than 24 hours after signing it:

> Barely 12 hours after Moscow signed a deal with Ukraine to allow monitored grain exports from Ukraine’s southern ports, Russia targeted Ukraine’s main port of Odesa – through which grain shipments would take place – with cruise missile strikes.


Flash635 t1_iv983eb wrote

The only negotiation is for Russia to pull out , go back home and mind their own business.


COMPUTER1313 OP t1_iv98ie3 wrote

Funny thing is, Putin could have kept the DPR/LPR and Crimea gains, had he not pulled a "We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down” on Ukraine.


Flash635 t1_iv98lv1 wrote

He was on a roll after Crimea and Georgia. It was just like old times.


COMPUTER1313 OP t1_iv8zmw3 wrote

The protestors were calling for Italy to stop shipping weapons to Ukraine as part of their demand for peace.