thurrrst0n t1_iwua6ap wrote
American here, I am glad that the EU is acting without us. My perception, right or wrong, is that America is often “damned if we do” and “damned if we don’t.” The world looks to us for leadership and works together with American leadership rather than alone. America should act more on climate change, but in our absence, I’m glad the EU is starting the job.
[deleted] t1_iwulwip wrote
trollsmurf t1_iwv99ih wrote
Without desperate and dependent poor countries and cheap labor capitalism doesn't work.
radicalelation t1_iwvaqte wrote
Our military power and logistics would do a lot for building/rebuilding infrastructure either to prevent or help after climate disaster.
It would be a way to avoid "footing the bill" by providing an invaluable service, and not copping to a dollar amount of responsibility (what truly matters), if others are helping fund resources. No messy "reparations" talk for stupid culture wars, and can even try to turn it into a "rah rah USA!" thing watching our boys kick ass and help the world. Shit, I'd even feel some pride for us sending them overseas for once in my lifetime.
It would actually be peacekeeping missions without shooting anyone. What a concept.
Plus, what politician doesn't like more excuses to keep the military machine up?
HorseshoeCrabForAHat t1_iwzld02 wrote
As a veteran, I’m pretty tired of the US constantly being shat on, then people complain when we don’t give out free hand outs to small, corrupt, poor nations. Because that worked super well in Somalia. We receive so much hate constantly. “Spotlight is on the US to help” nah fam. Fix your own backyard. We’re doing a bad enough job fixing ourselves to give a shit about people who can’t stand us anyways
[deleted] t1_iwzlhe6 wrote
AGirlNamedFritz t1_ix80hxa wrote
I don’t know why this comment is getting the downvotes. Capitalism can only succeed if it exploits and extracts from resources, consuming more and more in order to keep up the churn. The only way to profit is to spend less than you make and always seek out ways to make more. We do this through colonialism, exploit, and barbaric mining of natural resources using people as tools. We do this by continually telling others that we deserve nice things because we work hard, because that message is how corporations and private equity sculpt us in order to prop themselves up.
[deleted] t1_iwu9mhc wrote