Submitted by linguist96 t3_zcxknh in news
MasterpieceLive9604 t1_iyyvv5g wrote
BuT tHe pLaNE wILL cRaSh
dabestgoat t1_iyyw6pq wrote
Mental Image of the future: 50-100 people all cross talking on their devices making the cabin crew distributing those 2 cookies and one gulp of tomato juice even more painful when all you wanna do is take a raging piss and they are still 15 seats up blocking the only washroom.
1320Fastback t1_iyyw9y0 wrote
Hey you shut up for a minute and put your tray table up for landing!
Flawedsuccess t1_iyywfzm wrote
What's worse loud phone conversation on speaker or loud unruly child with parent that doesn't care?
vhutever t1_iyywoj7 wrote
The used to have actual phones on planes back in the day remember those seat back phones with the credit card slot!
paulsmt t1_iyyx4di wrote
With a price tag that meant nobody used them.
paulsmt t1_iyyx5dp wrote
both are bad.
Vladius28 t1_iyyxmq4 wrote
Yea... can't wait =P
canuckcowgirl t1_iyyxn4h wrote
Ugh. People will have no choice but to eavesdrop whether they want to or not.
InternetPeon t1_iyyxyxf wrote
Oh my god and baby Jesus. The last quiet space on earth is being violated.
MasterpieceLive9604 t1_iyyy1ri wrote
Oh make no mistake this is going to make flying even worse🤣
KindAwareness3073 t1_iyyy32x wrote
No. No. No. I do not want to listen to one side of your morononic conversation for the next three hours.
InternetPeon t1_iyyy8u5 wrote
Its so important that the lady in the middle seat have the opportunity to bitch at customer service as loudly as possible for 3 solid hours.
MasterpieceLive9604 t1_iyyyb50 wrote
But Karen needs to speak to management now!
InternetPeon t1_iyyygde wrote
If Karen isn’t satisfied this plane is not gettiing off the runway.
[deleted] t1_iyyyjrl wrote
MasterpieceLive9604 t1_iyyylms wrote
Unless Karen is flying United - they don't play about
vellyr t1_iyyynuo wrote
Nobody talks on their phones anyway, this is 2022
Salty-Queen87 t1_iyyypxd wrote
I did, once, and got into a lot of trouble for doing it because of the cost 😂
InternetPeon t1_iyyysv1 wrote
Can confirm- even United First Class treats you like a nuisance.
paulsmt t1_iyyyx6n wrote
The article talks about calls. not text. We already text today on planes.
Imagine all these business zoom calls around you.
jmyersjlm t1_iyyzrzw wrote
Now imagine living with that person for the first 20 years of your life
OccamsSchickQuattro t1_iyyzs4g wrote
I almost never put my phone on airplane mode simply because it’s never been properly explained to me as to why it needs to exist. In a normal 6 hour flight I’ll have good enough reception to receive a text maybe two times. Just turning off airplane mode isn’t going to allow anyone to do anything they can’t already do on a plane.
I still need to use the in air Wi-Fi if I want to send a text message out or if I want to watch in air entertainment.
The point in which your device stops working even when you don’t use airplane mode is super quick. Just last week I was watching the hockey game during takeoff and it was within 1 minute of us taking off that my phone could no longer support the game.
I don’t think this really changes anything either way.
vellyr t1_iyyzx6d wrote
They can already use VoIP video call services.
2021newusername t1_iyyzxbm wrote
my iphone 12 screen wouldn’t respond to touching at all. couldn’t turn it off or put on airplane mode.
6 hours flight, then a 15 hour flight, neither plane crashed lol.
[deleted] t1_iyz0e9o wrote
Honest_Its_Bill_Nye t1_iyz0im6 wrote
I just flew home from Ireland Saturday. The difference in service on the "international" (Dublin to Boston) leg vs. the "domestic" (Boston to San Francisco) on the same airline was stark. The first 7 hour leg served lunch and dinner, plus free champagne, wine, and beer. The second 7 hour flight served half a can of diet coke and a cookie.
Obversa t1_iyz0pr7 wrote
Imagine this, but their screaming child is also kicking the back of your seat for most of the entire 8-hour cross-Atlantic flight on your way from the United States to Germany.
networksmuggler t1_iyz1avb wrote
Lol I actually got a wifi call some how while traveling. I had subscribed to the flights wifi service for the flight but surprised the shit out of me when my phone rang. I kept it short because I felt super awkward about it.
RenegadeSoundWAV t1_iyz1ns8 wrote
Not an electrical engineer nor an expert on this matter, but there used to be a time where cell phone bands weren't well regulated and the EM waves would interfere with communication devices. I remember this being a much bigger problem when I was in high school, where even cell phones on silent would interfere with the wireless microphones for our stage productions.
But I do know the reason they ask for all devices to be put on airplane mode or turned off - it is because it's easier to issue a blanket statement than require specific devices to be turned off.
I'm assuming the EU evaluated that the risk is nearly negligible - probably because the odds of anyone using such outdated tech is practically null.
[deleted] t1_iyz1rok wrote
[deleted] t1_iyz1sy0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iyz1vqg wrote
Wild-Independence-20 t1_iyz1zxc wrote
Not a good idea. Airplane flights should be quiet.
SweetBiscuit t1_iyz21aw wrote
You could already do that for a long time with WiFi calling
Pawneewafflesarelife t1_iyz2d2z wrote
Wasn't this already possible with VOIP?
Shumina-Ghost t1_iyz2o3o wrote
Man, I'll stay off my phone during the flight. How about this tho, let me KEEP MY MOTHER FUCKING SHOES AND BELT ON AT THE FUCKING AIRPORT.
Capable_Nature_644 t1_iyz2p3p wrote
I know people who yap like crazy on a phone and have loud voices. God that's going to be frustrating to enjoy a quiet flight. They need to set rules and regulations on usage to keep some control over it.
[deleted] t1_iyz2w8h wrote
[deleted] t1_iyz365c wrote
iCCup_Spec t1_iyz3c4f wrote
I've never flied first class in my life but I'd imagine the kids sleep well up there.
Omegalazarus t1_iyz3ekh wrote
Asimov was right. We'll only have the bathrooms left.
Omegalazarus t1_iyz3f34 wrote
Asimov was right. We'll only have the bathrooms left.
berberine t1_iyz3sj5 wrote
Don't worry, they'll have that conversation on speaker phone so you can enjoy the entire thing. ;)
TacoMedic t1_iyz3ym3 wrote
Yeah, only time I’ve ever heard of them actually being used was the 9/11 passengers saying goodbye to their family.
LLCoolDave82 t1_iyz4lcl wrote
And here I thought the social contract still existed in Europe. Bad Europe, bad!
SnakeTheFox t1_iyz4o58 wrote
And they were roommates!
[deleted] t1_iyz56xs wrote
limabeantwothree t1_iyz5ghs wrote
Psh, maybe for you this is an issue. For me, I will make it THEIR issue. Moaning sounds, coughs, trying to butt into the conversation, etc. I've been using these tactics to get people to stfu and end the call for years, only the most unruly of Phoenix residents were impervious to them!
008Zulu t1_iyz5gvs wrote
Because there too many mobile phones, all built to very different standards, that it would be impossible to test them all against every type and configuration of electronics suite in every model of plane. In all likelihood they are safe, but no one wants to take the risk. So we have airplane mode.
The article specifies that 5G is the band approved in the planes, likely because European electronics standards (in planes) are higher than American, so knowing the frequencies it would be easier to have that one band instead of the 2G/3G/4G range.
[deleted] t1_iyz5hw4 wrote
[deleted] t1_iyz5w22 wrote
paulsmt t1_iyz6jiw wrote
in the EU? It doesn't work in the US.
vellyr t1_iyz70ur wrote
I'll admit I've never tried to do a conference call on a flight. Do they specifically block those services? Because you should be able to do a Teams call or something on any device with an internet connection.
paulsmt t1_iyz74hj wrote
In the US they block streaming and VoIP in all airplane Internet services.
[deleted] t1_iyz785w wrote
_Levitated_Shield_ t1_iyz8jy8 wrote
Yeah, that'll surely reduce annoyances, especially if you're aboard a long flight. Brilliant idea...
[deleted] t1_iyz9smx wrote
Deyln t1_iyza90e wrote
The reason why there were banned was because planes had a frequency vulnerability. So instead of fixing it.... They banned it and left the vulnerability open for hacking.
(And another couple big what the fucks on regards to security )
fkmeamaraight t1_iyzava3 wrote
This is going to be hell will all these cum buckets who have phones on speaker mode for phone calls, music and videos. It's already insanely annoying on the metros and trams. Btw, when did it become acceptable to be so fucking selfish ?
[deleted] t1_iyzbtug wrote
Bit-Random t1_iyzc612 wrote
That vulnerability was gone for several years now. “Put your phone in flight mode” just remained as a weird relic.
---------_----_---_ t1_iyzc6fq wrote
This is a horrible mistake.
Being stuck for hours next to someone yapping into a phone is a form of torture.
lensupthere t1_iyzchvf wrote
Kids are kids, it doesn't matter which section they sit in.
I fly first class all the time for work - I also raised two kids. I don't mind kids at all, but some people can be really annoying with their reactions to them. These people are not really first class people.
lensupthere t1_iyzcr8z wrote
This is going to bring back the phone booth (on the plane).
Otherwise people will be hogging the lavatory.
[deleted] t1_iyzcu86 wrote
[deleted] t1_iyzd236 wrote
MidLifeHalfHouse t1_iyzh9pm wrote
Still Better than crying children
[deleted] t1_iyzhg4a wrote
bronet t1_iyzhpht wrote
But it's not exactly a huge problem on trains...?
Illustrious_Crab1060 t1_iyzhs7f wrote
So ban talking also then?
chantillylace9 t1_iyzlyra wrote
OK, is it just me that I have noticed that nowadays the iPhone is super difficult to hear unless you have it on speaker?
If I just have it up towards my ear like a normal person would, I cannot hear anything!! This started maybe about five years ago, so speaker is the only thing that I can actually hear.
Shlocktroffit t1_iyzmdfa wrote
Why can't we have vines again instead of tiktok
[deleted] t1_iyzmsdn wrote
Even-Fix8584 t1_iyzmu9e wrote
I thought they are waiting for the FAA to build a plan and test the n any vulnerabilities exist. I am sure it will happen next 5th of Nevember.
ActionJawnson t1_iyznalt wrote
You don't take public transportation, do ya?
[deleted] t1_iyznhwo wrote
[deleted] t1_iyznxzq wrote
PastaLulz t1_iyzo00a wrote
Im not sure about the rest of you but I don’t get cell phone service 38,000ft up. So I don’t think this will be a big concern
PastaLulz t1_iyzo1g4 wrote
Who gets cell phone service 38,000ft up to make a phone call though?
westplains1865 t1_iyzof3c wrote
I actually love that idea, especially butting in on the conversation! Make it extremely awkward and pretend like you are part of a 3 way conversation until they get the hint and take it off speaker.
GreenGod42069 t1_iyzpvey wrote
Lol. So those idiots who don't even bother to turn phones into airplane mode are being proven right??? Man, I used to hate those asshats who ignored repeated requests to turn phones into airplane mode. Oh well. How the turntables, I guess.
addicuss t1_iyzpvup wrote
That definitely never existed
KindAwareness3073 t1_iyzq03n wrote
"Wait until you hear what she said about him!"
indoninja t1_iyzqfc5 wrote
That is when you have to take out your phone and start talking about fingering tight buttholes.
[deleted] t1_iyzqogi wrote
orus t1_iyzr794 wrote
No one really checks if someone’s phone is in airplane mode. If it were that critical a vulnerability, they would be more serious about it or there would have been hacks already.
[deleted] t1_iyzsibi wrote
From the pilot side of it, we can tell when someone’s phone isn’t in airplane mode. It’s not every time but it happens frequently that when we get close to the ground we can hear our nav radios get scratchy.
CriticalMembership31 t1_iyzsl4p wrote
Idk if it has to do with domestic vs international, but after living overseas for a year and traveling from Bahrain to Germany and Ireland I have a whole new hatred for American domestic travel and American based air lines. I remember buying my ticket to Germany and it being around 500 bucks….then trying to buy a plane ticket from DC to Texas for 600-700 bucks. The prices alone threw me way off.
GoArray t1_iyztdpu wrote
Maybe if we all still had 2g phones. With 5g tower range is only like a mile or 2. 4g maybe 4 miles (6km).
moon_then_mars t1_iyztyqt wrote
All people should be quiet at all times even when alone.
moon_then_mars t1_iyzu08p wrote
Noise cancelling headphones
Halgy t1_iyzv3qj wrote
Rich kids and their parents are famously not entitled or annoying
[deleted] t1_iyzv4ri wrote
[deleted] t1_iyzvpyd wrote
WirelessBCupSupport t1_iyzw4ue wrote
How about screening people that are on medication AND drinks prior to boarding....
cranial_prolapse420 t1_iyzxcnm wrote
...or planes juat falling out of the aky, because someone forgot.
CPargermer t1_iyzy7n4 wrote
This is the thing for me. People that don't speak the language, people that forget, people that don't know how, people that resist authority... There are so many chances for them to not put their phone into airplane mode, yet you never hear of any problems.
Wes_WM t1_iyzzdjo wrote
I have joined teams calls, multiple times. I make it a point to only listen and not speak to be respectful to those around me, but it does work
Relevant_Quantity_49 t1_iyzzeq3 wrote
It might be worth talking to your doctor or just seeing an audiologist. The experience you're describing was an early indicator that my grandmother was losing her hearing.
FriedaKilligan t1_iz00f5n wrote
I would like to hear more.
Kriztauf t1_iz00p0u wrote
I've got a mental image of a plane starting to fall out of sky and the pilots screaming "SOMEONE FORGOT TO TURN ON AIRPLANE MODE"
OccamsSchickQuattro t1_iz00vuz wrote
See and if anyone had ever just said that I’d use it every time.
[deleted] t1_iz01hss wrote
As far as I know it’s never been an issue operationally but it’s more annoying than anything haha
OccamsSchickQuattro t1_iz01xwp wrote
Hey man if it annoys the people flying the big metal tubes that’s enough reason for me. I fly a lot and I’ve noticed they’ve even stopped calling it out so I figured it was just an antiquated idea.
[deleted] t1_iz031nu wrote
personalhale t1_iz03pbk wrote
What flights have y'all been on where this has not already been a thing? I haven't used airplane mode in years and usually use inflight Wifi. I've seen many many people making calls in the air. Do y'all not travel with headphones or earplugs?
RampageDeluxxe t1_iz047r3 wrote
or just start doing it yourself
[deleted] t1_iz04qwt wrote
[deleted] t1_iz06os0 wrote
estherstein t1_iz08xmt wrote
Ugh someone on one of my Thanksgiving flights literally did this with a WhatsApp call right behind me the whole time. I asked him to shut up multiple times but he didn't and it's not like I could have taken him in a fight...
RobtheNavigator t1_iz0a5il wrote
I'm a 26 year old dude with an iPhone who has the same problem. No other indicators that the issue is me and not my phone, and I'm not someone who listens to loud music frequently or goes to concerts.
BigDisk t1_iz0a8eu wrote
It would also be more effective to just come out and say something to the lines of "Please put your phones in airplane mode, otherwise the constant searching for a signal is gonna kill your battery."
APigNamedLucy t1_iz0d6un wrote
How does that work? I don't get signal on planes even when I don't have my phone in airplane mode. In my limited understanding, you're generally too high above the clouds to get the signals that are reflecting off clouds and from radio towers.
Relevant_Quantity_49 t1_iz0fmxe wrote
And I use an iPhone and don't have that problem. The only iPhone user I know who does has documented hearing loss. Personal experiences aren't exactly scientific studies or conclusive in any way. It's a possibility. It's not a certainty. Only OP can decide what to do with it.
RobtheNavigator t1_iz0ghis wrote
Never said it was a certainty, just adding my experience to the pile.
[deleted] t1_iz0hckt wrote
IdleRocket t1_iz0iiav wrote
I'm calling bullshit that you have flown a single flight where all 150+ passengers have turned airplane mode on. I'm guessing your scratchy radios are something else.
HildemarTendler t1_iz0isfj wrote
Have a conversation that close to me? I am part of it already!
International_Bat_87 t1_iz0joal wrote
I always turn my head slightly and look shocked or gasp out loudly and they always shut it off immediately lol
International_Bat_87 t1_iz0k0bb wrote
Possibly I remember getting my iPhone X and after three month the sound was absolutely atrocious because I’ve never called only texted since then. I bought an Apple Watch because of it then I never had a problem after I think I was just given a faulty phone. Newest MacBook I have from this year sound = flawless
thegreatRMH t1_iz0klk4 wrote
Will airlines actually allow you to carry on a conversation? All the US airlines have high speed internet on domestic flights now but still ban calling apps because it's disturbing to other passengers.
[deleted] t1_iz0lxv0 wrote
9fingfing t1_iz0m7xr wrote
I had similar experiences on international flight leaving US vs going to US.
ikarikh t1_iz0osaa wrote
It'll be just like bus' then. It's absolutely annoying when you're on the bus and people are blasting music through their speaker phones and having loud ass phone conversations.
People have NO consideration for others and will look at YOU as being the asshole if you even POLITELY ask them to be quiet.
Is it really that difficult to sit still and be quiet during your trip? Or if you wanna listen to music or watch a video, to use friggin headphones (and not have the volume so loud it's still blaring out of the headphones)?
I mean obviously of course it is, because these fuckers do it every day with zero fucks given at who they're annoying :P
[deleted] t1_iz0p3x2 wrote
[deleted] t1_iz0pmmn wrote
IDownvoteUrPet t1_iz0pnwq wrote
How about just quietly taking notes on everything they say?
MaliciousWolf t1_iz0qbbg wrote
A lot of phones can make calls over VOIP, iPhones in particular. This is done via in-cabin wifi, which is available in air thanks to satellite receivers/transmitters installed on the plane. People have making calls for years now thanks to this service while in-flight, even though some airlines prohibit this.
InternetPeon t1_iz0r0b5 wrote
Nah. The AI poop patrol will be watching you to improve bathroom customer service.
Fenderfreak145 t1_iz0r45h wrote
Which one time?
FapMeNot_Alt t1_iz0vuhd wrote
Most people turn a bit red and get the hint, but some will get violently angry that you dared invade their privacy by hearing their loud ass conversation right next to you.
peacey8 t1_iz0wy5j wrote
I've never put my phone on airplane mode. I always text/browse even as we're a few feet off the ground before I lose signal.
gonzo5622 t1_iz10i0k wrote
Agree. Cell phone coverage doesn’t reach that high up so either they’ll need a plan or it will be super super choppy.
[deleted] t1_iz12sqm wrote
jeblis t1_iz1301a wrote
When has flying been quiet?
Obi_Uno t1_iz143aw wrote
My understanding is this would allow 5G connectivity via picocells installed in the airplane itself.
I’m not clear on the advantage vs WiFi, since the backhaul would still be via satellite (which is the rate limiter).
Obi_Uno t1_iz14ss9 wrote
This allows airlines to install 5G picocells in the aircraft. Previously this was not allowed.
Obi_Uno t1_iz14zdo wrote
That’s what the entire proposal is about: it allows airlines to install 5G picocells in the aircraft.
Previously, this spectrum was banned in flight, so this was not a possibility.
APigNamedLucy t1_iz1c8bt wrote
Okay, I knew there was an option to make wifi calls, but I'd never tried it on a plane. Is it usually automatic, or do you have to do something to activate it? I thought it was just the regular, make a call stuff that you do anywhere.
DuaLipasThong t1_iz1cpzl wrote
WiFi calls exist
MaliciousWolf t1_iz1e5xi wrote
iPhone is usually automatic when connected to wifi, however I believe you need to utilize the call option via the FaceTime app, not the phone app to initiate a VOIP call when out of service but connected to wifi and basically bypass the need of communicating with cell towers to relay the call as at that point it uses your contact and your apple IDs to make the call over VOIP. For android, there are third party apps you can install that allow you to make VOIP call, anything such as Skype to even Microsoft Teams would work. Of course these require the appropriate accounts and your contact to have an account and utilize these same apps as well.
There are devices that could be installed on the plane that emit the appropriate cell tower frequencies and allow phones to connect to them and then broadcast their data back over standard IP as well, though I haven’t encountered this on a plane yet but I know such options are already in use by some consumers and businesses and could see this be implemented on a plane to make both calls and data hassle free for customers in the future.
Pinuzzo t1_iz1e8yt wrote
But if the plane was wifi enabled, you couldve done that anyway
[deleted] t1_iz1j9h8 wrote
40ozkiller t1_iz1je6c wrote
Nobody is currently allowed to talk on planes?
Ive had to listen to plenty of chatty cathys shoot shit with the people next to them on planes.
40ozkiller t1_iz1jhiq wrote
I seem to recall plenty of people talking on the flights I have been on and it not being a life ending issue.
40ozkiller t1_iz1jkof wrote
Right, people already talk on planes.
40ozkiller t1_iz1jp0u wrote
Which is currently the same as having two people talking to each other on any plane in the sky this afternoon.
Anneisabitch t1_iz1jt8u wrote
It does save your battery so I use it. But functionally? Pfft. The opening episode of the West Wing in like 1999 joked about how stupid that rule was.
40ozkiller t1_iz1k0qj wrote
Yes, but people want to be outraged.
40ozkiller t1_iz1k8a1 wrote
Never, this is all just fake outrage for something that hasn’t even happened yet.
Id rather have someone making a call than a baby crying. Noise cancelling headphones also exist if you cant survive a few hours of background noise.
40ozkiller t1_iz1kcth wrote
Even worse would be someone trying to talk to me!
Seriously, it sounds like none of you complainers have been on a plane.
[deleted] t1_iz1lgxa wrote
BloopityBlue t1_iz1v2cn wrote
i barely have service if I go behind the wrong tree, I can't even begin to imagine trying to keep a call going that high up.
BloopityBlue t1_iz1v7bd wrote
I assume they're talking about 9/11 when people were calling their loved ones from the planes that were about to crash.
Fenderfreak145 t1_iz1vat2 wrote
From the seat back pay phones
KindAwareness3073 t1_iz1ylqi wrote
Do you go out in public? Why do you think civilized people don't have protracted phone conversations in bar, restaurants, museums? Why do people on buses and subways yammering on their phones get confronted? If you think hard about it I bet you'll see there's a fundamental difference.
[deleted] t1_iz29tev wrote
Range-Shoddy t1_iz2dliy wrote
I get it but I don’t want to listen to that either.
alexb3678 t1_iz2n4ul wrote
Actually, most of the calls were from cell phones according to the 9/11 Commission Report
EmperorArthur t1_iz2yapr wrote
Huh. Yeah, I don't see a problem with that. A picocell has about the same power as a WiFi Hotspot. Even better, they undergo significantly more testing and regulatory evaluation.
Any avionics which are affected by either of those are absolutely defective.
Random fun fact, the good Pilot headsets have bluetooth built in. Netflix downloads was a game changer for many pilots.
EmperorArthur t1_iz2ydsx wrote
It's also a convenient way to disconnect from the cellular network, and force the use of WiFi.
EmperorArthur t1_iz2ymj5 wrote
Another person mentioned a 5G picocell. They're things you can buy when you have poor cell service, but good internet.
Mind you, most new phones already have WiFi calling, so nothing really is changing for many people.
SuperSpy- t1_iz36yex wrote
Yeah, especially on iOS, since in the last few years they changed it so that 'turning off cellular' just disables the use of the data connection instead of actually disconnecting from the tower and shutting off the radio.
idontagreewitu t1_iz36ygq wrote
Waiting for the US gov't to get something done is an endless effort.
MariachiStucardo t1_iz3o2xy wrote
Imagine a plane full of terrorists armed with cell phones!!!
Pawneewafflesarelife t1_iz4ouul wrote
Ah, fair.
[deleted] t1_iz4u9ix wrote
sololander t1_iz5gu73 wrote
I wonder if the network provider still makes the final call? Because right now almost all UAE, Saudi and Qatar based airlines offer cell service but it’s your provider who charges your extra inflight roaming. So even if it’s 5g but if I get charged a bomb compared to paying 5 euros for data and network I hardly see a difference..
sololander t1_iz5hdme wrote
Phones can get signal if your provider has options or tie ups with the in flight network. Any flight of emirates, Etihad or saudia if you have and Middle Easters sim or Asian one it shows 4g network on normal phone. Coz well it’s always been a thing. Charges are outrageous for roaming though.
paulsmt t1_iyyvuto wrote
What a horrible idea. Unless it's an emergency, nobody should be blabbing on the phone inside a tin can.