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Good_old_Marshmallow t1_j08pehg wrote

The sad thing is the revolution wasn’t one solely based of religious extremists but had a well rounded angry population.

The unfortunate thing was they were scared of international backlash and looked to India for a model. India put the hyper religious Ghandi as the leader of the revolution and received global respect. There was some thought that instead of being seen as a communist revolution they could put the religious radicals in charge as figure heads to get global recognition and national unity. Unfortunately that was letting the wolves into the hen house


freediverx01 t1_j0d0jsr wrote

Huge difference between a religious leader who spent a lifetime advocating for peaceful resistance and a religion based around global conquest and persecution and subjugation of non-believers. But then again the latter seems to have worked for Christians.


Good_old_Marshmallow t1_j0d0z2o wrote

I mean I imagine the concern what they didn’t want to be seen as another Cuba or Viet Nam and hoped a nationalist religious face would prevent Cold War politics from provoking an invasion. Of course that may have been one of the worst mistakes they could have made