Ma3vis t1_iycu6za wrote
Just wait until you hear about the LDS Mormon church, it's practices, and all it's federal employees. Not to mention that it runs as a top-down authority organization so everyone takes orders from their leadership.
Take for example Mitt Romney's homeland security record In Massachusetts: domestic spying, wiretapping, the Utah 2002 Olympic bribery scandal, the Bain capitol scandal and so on.
[deleted] t1_iycy27o wrote
Background_Dream_920 t1_iyd0e29 wrote
And the entire state ran completely by that church. Plain as day in front of everyone and no one seems to give a shit.
PlayfulParamedic2626 t1_iyd467z wrote
Corruption is rewarded In Colorado.
It’s a requirement to be hired as aurora police chief.
Arvada too.
[deleted] t1_iyd7urz wrote
[deleted] t1_iydadai wrote
ridge_runner123 t1_iydtma5 wrote
Wait a minute...are you telling me people in law enforcement are crooked?
[deleted] t1_iydx6l0 wrote
RatKing_Spaghetti t1_iydxocz wrote
It needs to be dealt with on a federal level or it will only get worse.
Artanthos t1_iye06wj wrote
Democracy allows for the freedom to vote whoever you want into power.
If the people of the state agree with the current leadership, then Democracy is working as intended.
[deleted] t1_iye0brt wrote
Artanthos t1_iye0pmv wrote
This is akin to pointing at one black drug dealer and saying all blacks are criminals.
Neither it true, and you should not judge an entire category of people by the actions of a handful of individuals.
Most federal employees would be horrified at the prospect of taking a bribe.
[deleted] t1_iyees4u wrote
isadog420 t1_iyefoqy wrote
At least this one got prosecuted.
TheCatapult t1_iyefx1y wrote
Obviously not all or even most of them. Otherwise, this guy wouldn’t have been investigated, charged, convicted, and sentenced to federal prison.
katieleehaw t1_iyeidlt wrote
Whoever, not "whatever religion you want gets to become the state."
putoelquelolea t1_iyejyi8 wrote
Ma3vis's point was that there is an ever-increasing number of Mormons in the federal government, which is a point of concern when several have proven themselves to be more loyal to their church that to the constitution
SeaGreened t1_iyenuh8 wrote
So... You didn't read the headline?
[deleted] t1_iyepe68 wrote
APigNamedLucy t1_iyeq31v wrote
Did that organized crime guys name rhyme with Ronald Phrump?
JMaboard t1_iyeulio wrote
Just wait until you hear about crooked politicians, judges, and lawyers.
PurpleLink739 t1_iyew7v1 wrote
So Kingstown mayor is based on real life?
[deleted] t1_iycmgm1 wrote