Submitted by GZAofTheMidwest t3_zxxxrl in news
Spinnnerette t1_j22vj11 wrote
It would be a disappointment if they hadn’t.
picado t1_j22vj7t wrote
GZAofTheMidwest OP t1_j22vz70 wrote
And this was before Jebediah Springfield: Superfraud, was exposed as murderous pirate Hans Sprungfeld.
What is the opposite of "embiggening"???
[deleted] t1_j22wfq9 wrote
epidemicsaints t1_j22woqo wrote
GZAofTheMidwest OP t1_j22wuhz wrote
Also . . . while you may not make friends with salad, it may help you keep your head.
GZAofTheMidwest OP t1_j22xd60 wrote
Godspeed, Abe Froman. Anxiously awaiting a "safe" check in.
InternetPeon t1_j22xgfv wrote
Is being a meat magnate really statue worthy?
KipperfieldGA t1_j22xodj wrote
THE Abe Froman???
Sausage king of Chicago...
[deleted] t1_j22xz1o wrote
JaiC t1_j22yf7a wrote
One less monument to aristocracy-turned-capitalism.
[deleted] t1_j22yftd wrote
[deleted] t1_j22ynl1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j22z31r wrote
[deleted] t1_j22zbus wrote
[deleted] t1_j22zoq8 wrote
No_Significance_1550 t1_j231s93 wrote
Such an obscure title and yet the second time I’ve seen it today.
from_dust t1_j231u67 wrote
Depends. Is it Abe Froman? The sausage king of Chicago?
phellyphell t1_j232zu1 wrote
You should see what they did to the fudge- packing statue...
haroldthehampster t1_j2335tt wrote
no investigation needed the result was an aesthetic improvement
[deleted] t1_j233943 wrote
crowonapost t1_j234lx2 wrote
But think of the meat children.
ckrygier t1_j236b28 wrote
Initially I misread the title and was horrified. Then read it correctly and was very amused.
BradyStoneheart t1_j236vu7 wrote
El Barto strikes again.
[deleted] t1_j236x0l wrote
[deleted] t1_j237ijh wrote
-Wicked- t1_j238qmv wrote
Something about this doesn't seem Kosher.
kingofpotatopeople92 t1_j23d4x6 wrote
Jordan Klepper vs. Trump Supporters: The Complete Collection
Coincidentally, it's also the synonym for idiot.
[deleted] t1_j23f0y1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j23jn9r wrote
Th3truthhurts t1_j23mn8j wrote
I wonder if they did it in slices or shaved?
ancientweasel t1_j23mvdk wrote
They should have filleted him.
johnny_memetic t1_j23s12r wrote
A perfectly cromulent rererence
SparkStormrider t1_j23sdro wrote
There can be only one!
WirelessBCupSupport t1_j23tpog wrote
Wagyu lean on them?
[deleted] t1_j23u5th wrote
percy_faucet t1_j23ubli wrote
A statue of a meat-packing magnate? Weird.
[deleted] t1_j23ym2s wrote
gregspresso6 t1_j23z1gn wrote
You betcha! Greatest video EVER
[deleted] t1_j23zd0f wrote
[deleted] t1_j23zijj wrote
[deleted] t1_j243nr8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j244qxw wrote
[deleted] t1_j245iby wrote
skankenstein t1_j2463z2 wrote
I know this statue! We had a few Easter egg hunts under his watchful eye when my kid was small. The fountain is super unique. This is right outside the zoo, lots of traffic through the area. Either kids or transients.
undercoverhippie t1_j24826m wrote
They're kinda hamming it up with that comment.
demalteb t1_j248ayk wrote
if there was a statue of me, in all my magnificent ugliness, would you deem it worthy and ethical to destroy what is clearly not your property?
[deleted] t1_j248nmi wrote
LenokanBuchanan t1_j24a1i0 wrote
My first thought was it was some animal rights activist type thing.
[deleted] t1_j24aixe wrote
This reminds me of that King of the Hill episode where Michael Keaton was grooming Lou Anne into the corporate mascot.
RealJeil420 t1_j24bhim wrote
Vegan extremists.
[deleted] t1_j24c1b5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j24cspj wrote
[deleted] t1_j24d476 wrote
Streggle1992 t1_j24ddva wrote
The Vegan™ strikes again
Kimota94 t1_j24f9mh wrote
But it was done humanely.
zorbathegrate t1_j24fupc wrote
“Police are confident those who defaced the great Jebediah Springfield monument will be apprehended and brought to Justice. ‘We will leave no stone unturned and no backpack un nuggeted.’ Stated police chief Yondell Quimb”
Yuvneas t1_j24hc8m wrote
Likely environmental activists. There has been a lot of discourse about how much water beef and dairy use in the area recently. 64% of all of California's water is used for feed and cattle.
from_dust t1_j24hscr wrote
Was he decapitated, or thrown out of a window?
MainCareless t1_j24irqv wrote
This is a good idea. Don’t allow them to make “heroes” out of slavers, blood soaked profiteers, or religious zealots. I’m for cutting this nuts off of these hero worship cults.
[deleted] t1_j24it1v wrote
[deleted] t1_j24kgny wrote
[deleted] t1_j24kwh2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j24lwb6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j24mn9y wrote
riptide81 t1_j24n959 wrote
Donating land for a park is a good way to get one.
[deleted] t1_j24o0ew wrote
punjar3 t1_j24p19t wrote
Self defense. Your ugly statue was assaulting my eyes.
ChickenSandwich61 t1_j24pk2y wrote
Based vegans
[deleted] t1_j24ps9i wrote
demalteb t1_j24q8jc wrote
I tend to have that effect on people. I call it screening.
Albert_Flasher t1_j24r2fl wrote
I hope it shows up in a museum in Greece or Mali.
sweetcuppincakes t1_j24s4m4 wrote
It's a jungle out there!
stoshbgosh t1_j24uqxw wrote
I just looked at the index for the book Devil in the White City by Erik Larson that I remember reading years ago. I'm surprised Luetgert doesn't appear. Seems like he would have included this infamous Chicago murder as it was during the same time period.
stoshbgosh t1_j24v799 wrote
They found the head so a liitle bit of bondo and Chuck's your uncle again.
timothra5 t1_j24yg14 wrote
It hasn’t been a good week for sausage kings.
internet_chump t1_j250ld8 wrote
Chill, brah. Nobody was worshipping this guy as a hero. There's no evidence of the motive, so it could have been random vandalism, a disgruntled employee, a drunken frat-boy pledge stunt, or literally any other of 1000 reasons.
The fact that nobody or group has claimed responsibility or given a reason is a pretty strong reason to think the motive had nothing to do with activism, because if no one knows why it happened then what was the point?
Even if it was activism, what would this accomplish? It shifts focus away from the cause and distracts from the message. Nobody is going to listen to people they don't respect. If you want to change people's minds they have to be willing to sit at the table with you. Don't cheer this on.
LenokanBuchanan t1_j257y2o wrote
Ah that would make sense. Animal agriculture uses a staggering amount of resources, it’s pretty problematic.
TheJudgementIsDeath t1_j25d6hj wrote
Sometimes you need to draw attention to your cause with an extreme action. This probably isn't that, but vandalism can be a valid political tool.
Esuts t1_j25ejyi wrote
Agreed, journalists should stick to meat and potatoes.
Coulrophiliac444 t1_j25f7za wrote
I hear the marble is to die for.
[deleted] t1_j25h326 wrote
internet_chump t1_j25niu8 wrote
You do understand this is the same justification that runs through the minds of the people shooting up electricity substations, right?
The same justification the Jan 6th insurrectionists used?
This is the same "the ends justify the means" bullshit that leads to the worst of human behavior and never solves any problems. You can't eat the fruits of a poisoned tree. The means are the justification of the end, the categorical imperative demands it.
matsonfamily t1_j25saku wrote
"nearly century-old granite statue of Charles Swanston in Sacramento’s William Land Park"
In case someone just wants the city, name of magnate, or location of statue, but doesn't want to click
maddieterrier t1_j25w8ci wrote
Larson is such a great writer. I tore through Dead Wake (the story of the Lusitania) in about a week.
[deleted] t1_j25y51z wrote
skankenstein t1_j25ynjr wrote
It’s such a random statue in a random place to make a real impression or statement. I would understand if it was on the state capitol grounds, because we have had monuments vandalized for social and political issues. This is just a rando statue in a bougie neighborhood around the corner from our zoo. It’s a place that kids run up and down in the grassy area between the fountains and probably climb on him too.
TheJudgementIsDeath t1_j2600mm wrote
Fair enough, but I'm talking about when there's a genuine need to resist. And I get that paranoid racists could use the same argument for their fucked up shit, but so could the folks resisting the Nazis back in the day, or their contemporary cousins today.
[deleted] t1_j2616hg wrote
LenokanBuchanan t1_j261xrm wrote
So you think it’s just more of a random vandalism? I guess if it were me trying to make a statement, I think I’d spray paint something across it as well. Either way, what a stupid thing to do.
internet_chump t1_j266rpl wrote
No, you don't seem to get it.
What constitutes the "genuine need" you speak of? Seems like there is genuine need to reduce carbon emissions, should people be sabotaging our power infrastructure? What if it turned out that these substation attacks were committed by people using that exact justification, because there's a genuine need to use extreme tactics to reduce energy consumption? Are you saying you would condone that? If you don't condone that, are you saying there isn't a genuine need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
There's a genuine need to reduce the growing far-right hate groups, too. What sort of extremist actions are justified in that case? Who gets to draw that line? You? Me?
Two wrongs don't make a right. Whether you want to admit it or not, that's the essence of your justification for whatever romantic notion you seem to have about committing "extremist acts of resistance".
Not only that, they aren't nearly as effective as non-violent respectability politics and passive civil disobedience.
[deleted] t1_j26ckb9 wrote
RealJeil420 t1_j26nwbo wrote
Military based vegans maybe
EugeneOregonDad t1_j26u7b0 wrote
Rough week to be 'in meat'.
lightknightrr t1_j27013q wrote
Journalists love sneaking this stuff past editors...
[deleted] t1_j276v0b wrote
Sprussel_Brouts t1_j27h5sj wrote
That would actually be a great political statement
criticalpwnage t1_j27s6jy wrote
Whoever wrote this article should get canned
[deleted] t1_j27zpg0 wrote
Tinyfish1549 t1_j29bu2e wrote
AP News, why quote someone who has "no idea" but still needs to throw suspicion on vegetarians?
I have no idea why anyone, unless they’re vegetarians and didn’t like meat-packers” would do this to the statue, Eymann said
That's just literally giving fuel to the rumor mill. It's hard not to be polarized when so-called journalists are promoting baseless rumors.
[deleted] t1_j29lk2f wrote
Hopeful_Hamster21 t1_j2aau02 wrote
All these dad jokes are bologna.
IntoTheMystic1 t1_j22uzej wrote
>Police are investigating whether the vandal — or vandals — had a beef with the Swanstons or if it was a random act.
Of course they included that