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Bunkerman91 t1_iyadejz wrote

This fucking hurt to read. Its the reason I changed careers and got into tech.

If you end up studying Environmental Science you wind up in a place where you realize that you can't actually save the world because nobody wants to foot the bill, but now you're just a whole lot better at recognizing the signs that it's dying. It's depressing as fuck.


Xerlith t1_iyaluy7 wrote

That’s where I am, yeah. About a semester away from getting my MS, and I genuinely have no hope for the future of the world. Based on everything I’ve learned and seen, we’re hellbent on causing the extinction of ourselves and as much of the rest of life on this planet as we can. We simply won’t change anything until the food stops growing and there are no fish left in the sea. I don’t know if there are even twenty years left to go on this train crash.

But I can get paid to do work in a canoe sometimes, so that’s something. The best way I’ve heard it summed up is this: “My five-year plan is to spend time with my friends and tell them I love them.”


wallawalla_ t1_iyef91t wrote

I did the same thing: studied env. science for my bachelors, but went back and did another two semesters to get a physics degree, and am now doing data analysis/science about as far from Env. Studies topics as I can get.