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[deleted] t1_ixtqlp9 wrote


Bisping t1_ixttn20 wrote

Minor correction. Its before hashing, not encryption.

Theyre similar concepts, except hashes are meant to be irreversible, and thats how passwords are stored with best practice.


tickettoride98 t1_ixu3qh6 wrote

That's not what the article says. It's saying there were meaningless characters in the set of encrypted characters (which was not 1:1 with letters, but some corresponded to whole words, or vowels).

Nothing in the article says the characters were added "before encryption". The encryption wasn't a block cipher or anything like that, what you're claiming would have had no effect.


topiast t1_ixu3zyz wrote

You're right, it's more like obfuscating like the other poster said. My apologies


Blazerer t1_ixvn4h0 wrote

Would probably make sense to edit your original comment then, as most people won't bother to go down this chain of you claiming to be right twice, and then turning out to be wrong from the start.


topiast t1_ixvy9g5 wrote

Just deleted it instead It doesn't matter so much but it's good form