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UnobviousDiver t1_j1qwruu wrote

Conservative Canadians are just as dumb as conservative Americans, which is a really low bar.


MrFuzzyPaw t1_j1qx14r wrote

Albertan here:

FUCK the UCP. We are Canadian. You are traitors.


Jackolantern668 t1_j1qx69j wrote

I thought it was only some American conservatives that thought this way.


N8CCRG t1_j1qy24g wrote

>The leader of Alberta’s provincial government, Danielle Smith, justified her support for the bill by saying, “It’s not like Ottawa is a national government,” a conclusion that is widely disputed by constitutional experts.

This is just pure comedy gold. Well done writers.


Most-Hawk-4175 t1_j1qy8sr wrote

MAGA with Jan 6th now Canada has to deal with this? The stupid cancer is spreading.


Interesting-Month-56 t1_j1r050c wrote

Oh yeah. Nothing like conservatives learning exactly nothing at all from their success in the UK with Brexit - leading to massive economic losses, the worst economic downturn in the post-WWII era, and no prospects for improvement in the next decade.

Go Alberta! May Texas and Florida go next.


456afisher t1_j1r3hbd wrote

Apparently they folks in Alberta seem to believe that all the other provinces in which their pipelines pass before they enter the US are all okay with their nonsense and all POTUS all agree that US needs their "crude'.


ouchouch2233 t1_j1rh4on wrote

Doesn’t seem like they want they’re country run by rich elite from the WEF


iforgotmymittens t1_j1rls5v wrote

“Heck off, dad! I won’t do what you tell me!”

slams bedroom door


p001b0y t1_j1rsiml wrote

Conservatives in the USA: “Actually, we are all technically Americans but we love matching wits with Canadia! Now, regarding Greenland. We are prepared to trade you Seal Island for it. It comes with a lighthouse! You don’t need to agree. I’m clairvoyant and already know your answer!” /s


manniesalado t1_j1s05l6 wrote

Most conservatives have never read a book on political science and would be hard pressed to name three political philosophers, but boy, do they have a long list of changes they want to see regarding the political establishment.


PositionParticular99 t1_j1s1v9i wrote

Fine they do not have to submit to the government, then no money from the government either.


elephantinegrace t1_j1s24b0 wrote

Back in university, my friends and I played this game called “Alberta or Kentucky,” where we send each other images had to guess…well, whether they were from Alberta or Kentucky. (Eventually this became more like “American or not.”) My favourite one was an image of a shirtless man standing in front of a trailer with a rifle in each hand and a Confederate flag painted on his chest. IIRC he was from Quebec.


thedoogster t1_j1s37ya wrote

This does not take place in "Western Canada".


_Bob_A_Feet_ t1_j1s8xml wrote

Well, the answer is simple. Whomever has the most guns makes the rules.

Applied in the high seas and still applies today.

Not that I’m happy about it, but that would sure shut up those SovCit folks.


[deleted] t1_j1s8yrz wrote

Grew up in Alberta. Am saddened to see it has fallen so far.


mymar101 t1_j1scx93 wrote

Does this actually mean anything?


Outrageous_Heat_4529 t1_j1sk7rp wrote

Hold on here, let’s remember to the extreme liberals in Quebec, are also on the fence with National Sovereignty. You could say that Canada has some serious issues regarding the future of its federal powers yes?

Or, is this just a waste of time…


AliJaba t1_j1skvek wrote

These stories are nothing more than provocative click bait. I’m so tired of news sources instigating politics.


HelpStatistician t1_j1smuwe wrote

I'm convinced there's some sort of poisoning in the water in Alberta that makes people there genuinely stupider. Everyone who moved there and came back seemed to be suffering from like lead poisoning or something. With the prion disease outbreaks on the east coast and Ford in Ontario... it doesn't bode well for Canada...


laconicflow t1_j1smzfc wrote

If anyone wonders why secession is stupid, look how much weaker Canada would appear to the United States if this province broke away. Like cracking a leg off a chicken.


Dull-Objective3967 t1_j1sorz8 wrote

So alberta is panning on leaving, and this time they really mean it...


KOBossy55 t1_j1sxoms wrote

Oh brother, Alberta really acquitting itself just brilliantly, again...


originalthoughts t1_j1ts94h wrote

She also pushed one of the members of her party to resign in a riding where the UCP always got around 75% of the vote, and called a by-election there so she would het elected there (where she got a lot less than 75% of the vote). She refused to call a by-election in Calgary Elbow for some made up reasons though, even though it was vacant long before. Why couldn't she call a by-election in both districts? She is such a despicable person using the most dirty politics possible for her own gain.


FunnyTown3930 t1_j1tzsrx wrote

Can townships or cities reject the sovereignty of the Province? How would it be any different?


laconicflow t1_j1u2gaj wrote

Violence is the thing that underpins all societies. Things get bad, society can shoot people. That's what cops are. The unspoken threat for seriously breaking the law is, get taken to prison, or shot.

So, you don't have to own the guns, just back a state that does.


mtnviewcansurvive t1_j1u4fju wrote

do they really need Alberta? let them go: and figure out all the things and Pay for all the things a federal system takes care of. dont hear a lot of talk about who pays for succession.....


InfectedByEli t1_j1u72hf wrote

Those new red states would have a massive economic crash without the blue areas carrying them.


>We're finally free of those stupid Libs with their book learnin' and their fancy electric automobiles.


>Hey, what happened to my gubment subsidy?


InfectedByEli t1_j1u82mm wrote

Yes, the UK is the only country in the whole of human history to voluntarily impose economic sanctions upon itself. Of course, the Conservatives explain this as being all the fault of the previous Labour government from checks notes twelve years ago, or the Corbin government that didn't happen, or the Starmer government that is yet to happen. It's everyone's fault apart from the Conservatives who lied to the country in order to stop billionaires having to explain their taxable income to the EU.


tayroarsmash t1_j1u9jwa wrote

I love their magical logic. They often won’t give their names. The ones in America have this belief about gold fringes on a flag and how anyone who has a flag with gold fringes isn’t representing the government. They have all these hyper specific things that they think makes a difference to our legal system. I wouldn’t be shocked if they freaked out if you touched them with iron.


tayroarsmash t1_j1v2b31 wrote

She didn’t. They’re talking about two different people. The first person mentioned a person who is claiming to be the Queen of Canada which isn’t an actual thing but the person is real and doing that and she’s a figure in Conspiracy Theory circles and she does engage in antivax conspiracy. The second person was referring to Queen Elizabeth as a bit because technically English monarchs are still very loosely and purely symbolically are the monarchs of Canada. It was a joke about how technically the lady who is claiming to be Queen of Canada is quickly probably wrong because the “Queen of Canada” died in September because if we were giving that title to anyone it’d have been Elizabeth.

Reflecting on all this shit I just said I think I’m chronically online. My brain is broken by the nonsense happening in the world, holy shit.


lionhart280 t1_j1wxtxa wrote

Fuck, thats actually a really good idea lol

Edmontonian here, we should push this as a sort of "push the point" bylaw. Edmonton doesn't need to listen to what Alberta tells it to do, if Alberta doesnt have to listen to what Canada tells it to do haha


lionhart280 t1_j1wy8ed wrote

Yes, Alberta has a lot of important resources Canada needs and it's kind of in the inside of Canada, lol

We make up a respectable chunk of exports for canada's economy, and a lot of pipelines and highways run right through the middle of us.

Alberta sovereignty would never play out, its purely the UCP party trying to force the federal government to tell them "lol no" so they can whine about how awful "the libs" are for not letting them do what they want.


lionhart280 t1_j1wys48 wrote

Albertan here.

The really funny part about this bill is it can 100% backfire on the UCP party the moment they lose the upcoming election and the NDP (our left leaning party) gets voted in.

This bill cuts both ways and gives a lot of power to the party, which means the NDP could "abuse it" to force in a bunch of stuff that will quickly close up all the stupid loopholes the conservatives have been abusing, then use the bill to self terminate itself through its own powers.

It's basically handing the NDP party the ultimate uno reverso card, all they have to do is win the election though...

I swear to fucking god if the UCP gets elected again I will prolly consider selling my house and move provinces, I would lose all faith in my fellow albertans.

However from what I have seen even the fairly rooted conservatives have felt like the right wing is poisoned by the UCP over the past few years and have crossed the line towards the left, thats how bad the UCP fucked up.

Even some of my rigorously conservative family members are like "fuck the UCP" so I have a bit of hope lol


meglon978 t1_j1y6czz wrote

Some Canadians seem to have learned from the traitorous US whiny little bitch confederates. It's sad to think there are so many stupid people in the world.


Future-Studio-9380 t1_j22drzh wrote

The country is governed exclusively on the basis of the neurosis and fixations of the coasts and cities so why wouldn't people in Alberta want to not be ruled by Ottawa? They basically have no say in national government.

Why not let them go their own way and leave the Federation or even join the US? Put it to a vote.

With their oil resources they can certainly make a go of it.