1dad1kid OP t1_j1f1rcx wrote
Me as well!
leni710 t1_j1f2hp3 wrote
"making it easier for predatory men"
Like the entire catholic church putting children on a golden platter for actual predatory men?🙄
[deleted] t1_j1f2t1b wrote
SsiSsiSsiSsi t1_j1f3rh1 wrote
It’s the UK, the Catholic Church isn’t in the standing you might imagine, but helpfully Tory politicians and members have stepped up to fill the diddling gap.
UndergroundMoon t1_j1f45aa wrote
"We know better than you about what's good for you."
Fuck all the way off.
passinghere t1_j1f6dvp wrote
So simply refuse to even talk to the striking NHS staff, but can find the time and willpower to wade in and try to stop a different country changing their own laws regards people changing their gender... so good to see this fuckwit has got his priorities correct /s... utter self entitled rich prick that has no clue how real people live
pegothejerk t1_j1f7uga wrote
Him being bigoted is the least shocking thing of the year.
MrJGT t1_j1f91mc wrote
I hope we get to see a UK free and independent of the Tories.
LinksMyHero t1_j1f9slg wrote
I will never understand this argument. You don't have to go hrough the trouble of legally changing genders to be able to sexually harass people in the women's restroom. Like, it's just opening a door and not pulling out some weird gender Excalibur. Anyone could do it
SsiSsiSsiSsi t1_j1f9y5y wrote
Wait, you mean your bathrooms don’t have guards checking ID and genitals?
StranglesMcWhiskey t1_j1fdsh2 wrote
Their argument is essentially this: anyone that doesn't conform to our gender norms is a pervert and a predator. It's the same argument that bigots made against homosexuals in the 60s (and now, but it's gotten a bit better over time.)
ShrekJohnson27 t1_j1fidr1 wrote
That just sounds like big governments recently on a number of any topics
[deleted] t1_j1fj9bh wrote
[deleted] t1_j1fjnky wrote
[deleted] t1_j1flzmj wrote
[deleted] t1_j1fm2sd wrote
UncannyTarotSpread t1_j1fr7zt wrote
It needs to cut the UK off like a gangrenous limb at this point
[deleted] t1_j1ft3m3 wrote
blackirishhellhounds t1_j1g8w0b wrote
Fuck from a person across the pond fuck the Tories you guys deserve better much love from U.S
kdlangequalsgoddess t1_j1g9kph wrote
Does he know that overriding Scotland is a great way to increase support for Scottish independence? Or know, and just not care? The MSPs were duly elected by the Scottish people, and voted to approve the measure. The fact that Sunak (who got given the job of PM after Truss self-destructed) doesn't like it, doesn't make it illegal.
SenseUnderstood t1_j1gf1v6 wrote
They do deserve better, their Prime Minister was a Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum.
blackirishhellhounds t1_j1ggbqu wrote
We all deserve better. I'm tired of the rich and powerful treating us like we're nothing and the mindless just going along with it because they don't know any better. We need to rise up and fight this tierney.
[deleted] t1_j1ggp42 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1gvwqk wrote
musical_fanatic t1_j1h0t2x wrote
Scottish independence is on my 2023 bingo card
[deleted] t1_j1h7w6r wrote
Prestigious_Main_364 t1_j1i6bu8 wrote
They made it so it’s almost impossible to secede from the UK without a near total unified vote from parliament. They’ll just refuse to allow Scotland to leave.
kdlangequalsgoddess t1_j1ie07p wrote
That's how the system was designed. Devolution was supposed to be a release valve for dissatisfaction with Westminister, and ensure some comfortable jobs for those on Scottish Labour's B team. Donald Dewar (who was a seriously clever guy) devised the system in such a way so that it was thought impossible for the ScotNats to get anywhere near power.
If the Scottish people get serious about supporting independence, then the status quo is going to make it very difficult for Scotland to leave. A vote in Holyrood isn't going to cut it. There is no magical legal jujitsu, no secret safe combination, that can be used to force the UK government to recognize the Scottish people's desire for independence. There will not just have to be a vote, there has to be a movement for independence with a force that the UK government has no choice but to accept.
The status quo making it nigh-impossible to change the status quo isn't a bug, it's a feature. The status quo seeks to defend itself at all costs.
420ipblood t1_j1ingk4 wrote
What if you guys worked on improving shit vs. separating?
Heroic_Sheperd t1_j1inspe wrote
Government has always been shitty this way. Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, steroids. They can fuck right off with telling a person what they want to do with their body, including gender reaffirming surgery.
neromoneon t1_j1jj2db wrote
I think Scotland may have concerns about Sunak. How shall they be examined?
neromoneon t1_j1jjksb wrote
Ultimately laws bend to power. And power distills to force. Scotland was forced into the Union and it has to force its way out of it.
ItDoesntMatter59 t1_j1ms0eq wrote
They had a vote for indy. They voted no
[deleted] t1_j1z7aci wrote
Cyclone_1 t1_j1f1n4r wrote
I hope that I live to see a free and independent Scotland.