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taez555 t1_j07wop1 wrote

I get your point, but aren't like 99.9% of the population serfs with iphones though?

It's not like any of us actually own the land we're living on. Sure you can buy property, but it's really only yours until someone in charge says it's not. We're all pretty much beholden to some master.

Really the main difference is that some of us are aware we're slaves and some of us don't (who apparently would vote to keep it legal).


canada432 t1_j07zg0f wrote

I'm referring to intelligence and reasoning. Humans have not biologically evolved in any significant way in tens or hundreds of thousands of years. We've advanced through passing down and building on previous knowledge, which requires education. If you're uneducated, you are very literally no smarter than a medieval peasant. We didn't get biologically smarter, we iterated on knowledge that the people who came before us learned, and then we pass down what we learn. If you spent science class dipping your fingers in glue and peeling it off instead of learning cellular biology, you are not particularly functionally different than a medieval serf, simply acting on emotion and lashing out at everything you don't understand. And for the people in this situation, there's a lot they don't understand.


taez555 t1_j080q1f wrote

On the plus side, they vote. :-)