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noweirdosplease t1_ivwesxi wrote

Just move over there, it seems they need workers


ButterflyAttack t1_ivx8vi8 wrote

We're desperate for workers but many people - and most of the government - are strongly against migrant workers because we seem to be trying to fuck our economy.


noweirdosplease t1_ivxg7wr wrote

That's an oof, I'm an American with a spotless criminal record who always wanted to see England (even if temporarily)


ButterflyAttack t1_ivxsuag wrote

Mate, if I were in charge you'd be welcome. But if I were in charge we wouldn't have left the EU either. Whatever people tell you, a lot of the motivation behind brexit was xenophobia and a desire to stop immigration. Fuck the fact that migrant workers are essential to parts of our economy, and the brexit voters were largely elderly people who certainly weren't going to fill the job vacancies created.

But I've met a fair few Americans working in England, so it can be done. And we're pretty welcoming to tourists. The pound isn't doing well against the dollar recently so it may be a good time to visit if you can afford to. Drop me a msg if you do and I'll show you some great English pubs!


AustinLurkerDude t1_ivy7u11 wrote

Last time I checked if you have a master's degree from university in USA or specific categories of skills you can get permit to work there. However the salaries are TERRIBLE. Not worth it.


noweirdosplease t1_ivys67y wrote

I don't have that...I'd be trying for something minimum wage like working at a tourist attraction