[deleted] t1_ivn5j8a wrote
mces97 t1_ivnf5zf wrote
My friend was in a fraternity that was known for having "nerdier" people. I mean they had party's but I don't think they were about the worst things you hear about Greek life. Like I know when they pledged they didn't have to chug a keg, do really crazy shit. He said it was more real bonding and team building stuff. So, yeah, there's some.
v3ritas1989 t1_ivoej9a wrote
Now, for your pledge you need to finish this algoriths within the next 24 hours and deploy it to production. Afterwards we will have a code review!
[deleted] t1_ivofois wrote
TheNormalAlternative t1_ivqdhf3 wrote
I was in a Jewish fraternity at Cornell about 15 years ago...
Our claim to fame was that we had the best combined GPA of any fraternity on campus for 4 semesters straight until my dumb ass helped end the streak. We had parties but nothing outrageous - my own frat even "wrote me up" for smoking weed at a party because they were so strict.
We were never forced to consumer alcohol against our will but one night they went to a convenience store and bought one of every food item that cost $3 or less and we as a group had to consume it all. And that is how I invented cheese-pickle-mayo sandwiches wrapped in seaweed sushi paper.
mces97 t1_ivqv9bl wrote
> until my dumb ass helped end the streak.
And then your parents said, "This is why you never became a doctor. Oy Vey!
TheNormalAlternative t1_ivqwc6l wrote
Never wanted to be a doctor! But I'm a lawyer now so they're satisfied.
mces97 t1_ivrbwga wrote
Lol. I'm applying to PA school in January. I did want to be a doctor, went back, got a biology degree. Then a bunch of family issues happened. Had to put that on hold. I'm too old to do medical school, don't want all that debt. I'll essentially be a doctor-light as a PA and be done in 2 years, and maybe 1 year sub specialty. 🙏
TheNormalAlternative t1_ivrfs9a wrote
I had a few friends go through PA school and I know it can be tougher than med school since it's so much more condensed. Good luck!
[deleted] t1_ivpcsy1 wrote
Cicero912 t1_ivnp4es wrote
Schools that actually regulate and actually punish them.
I know at my school if you do anything fucked up at any of the frats (at least the recognized ones, but also generally the unrecognized frats aswell) you are immediately banned from every other frat.
Wolfram_And_Hart t1_ivotyb7 wrote
Yes. We had a good time. We would not have tolerated any of those shenanigans. Not all frats are Social Fraternities and not all schools encourage “Tradirional Greek Culture”.
M_H_M_F t1_ivot7b8 wrote
Across the hill in Ithaca, Ithaca College for the most part banned greek life barring a few performance based ones as in, performing arts. They were also regulated by staff to hell and back. In the end it really kind of was just like any other extra curricular club at that point with the difference being that sometiems they'd perform.
HotMessExpress96 t1_ivob6km wrote
Yeah there were a couple at my school.
[deleted] t1_ivn5q9b wrote
[deleted] t1_ivn6xkp wrote
[deleted] t1_ivn8ios wrote
[deleted] t1_ivn8jfl wrote
[deleted] t1_ivr5kh3 wrote
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