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pegothejerk t1_ix1z4f8 wrote

Which begs the question, does it taste good?


Endeavor305 t1_ix1zewu wrote

It's not the first time It's been sighted in 140 years. It's the first time It's been sighted by someone who knew what it was looking at.


Kilvayne t1_ix209qf wrote

It is a shame they couldn't have sighted it in GIF. Then we would have been able to see it walk around and stuff!


90swasbest t1_ix209re wrote

Extinction round 2 coming up!

Humanity is undefeated.


My_Penbroke t1_ix20asx wrote

Spotted, and promptly shot and cooked. It was delicious.


zephyy t1_ix219mr wrote

Don't see the big deal, it's just an image format.


PMzyox t1_ix27adi wrote

Maybe that’s the real conspiracy. What % of people know what they look like and would have been like “by golly, I believe that’s the long extinct black naped pheasant-pigeon over there”? Thinking it’s probably a low percentage, at least for the last 140 years.


gaberax t1_ix2bpdi wrote

Where the fuck you been?


lateforcourt t1_ix2c257 wrote

This was not on my 2022 bingo card.


toodleoo57 t1_ix2d3sm wrote

Holding out hope for ivory billed woodpecker. 👍


CritaCorn t1_ix2fkfe wrote

Future Article: PNG spotted for the first time in 140 years


endodaze t1_ix2nqtl wrote

That clip of them watching the playback was wholesome af.


PuellaBona t1_ix2pwyi wrote

While the photographs may have been saved in a png format, the bird was sighted in Papa New Guinea.


IAmTheClayman t1_ix2qm1w wrote

Good. They were really obnoxious going on and on about .TIFF


apenature t1_ix2tnlw wrote

PNG = Papua New Guinea


Hall-Double t1_ix2v1x3 wrote

This is wonderful, instead of on the verge of extinction.


MothBallInspector t1_ix349qi wrote

If you want to smile lookup the video of the photo being captured and shown. An excitement that isn’t often seen.


thorkun t1_ix38obv wrote

Thank you, I fucking hate when people expect everyone to know a non-universal acronym. Especially when you can't just google it, googling PNG does absolutely nothing.


Spudtron98 t1_ix391ux wrote

PNG is such a difficult place to traverse that I’m not surprised that this thing could go missing for a century.


Burnrate t1_ix3bti7 wrote

Just because you converted it from a jpg doesn't mean it's news worthy


treebeardsUncle t1_ix3dyen wrote

Don't worry, y'all, someone will shoot it soon.


vh1classicvapor t1_ix3i1cs wrote

Do I look like I know what a PNG is? I just want a picture of a got dang pheasant!


MrDeckard t1_ix3sf63 wrote

Call me when it's a bitmap I'm an insufferable hipster


thxsocialmedia t1_ix3ttud wrote

I dunno, did you see the earlier video of the scientists when they first realized they caught its image? I believe people were really looking hard for this thing. Anybody less lazy who might provide a link?


mirepoix1 t1_ix40yib wrote

Will probably taste like chicken


moeburn t1_ix44dkw wrote

> Better image than JPEG

Only for straight clean lines like digital graphics. Not for gradients like natural photography, JPG is still superior there.


wolfofoakley t1_ix4cdul wrote

Things like this is why I can see some people hope other creatures (like the tasmanian tiger) are also just hiding in small populations


cmVkZGl0 t1_ix4n5w3 wrote

Jpeg is still old as hell. It needs to die! They have come out with numerous replacements for it but none of them seem to catch on... It seems that with all digital consumer technology, you better get it right the first time because nobody will give a shit after (only hope is somebody like apple Google etc start using).


klone_free t1_ix5a7d0 wrote

Thank God all I could find them in was jpg


AztecWhistle9989 t1_ix9ce65 wrote

Thylacine and Ivory Billed Woodpeckers are next hopefully. Thylacine are rumored to be hiding out in PNG.