Actual_Dinner_5977 t1_j0jo6vo wrote
Did he have to get a foot surgically removed from his ass?
peter-doubt t1_j0jofgu wrote
FFS, half of Florida has grave medical concerns
But this is one insane story
zepprith t1_j0jpce5 wrote
No, he had to medical remove his finances to and offshore bank account.
BeowulfsGhost t1_j0jpu4a wrote
Somebody queue up “There Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked!”
yamirzmmdx t1_j0jqags wrote
Grave medical concerns?
I thought God blessed all his soldiers.
Job has entered the chat
LarsAnderson420 t1_j0jrit9 wrote
Is that a balding Elon Musk? Perhaps a cousin?
shadowjacque t1_j0jsgrz wrote
Grifters gravitate towards positions of authority and “pastor” is the easiest one to obtain.
At least lawyers, doctors, cop, realtor, financial advisor, hell even “politician” all require some real world knowledge.
Moopology t1_j0jt9sk wrote
Musk is already balding. His hair plugs don’t change his DNA.
Wookers1984 t1_j0jupz4 wrote
Wow, just a lifetime of grifting.
When you are caught, just pretend you are incapacitated enough to not show up for court, but cognizant enough to keep spending the millions you defrauded taxpayers, all in the name of the imaginary sky-daddy!
yawetag12 t1_j0jx85x wrote
>At least lawyers, doctors, cop, realtor, financial advisor, hell even “politician” all require some real world knowledge.
Except for politicians, they all require training and/or licensing to work as one. Pastors don't.
walterodim77 t1_j0jz5dn wrote
The foot settled in give it a little anesthesia.
totallyclips t1_j0k0ul2 wrote
Embarrassment isn't a grave medical condition
TronOld_Dumps t1_j0k0vp8 wrote
Guy looks like Elon's brother
just_me_for_now t1_j0k1oox wrote
Oh for fuck sake. Why didn’t the judge immediately request jail facility videos for review? The son’s attorney said that he was speaking just fine that morning when conversing with the guards. I’m sure further video review would show the father was just peachy the day before. Really fucking tired of cases like this dragging out over years when they stall the court with “sudden medical issues“.
superawesomefiles t1_j0k4oag wrote
Nah he already reached his final form and is balded.
ilovefacebook t1_j0kgkoa wrote
politicians actually just need votes.
shadowjacque t1_j0khofs wrote
Yeah I should take politician off the list. I was thinking at least they can be voted out.
snazzygirl0267 t1_j0kr5ol wrote
Red Foreman, that you?
[deleted] t1_j0kvmav wrote
boxer_dogs_dance t1_j0kvqnd wrote
So can many pastors. Church government varies a lot.
MississippiJoel t1_j0kxemj wrote
Depends on the organization. Your biggest ones require four year degrees.
totally_anomalous t1_j0lc2w6 wrote
His son and co-conspirator did appear in court but was less than helpful - seemed to have forgotten that the laws of his God do not apply IRL.
Thanos_Stomps t1_j0lfnrm wrote
Lol not if you just start your own church like these fuckers did.
ChalupaCabre t1_j0lkcgp wrote
Modern medicine goes against God’s will.
free_farts t1_j0lrw8o wrote
Surprised he survived the operation, that's comparable to one of us having our lungs removed.
johnn48 t1_j0luiad wrote
Curious that both Father and Son seemed to have the same medical concerns. They both became non-communicative with their lawyers on the same day. If I was a cynical man I might believe they were trying to delay their trials, luckily I believe it’s just a coincidence. 😉
[deleted] t1_j0lunwe wrote
justforthearticles20 t1_j0lxljf wrote
Attorney lies to Judge as client pretends illness.
2020willyb2020 t1_j0m26dv wrote
Trump removed any oversight of these PPP loans, probably 90% went to fraudulent , well connected people and fake companies - the scraps went to legitimate companies who ended up cutting staff because it wasn’t enough. I hope the feds get everyone of these assholes and claw back the funds , financial penalties and jail time
walkandtalkk t1_j0n6mtt wrote
I don't know, but I'd be interested whether refusing to answer simple questions from a federal judge as part of an effort to stall proceedings constitutes contempt of court.
NAGDABBITALL t1_j0sjjcn wrote
The court can automatically enter a "Not Guilty" plea for him in ANY such circumstances.
[deleted] t1_j0jnssv wrote