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Available-Camera8691 t1_ixjnpo1 wrote

The coo was able to retire with benefits and found not guilty.

He murdered this man. You can watch the video for yourself.


HappySkullsplitter t1_ixjnxwx wrote

I am at a loss

This doesn't feel like justice was carried out at all


Small-Explorer7025 t1_ixjp2tm wrote

This is the best news I've heard in quite a while. I wish I had never seen that video. It is horrific and infuriating.

Next step is the criminals that killed him to be held accountable. Unlikely.


bubbles5810 t1_ixjph8q wrote

The cop needs to be paying this. Not the city.


timdogg24 t1_ixjqir4 wrote

There are a lot of videos of police murdering people in cold blood but this video always stuck out in my head. Fuck that cop.


TooLittleMSG t1_ixjqpp9 wrote

Phillip Brailsford is a murderer


JeepNaked t1_ixjr41m wrote

Cops are the enemy of the people. And Mesa cops are the worst of the worst.


FinalVegetable6314 t1_ixjrmic wrote

I remember this one. Tough to watch a man forced to crawl and get shot down like that. Horrible


bubbles5810 t1_ixjruk0 wrote

Not only does the city’s taxpayer have to pay this settlement they’re paying for a pension to Philip Brailsford, the cop that got hired for one day, after he killed Daniel, so he could collect a pension.


TheMeanGirl t1_ixjs85d wrote

Good his family got some compensation, but the officers really need prison time.


Equal_Artichoke_4391 t1_ixjsm7t wrote

The cop who did this is a murderer … hope he rots in hell. Thank God, the Internet has memory, and this will follow him around the rest of his life


ruiner8850 t1_ixjsuai wrote

Yup, the guy was literally crying and begging for his life, but the subhuman piece of shit cop decided he was going to murder him anyway. This wasn't a case of a coward cop being terrified of an unharmed person, this was a cop who specifically wanted to murder a person for no reason. It's insane and shameful that he's not spending the rest of his life in prison.


Fucknutssss t1_ixjtxaz wrote

Crazy that the cop still lives in Mesa


danccbc t1_ixjtys1 wrote

Congratulations taxpayers


personalkreep t1_ixjuekl wrote

It sucks that the city pays for this and by extension the taxpayers, but good for his family.


mp9875 t1_ixjuinu wrote

I saw the video of this man getting murdered. This x-cop, Phillip Brailsford, is a human scum and deserves to rot in prison.


[deleted] t1_ixjve5x wrote

The disgusting prick that murdered him should've been charged accordingly.

Instead he was able to leave his job with a pension and the full support of the city government.

Fuck him and fuck the city of Mesa.


elukavics t1_ixjvzy1 wrote

I'm happy that at least his kids will have some financial stability.

This shit was murder.


[deleted] t1_ixjw42y wrote

I remember seeing this body cam footage, shit like this is why I’ll never trust or rely on police for my own safety, $8 million still doesn’t bring the man back.


MontyPorygon t1_ixjw4ev wrote

Does that include the officer destroying his beloved custom AR15?


r0botdevil t1_ixjwsfv wrote

This just reminded me that Phillip Brailsford is still alive, which completely ruined my day.


jkells1986 t1_ixjx045 wrote

8 million for what happened does not seem like enough.


edeolivita t1_ixjymuo wrote

God for his family.

Let's hope Philip Brailsford go to jail for murder someday.


yellekc t1_ixjz0rw wrote

I think everyone should watch it. It's important to have those feelings and come to grips with the evil officers police departments hire and protect. Watching the video is so much more impactful than just hearing about it.


international862_ t1_ixk09pf wrote

Evil murderers Philip Brailsford and Charles Langley must be sent to prison. NOW. Life with NO CHANCE OF PAROLE. Drag that rat fucker Langley out of his “retirement” in the philippines and force him to ANSWER FOR HIS CRIMES.


joan_wilder t1_ixk22bj wrote

>The failure and injustice of Daniel Shaver’s killing and the resulting sham criminal trial, which made a mockery of the notion of Justice predictably ended in no conviction and to this day casts an ugly shadow over this settlement.

That’s $8M that the citizens of Mesa could have invested in police training, housing the homeless, paying cops more so they can attract higher quality candidates, feeding poor children… anything else.

Cops should pay for their own mistakes, not the communities that are already being harmed by their mistakes. Cops need to be required to carry malpractice insurance, just like any other professionals that make decisions that can mean life or death for the public. And when their mistakes make it too expensive or too difficult to find insurance, they can go flip burgers or hang drywall or something.


JGyllenhaals t1_ixk2xjs wrote

If this were a truly just society.


Jicaar t1_ixk59gm wrote

The fact he wasn't found guilty of murder blows my mind. Fuck him


AtheismTooStronk t1_ixkdrc2 wrote

Just remember Phillip, who deserves worse than retirement, was not the one giving out the commands leading to the most morbid game of Simon Says ever.

His CO deserved to go down for this just as much as Brailsford did.


Gary_Glidewell t1_ixkhp92 wrote

> You mean Philip Brailsford, the murderer, who got a 31k annual pension out of it?

To put this in perspective:

Brailsford gets that pension until the day he dies. If he lives to an old age, that's about 50 years.

50 years x $31,000 per year = $1,550,000

Quite a payday for killing someone.


Bob_the_peasant t1_ixkk0g3 wrote

Between the shady shit that goes on at Boeing in Mesa and the Mesa PD, I don’t know why anyone would want to live anywhere in that city

I hope Philip chokes on his pension


AlwaysTimeForQ t1_ixkk1ok wrote

Not entirely the jury's fault, the judge dis-allowed evidence at the trial. Little things, you know, such as the fact that Brailsford had the words "YOU'RE FUCKED" machined onto the cover of the ejection port on his rifle.


Past_Entrepreneur658 t1_ixko9jo wrote

All lawsuits won from cops committing crimes should be paid from police pension funds. Maybe the cops would stop behaving badly. Blatantly committing crimes others would spend years behind bars for committing.


DJSkullblaster t1_ixkp10p wrote

Who is just as responsible for his death as Phillip Brailsford, his aggressive non-sensical commands were effectively mental torture, berating their victim before they executed him.

They should both receive the same treatment.


CrockTop t1_ixkpddg wrote

Horrifying and this keeps happening all the time... Hope the family gets some peace.


Mycos_kinda_cyco t1_ixkpq8s wrote

Fucking cops should owe me 8 million dollars just for having watched the video of them murdering that man.


thehoot79 t1_ixkruk5 wrote

How this cop wasn’t convicted blows my mind. There’s no way you can watch that video and call that shooting justified. The guy’s face down on the floor and you continue yelling at him instead of just handcuffing him and getting it over with.


isekai-cheeese t1_ixkz1p1 wrote

its up to the streets now for philip, the murder.


ApprehensivePirate36 t1_ixl16f0 wrote

"The detective investigating the shooting agreed during the trial that Shaver's movement was similar to reaching for a pistol, but said it also looked as though Shaver was pulling up his loose-fitting basketball shorts that had fallen down as he crawled. The investigator noted he didn't see anything that would have prevented officers from simply handcuffing Shaver as he was on the floor." Shaver was told if he "make a mistake, we will shoot you.." that power tripping cop couldn't wait to pull the trigger! Fuck!!! That was so disturbing to watch! I live in Mesa, knew of the story, but hadn't seen the video. That was straight up murder.


TMDSB t1_ixl1h94 wrote

One of the most disturbing videos I ever watched. Shocked this wasn’t a bigger national story and I pretty much only knew about it through reddit.


Adventurous_Aerie_79 t1_ixl31nz wrote

Shooter and city of mesa police leadership should all be in prison for the way they conducted this "investigation" so maliciously and illegally. And Shavers killer deserves death for murder.


yellekc t1_ixl3x50 wrote

Yeah, it's a hard video to watch. But glad you did. We need to see this and have a conversation about how police are protected from their crimes.

The gunman's dad was a police sergeant. He had prior complaints of excessive force. He is a POS murderer and the department protected him.

After the trail they hired him for less than 2 months only to discharge him for "PTSD" and now are paying his pension due to disability. The officer was 26 when this happened and will get that money for life. No jail, no consequences, just $2500 a month.

I was blown away that it wasn't a bigger story nationally. I only found out on Reddit. Even the news of this settlement is only being covered locally.


Balgat1968 t1_ixlacxg wrote

Where is the NRA? This is an open carry state. He is in his room. Where in the 2nd Amendment does it say you can’t point a gun out a window? He didn’t even discharge the weapon. What part of Shall not be infringed” don’t you understand ?


oss1215 t1_ixldjbb wrote

Okay not american here so i wanted to ask. Do people who get these settelments have the IRS come after their settlement ? Cause idk feels like it would be a dick move from the IRS to do in that situation


Visitor363738 t1_ixmhzj6 wrote

Can anyone tell me what Daniel shaver was wanted for? Or why the police were there?


NJS_Stamp t1_ixmj9uj wrote

He also sued (and won) extra money for his “”PTSD”” and mental anguish, as well as sued to keep his service weapon (the one inscribed with “youre fucked” on the dust cover.


fall3nmartyr t1_ixmn9g7 wrote

Now all they do is have to find the A-Team


Good-Duck t1_ixmonzu wrote

That video was so disturbing. Fuck those cops. I hope they never get a moment of peace and have a lifetime of horrible luck.


shortyXI t1_ixmruu0 wrote

They deserved more and these juries full of ‘law and order’ fans who ignorantly see the police as unwavering “good guys” have obv gotta be avoided but that’s a serious challenge in any conservative state.


CaptainDifferent8562 t1_ixn30zx wrote

It was a horrible and unbelievable thing to see on local TV. The victim was on his knees begging them not to shoot him. He was executed, period. How some people were able to justify this is awful.


creimanlllVlll t1_ixn63sy wrote

Another city pays for police killings. If these fines came out of their pension funds. This kind of crime would never happen again.


Toyake t1_ixp97fo wrote

Yeah but let’s be real, a deep red city like Mesa isn’t going to spend money on housing, homeless people, feeding children or literally anything positive.


grinch1225 t1_ixpcmwl wrote

This was easily one of the most heinous police executions I’ve ever seen on body camera


BostonUniStudent t1_iy3z2bg wrote

And I've seen cases where cops shoot an armed bank robber. It's debatable whether there was real fear... This was different. This was a totally innocent man, completely unarmed, complying with the officers commands.

The officer was asking him to do some physically difficult tasks. Like shimmy around without your arms. And his pants were falling down.


BostonUniStudent t1_iy3za1g wrote

And the man who was murdered was completely innocent of any wrongdoing. It's not like this was stopping a fugitive criminal or anything. An unarmed innocent man murdered execution style in his hotel.