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OrganicDroid t1_iyadwt1 wrote

Let me tell you how their habitat is protected under the Endangered Species Act - it’s really not. Oh, of course you can’t kill the bats while they are in the tree, you just wait till they’re [likely] gone to take down the tree. Potential habitat is still destroyed.

It’s weak regulation, in my opinion. I deal with these matters all the time and know it doesn’t go far enough.


flyfishinjax t1_iyd5aes wrote

Yea pretty much. It's only protected if it's a known habitat, and in the case of trees, which for NLEB are only used by females in the warmer months as maternity roosts, the service was just recommending that tree clearing acticities be conducted within the winter months and outside something like a 150-ft buffer of known hibernacula. I'm curious if the change in status will lead to that recommendation becoming a requirement, but even then I believe the agency is only involved if a federal nexus like permitting or grant funding comes into play, they aren't actively monitoring private development. At least that's my understanding of it.