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Tricamtech t1_ixem7ai wrote

This photo alone is all you need to understand the perspective of police these days. Sad that we’ve gotten to this place as a society.


dingoselfies t1_ixemf04 wrote

Note how the article and statements all refer to the Officers as mere employees.


Thomasnaste420 t1_ixeo5he wrote

I wonder how many months the authorities would “investigate” me if I was caught on video violently beating someone. I’m guessing it would not be months

The special treatment continues.


f0rits3lf t1_ixevmo1 wrote

The victim had turned himself in because he was having a mental health episode. He wasn't even a criminal or being charged with anything. And this is what he recieved for seeking to protect himself and the other's around him. Disgusting.


samijanetheplain t1_ixeydct wrote

It's not all cops guys I swear the system is fine it's just a few bad apples guys please /s


texas-playdohs t1_ixf0xub wrote

My hometown. Also, why I live 2,400 miles away.


magic_gun t1_ixf1uao wrote

I count five guys in there.


way2manychickens t1_ixf2of1 wrote

Unless you have insurance, finding a place to take you in as a mental health patient is slim. You have to qualify for Medicaid (or insurance that covers mental health care), facilities need to have an open bed (which are scarce in some cities and states). I only know this because I took a friend having a mental health crisis to the hospital. Took many hours to find a bed, AND she had to qualify for Medicaid before they'd admit her. It's crazy.

Edit to add: the emergency department at a hospital will take you in to evaluate. But they can't admit an unstable psych patient into their regular patient rooms for a psychiatric issue. It's a danger to the other admitted patients and staff. They can only admit to a hospital with a psych ward (again, most hospitals do not have a psych ward which is why beds are hard to come by). Psych hospitals are set up very different from a standard hospital to protect staff, other patients, and themselves.


mces97 t1_ixf58sh wrote

Is battery of an inmate a felony? I hope it is.


Bonezmahone t1_ixf5iqn wrote

Who’s the fourth guy in the video who was beating the inmate? Why wasnt he charged?


Bonezmahone t1_ixf5qev wrote

The fifth guy was genuinely trying to calm the others. One of the rare good apples imo. The fourth guy… fuck him, he needs to be named and arrested along with the other 3.


Ducksaucenem t1_ixfdd8a wrote

Anytime you are in an open public space (for example, most public roads, public parks, and public beaches) where other individuals can witness what is happening, you can record the police as long as you are not interfering with police activity.


Redfish680 t1_ixffhmv wrote

Coming soon to a testimony near you: “It’s not who I am.” Just watch…


Hall-Double t1_ixg6rta wrote

Appalling to watch, poor kid ......


s_devasto t1_ixg8xif wrote

Is the victim's name Earl Hickey?


Krewtan t1_ixgbuxu wrote

I don't get why you're being down voted. For all the lip service we pay to mental health, people in actual crisis often have 0 available resources. Outside of a police shooting/beating, that is.


Mr_NeCr0 t1_ixgtrfc wrote

I thought something was up when even the military folks were saying that place was a shithole, compared to the shitholes they grew up in. After moving to Denver, I'm honestly surprised I made it with my mind intact.


AustonsNostrils t1_ixhrhat wrote

I don't understand the question. I didn't say he deserved to be beat up, I was just pointing out that the article says he was already in jail. Very few people deserve to be beat up by the police.