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nova9001 t1_ivoflz5 wrote


mrnotoriousman t1_ivqidee wrote

Did no one read the article?

> Carly Morris told relatives three years ago that she was planning to travel to Saudi Arabia for a brief period so that her eight-year-old daughter could meet her paternal grandfather. However, Morris then became locked in a years-long struggle to take her young daughter back out of the kingdom over the objections of her Saudi ex-husband.


elezhope t1_ivr2rqr wrote

What exactly are you referring to. I don't see how this conflicts with what they commented?


AnarchyinGroland t1_ivtt93h wrote

>She thought Americans had rights in SA.

When you say it this way that sound stupid.


TonyJZX t1_ivozqjx wrote

well America is a vassal state of Saudi Arabia so that kind of checks out...


AnarchyinGroland t1_ivttdzj wrote

>well America is a vassal state of Saudi Arabia so that kind of checks out...

Lawl. I'd rather say some US politicians are Saudi's bitches.


[deleted] t1_ivohrnd wrote



mrnotoriousman t1_ivqiftn wrote

Try reading the article next time instead of being a jackwagon


MaxMouseOCX t1_ivolbk7 wrote

American tourists screaming about their "rights" whilst not on American soil never fails to make me laugh; I'm not sure why they think their laws apply everywhere, maybe that's how they're brought up?


BBsmoothLSD t1_ivopitd wrote

Hahah yeah people thinking they have rights, how hilarious… Glad you get a chuckle out of kidnapping :)


MaxMouseOCX t1_ivowysc wrote

No no, it's funny that people think they have the rights of the country they're from... In a completely different country. Kidnap isn't funny, but then... I don't really know wtf she expected to happen.


MECHA_DRONE_PRIME t1_ivpa8a0 wrote

She expected her autonomy as an adult woman who is free from her former husband would be respected, just as it would be in any western society. Try getting that through that skull of yours.


MaxMouseOCX t1_ivpg8o9 wrote

>She expected her autonomy

Why would she do that knowing where she's travelling, that's stupid. Know the dangers of where you're going, what she did is like swimming with sharks whilst covered in blood.

>just as it would be in any western society.

Narator: it isn't a western society, see even you have the problem I just described above and said it was hilarious.. It really is.

>Try getting that through that skull of yours.

Are you... Mentally compromised?


Karenomegas t1_ivpc48l wrote

But she traveled to the Kingdom of Saud. I wouldn't go there as a visibly trans person. Women aren't exactly much higher on the chain so to speak. They are just saying, we don't all get a black hawk down for traveling.


MaxMouseOCX t1_ivpgfos wrote

I'm a white, straight male, but I'm an atheist... I wouldn't go there either so, I hope you take this in good spirit "neither of us pass there".

Plus I'm English, everyone hates us anyway lol. Here's life on hard mode, we both travel there, I'll wear some obnoxious atheist stuff on a tshirt, and you travel as my unmarried date.. Recon we could talk our way out of it?


Karenomegas t1_ivph7hw wrote

I like to think there's an assumption of that lovely colonizer cash to the countries that host at least. Definitely notice a shift in dynamics in some places over others just the same. Also, hang in there, I dont envy your local ride either. Wild times.


Satrina_petrova t1_ivoxqvv wrote

"maybe that's how they're brought up?"

Yeah, that's basically it.

In my experience,most people are brought up with the knowledge that we all have basic inalienable human rights.

Sadly we are not well educated enough to understand that those rights are not enforced in every country.

We're taught that everyone is basically the same, because we are all human after all, and so we assume that other humans will treat us as humans, just as we would them in our country. This is a dangerous assumption but I'm not going to victim blame.

I am going to advocate for transparency and education so no one else has to go through this terrible ordeal.


MaxMouseOCX t1_ivp5zil wrote

Can't disagree with anything you've said here... But the world is dangerous, and living in a little bubble and trying to take it with you wherever you go is a recipe for disaster.

I can't talk much I'm English, I'm sure im naieve in some respects too.


galactic_punt t1_ivonsxa wrote

Unfortunately, a lot of American business logic is that you should just give problematic customers what they want and our civics courses either leave something to be desired or don't exist in a lot of schools.

This engenders complete fucking morons who think "free speech" means they can just say whatever the fuck they want and nobody's allowed to tell them to be quiet.


MaxMouseOCX t1_ivowpmf wrote

Yea that's pretty much what we see from the outside looking in, I get it, but it's still quite funny to behold.


tommybutters t1_ivom0pd wrote

I'll never forget the confused woman in a Japan travel group on FB back in 2019 who couldn't seem to wrap her head around the fact she'd need to exchange money and places don't just all take American dollars.
