Submitted by MrsSynchronie t3_z44wlx in news
dyxlesic_fa t1_ixpc49v wrote
Facts don't matter, we wanna dunk on Elon!
Kie723 t1_ixpci07 wrote
Seat belt issues sound more like hardware to me
[deleted] t1_ixpcpgj wrote
dak-sm t1_ixpdbr0 wrote
Disagree if the software updates are addressing safety issues. People need to know what areas of auto safety are compromised and have required patching - even if the “recall” is done transparently to the user.
[deleted] t1_ixpdhds wrote
Pokerhobo t1_ixpdygv wrote
Most of these are already fixed by over the air update while Ford just recalled more than 500k for fire risk
[deleted] t1_ixpe74r wrote
tr3v1n t1_ixpex7i wrote
If GM sold bad brakes but they hired teams of brake gremlins to swap them out overnight without you knowing, what should that process be called?
drewskidrew77 t1_ixpf229 wrote
There are many recalls that should have been released with Tesla vehicles such as the ground stud issue.
But due to internal training to service advisors to not word work orders using certain phrasing and words Tesla will never be forced to recall them.
Ground stud and door handles were the big 2 we were told to never mention on work orders
ragegravy t1_ixpf9r0 wrote
Tesla’s recall efforts are mounting.
stop spreading misinformation
their recall rates aren’t worse than other manufacturers:
[deleted] t1_ixpfdeg wrote
tr3v1n t1_ixpfjc2 wrote
It is about the flawed product and not the fix.
[deleted] t1_ixpfwxt wrote
tr3v1n t1_ixpgcpw wrote
I’ve literally worked on software regulated by governmental bodies like the FDA. In a safety critical thing, it doesn’t matter what the source of the flaw is or how it is fixed. The only people I’ve seen bothered by the term are ones who seem worried about a negative perception of a certain brand of car that seems to need lots of software tweaks.
happyscrappy t1_ixphziu wrote
A recall is a campaign to rectify a safety defect.
Software issues count as much as anything else. It means the car has a safety defect and you should be sure to get the fix on your car. Whether through software update or otherwise.
happyscrappy t1_ixpi1yp wrote
We have a word for a campaign to address a safety defect:
So how about instead of everyone else starts saying something different you learn the meaning of the word?
[deleted] t1_ixpj6rv wrote
[deleted] t1_ixpjb91 wrote
Kie723 t1_ixpk0lk wrote
What about the 100000+ for semiconductor faults?
[deleted] t1_ixpmc3d wrote
[deleted] t1_ixpozva wrote
nachojackson t1_ixpq5ql wrote
Oh yeah; can just patch that faulty seatbelt over the air.
for2fly t1_ixpr1bl wrote
Sounds like the makings of a profitable-to-you whistleblower report to the NHTSA.
dyxlesic_fa t1_ixpseuy wrote
Facts don't matter. We wanna dunk on Elon!
rotthing t1_ixpsz48 wrote
Actually I think they are dunking on the engineers at tesla considering Elon doesnt actually do anything of value to any company he is a part of.
souquemsabes t1_ixpv85x wrote
Electricity ?
Not in cars, but in music....
dasherchan t1_ixpxa2g wrote
My nephew's 12V electronic car is more reliable than Tesla.
LordOfTheTennisDance t1_ixpyy9r wrote
Ford just recalled 634,000 vehicles for fire issues.
GM: 2021 had 15+ world wide recalls. Unfortunately it's not easy to find a source that allows you to view all of GM's 2022 recalls but just by googling you will find out that in 2022 they recalled 340,000 on their SUVs, and there were many other recalls to address wide range of defects for some reason Sierra's kept coming up a lot so not sure what's going on there.
Toyota: in 2022 recalled all their newly released EVs because of fears that the wheels might come off. In general Toyota had something like 6 recalls and one even for a parking break issue.
Honda: in 2022 had 6+ recalls for driveshaft safety issues, wheel safety concerns, seats malfunction, and and seatbelt concerns
FCA: these guys are on a whole new level. In 2021, they recalled 1.2 million vehicles because of wheel issues...something about them becoming projectiles! Then another 1 million for engine issues. Year before that in 2019 they recalled over 4 million cars for software issues and the year before that wasn't much better as they recalled 700,000 cars. These are all single issue recalls, I bet you that if you took into account al the other smaller recalls then the numbers would be far worse.
Shitting on Tesla is easy and very "hip" thing to do, but the reality is that they simply get more publicity when there is a recall, the other guys however just fly under the radar.
[deleted] t1_ixq0jdw wrote
[deleted] t1_ixq1irl wrote
DBMS_LAH t1_ixq2b71 wrote
Add to it most of if not all tesla recalls have been simple OTA software updates from my driveway. Source: I own a tesla.
dyxlesic_fa t1_ixq2phl wrote
Ok bud. I'm sure that's why it's on r fucking news.
HenCarrier t1_ixq6k8d wrote
Mod it to 18v. It’s a lot of fun. I did 24v and the gearbox shredded. 18v was fine on the gearboxes for my kids.
[deleted] t1_ixq7xcd wrote
instantnet t1_ixq99gb wrote
Nice try reading, but those are remote software updates.
ChosmoKramer t1_ixq9zuw wrote
Also known as a recall.
Wubbatubz t1_ixqa6un wrote
Nice try using critical thinking skills but those are recalls
Honest_Palpitation91 t1_ixqb618 wrote
They aren’t that smart.
[deleted] t1_ixqbi0g wrote
[deleted] t1_ixqbjgi wrote
[deleted] t1_ixqckqt wrote
unverifiable_user t1_ixqdpwn wrote
Sucks that you are downvoted for simply stating fact. It’s just another symptom of “Are you on my side or their side?”
[deleted] t1_ixqfow0 wrote
Witty-Village-2503 t1_ixqfzcq wrote
I only ever hear about quality issues with Tesla's.
12343223454367 t1_ixqh817 wrote
Gotta love when our news source is now openly China. Cause we can trust them and they would never attempt to sway public opinion in a foreign country, right guys?….. guys?
stjornmala_junkie t1_ixqheqo wrote
I love comments like these, a dick being confidently incorrect
[deleted] t1_ixqhew9 wrote
[deleted] t1_ixqhgn7 wrote
AgentOrc t1_ixqhrfn wrote
I would rather have 3 OTA software updates than the recent Ford recall which can result in a fire starting within the engine.
AgentOrc t1_ixqhwy4 wrote
Critical thinking > group think
[deleted] t1_ixqigf5 wrote
[deleted] t1_ixqlc7w wrote
juggling-monkey t1_ixqlef7 wrote
Not sure why he's being down voted. I have a tesla and I have gotten recall letters. In them it specifically has a section labeoed "what you have to do" under that it says nothing needs to be done since the issues resulting in a recall will be fixed in an over the air update.
[deleted] t1_ixqn3i7 wrote
Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_ixqp0x3 wrote
Then I guess FSD is OK becuase it's doesn't matter how the public views terminology
genevrarose t1_ixqqwnb wrote
coming soon, subscribe to our "safety and peace of mind" plan which includes a working seat belt for only 99.99 a month!
[deleted] t1_ixqsmtg wrote
JRockPSU t1_ixqw10v wrote
It’s hip to shit on them. Every manufacturer runs into quality issues and recalls.
[deleted] t1_ixqx5ho wrote
[deleted] t1_ixr1hwx wrote
[deleted] t1_ixr2i3l wrote
[deleted] t1_ixr554m wrote
DanielCragon t1_ixr7yzr wrote
What was the issue with the door handles?
soldiernerd t1_ixr9a4s wrote
Here ya go - apparently 54 Fords have caught fire under the hood (!) but somehow it's not as big a deal as some OTA software updates Tesla is doing
twitch1982 t1_ixrfqhx wrote
There may be another, but theyre flush with the door until a servo pushes them out. If the battery has failed, such as in a battery fire, they dont pop out, and responders can't get you out of the car.
drewskidrew77 t1_ixrhkjz wrote
They didn't pull out in freezing temperatures. I mean even in normal temperatures they were prone to malfunction.
noncongruent t1_ixrk3x9 wrote
This is a huge problem with regular door handles as well, when the door is locked and emergency responders don't have a key to unlock the door, the door handles are mechanically disconnected from the door latch assembly and trying to operate the door handle to open a door doesn't work.
noncongruent t1_ixrkjh2 wrote
Ford just recalled 2,900 of their Lightning EV pickup truck because of a TPMS fault that could lead to tire failure. They've only sold 8,700 of them, so that's around one-third of the total production run.
noncongruent t1_ixrl3cp wrote
If Chrysler could do OTA updates Anton Yelchin would still be alive.
DBMS_LAH t1_ixrl699 wrote
Oh man. Gone too soon.
[deleted] t1_ixrld03 wrote
noncongruent t1_ixrlovu wrote
Yeah, I'm still pissed at that. Chrysler was slow-rolling the recall updates and hadn't gotten to his Jeep yet by the time he was killed, but did accelerate the recall, which could only be done in person at the dealership to upload the update. It still took them most of a year to get them all done. Honestly, vehicles by law should be mandated to have OTA update capability since that's a life-critical safety feature, as demonstrated by Anton's death.
Range-Shoddy t1_ixro0th wrote
With regular door handles the inside still works.
noncongruent t1_ixrp0by wrote
The statement was that with Tesla's door handles emergency responders can't open the doors from the outside, and the way NHTSA rules work, all car doors regardless of design can't be opened from the outside if they're locked. First responders are already trained how to deal with this common situation, which is to break the glass, and if necessary, use powered tools to pry or cut open doors. In other words, Tesla door handles do not present any additional difficulty to first responders than any other kind of car, and in fact, Tesla isn't the only company to use flush door handles:
Edit: And by law all Teslas have manual internal door releases that do not require battery power to operate.
instantnet t1_ixrslvb wrote
Forced by government mandate.
Range-Shoddy t1_ixrtzz5 wrote
True I read it wrong. And yes they have a release but I bet almost no one in a Tesla can find the things. They aren’t even in the same place across models.
[deleted] t1_ixrwvy3 wrote
razrielle t1_ixs6quz wrote
When I rode in my friends Tesla that's what I used to open the door instead of the button until he told me that was the emergency release.
opeth10657 t1_ixsp7p6 wrote
Tesla had one for brake lights that didn't work, that's pretty major issue and the 'well they fixed with OTA updates' doesn't change the fact that there were a lot of them out there with a dangerous problem before the recall
opeth10657 t1_ixspax2 wrote
Lets literally call it anything besides what it is so Tesla can look better.
[deleted] t1_ixstapw wrote
opeth10657 t1_ixsu4te wrote
If my computer needs a security update, it failing isn't going to get someone killed.
> despite the car being a computer in as much sense of the word as a laptop computer
Your laptop is a 5000 lb vehicle that is regularly going 50-80mph? Because this is probably one of the worst analogies i've heard.
You literally want to treat a car as something other than a car just because you don't like hearing that Tesla had to recall a vehicle.
[deleted] t1_ixswf0s wrote
[deleted] t1_ixswngv wrote
[deleted] t1_ixsx5jv wrote
[deleted] t1_ixsxk21 wrote
lonewolf420 t1_ixsz0p9 wrote
Not to lawyers, sometimes accidents liabilities due to faulty equipment is less Than the cost of recalls so they just let shit hit the fan and pay off families.
this has lead to more than a few deaths of known issues that could have been recalled and fixed.
noncongruent t1_ixt1ng8 wrote
Yep, Model 3. Release is right where the door handle would be, my friend keeps telling me to push the button instead.
Chip_trip t1_ixt5923 wrote
Tesla makes ~1 million cars in a year. Ford makes 6.4 million
[deleted] t1_ixttu1u wrote
EmbirDragon t1_ixvn3hy wrote
I see the Elon fanboys are out in droves again.
SatanicNotMessianic t1_ixw53mj wrote
Which car company do you work for?
MrsSynchronie OP t1_ixp8hz3 wrote
Tesla’s recall troubles are mounting. From the article:
>BEIJING, Nov 25 (Reuters) - Tesla Inc is recalling more than 80,000 China-made and imported cars produced from as early as 2013, for software and seat belt issues, a statement by the Chinese market regulator revealed on Friday.
>The U.S.-based electric car maker has recalled 67,698 Model S and Model X cars imported to China between Sept. 25, 2013 and Nov. 21, 2020, due to software problems affecting the battery management system in the vehicles.
>Tesla also recalled 2,736 imported Model 3 cars manufactured between January and November 2019, and 10,127 China-made ones of the same model produced between Oct. 14, 2019 and Sept. 26, 2022. This was due to potentially faulty seat belt installation which Tesla will check and reinstall, it said.
>In April, Tesla recalled a total of 127,785 units of Model 3 cars in China, citing potential faults in semiconductor components that might lead to collisions.