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sugar_addict002 t1_ivyavni wrote

A functioning healthcare system is not welfare. The decline of the UK will be from its wealthy. You should stop spreading rich people's propaganda. It's nonsense.


Ok_Vacation3128 t1_ivyiekc wrote

The healthcare system in the UK is pretty exceptional. I moved to the US a few years ago and would love for you to try and tell a poor person here struggling with insurance that it isn’t welfare.

But that’s besides the point. The wealthy aren’t “killing the UK”. It’s lack of productivity is. The number of hours worked is in decline, and has still not got back to pre-Covid levels. Businesses do not want to operate in a country with rubbish trade deals, murky future prospects and a population missing the skills they need. Oh, and a bunch of people with their heads so far up their asses about what they “deserve”. Covids just the latest excuse; Brexit was the start of the decline and 51% of the population voted for that. Far more than the 1% you’d like to blame.


sugar_addict002 t1_ivypj2f wrote

UK's healthcare system is lagging and will get worse a its population ages. am mostly referring to long term care of the aged.

Productivity gains from increased tech has been accruing to owners and not rewarding the workers. This productivity decrease you noted is just a reallocation of the benefits to the underpaid and very deserved worker class.

It is good to remember that business does not make the world go around. It is how we finance the world going around.

I do agree with you on Brexit. This was a white man's folly. UK racists voted for it because they believed the UK would deport all the others. Brexit will cost UK much.