thatfreshjive t1_j228ia7 wrote
As it turns out, worthless news articles about TikTok bans, are great clickbait.
UsedTissuePaper78 t1_j228l5f wrote
Can't wait until someone makes a short reaction of this on Tik-Tok
nacorom OP t1_j228ngi wrote
Every app is a privacy concern, but TikTok especially.
Most companies which run popular apps aren't going to hand over loads of information to China for a tiny fraction of their valuation. TikTok's owner is essentially required to hand over any information at any time, and the government can essentially tweak the algorithms to show what they want.
vanillabear26 t1_j229m3g wrote
In some cases it is the little things, though. Banning an app on all mobile devices will be a controversial topic- the case here is a lot simpler. An easy win is still a win.
Chill-The-Mooch t1_j229pat wrote
Nobody cares about what TikTok is doing, everyone has read their terms of service and still choose to use it… it’s designed to intimately serve you up catered ocular delights so you will grant it most of your attention… Erase the app before you get too addicted…
taemyks t1_j22ah0k wrote
If a website can't do the same thing as an app that says a lot about the people behind it.
being_igor t1_j22anfd wrote
> everyone has read their terms of service
That’s hilarious.
[deleted] t1_j22ciuh wrote
WonderWall_E t1_j22dhq8 wrote
>but TikTok especially.
Not really. All of your points about Chinese access to data are also true with respect to Twitter. Binance, a shady Chinese crypto company, invested heavily in Musk's Twitter acquisition and has a $500 million stake in the country. Twitter has an agreement to hand over unspecified private data to investors who contributed $250 million or more to support Musk's acquisition. For all we know, the Chinese government has access to all of the data on Twitter's servers dating back over a decade. It's a far greater national security threat given how prevalent Twitter is and has been among elected officials.
vengeful_toaster t1_j22e1ad wrote
They pop up every weekday
vengeful_toaster t1_j22e68b wrote
>the government can essentially tweak the algorithms to show what they want
If they want to tweak it, they can, just like Twitter and Facebook. Remember Cambridge analytica?
Mental_Attitude_2952 t1_j22gae9 wrote
I have been trying to explain this to people for months.... I dont use tiktok because the chinese get all my data.. they say while on Twitter who gives all their data to China. Oh and the Saudis as well.
[deleted] t1_j22ghfc wrote
actual_griffin t1_j2308qs wrote
Ah, man. Michelle Fischbach will never see my fast food reviews.
[deleted] t1_j236f8n wrote
PositionParticular99 t1_j2376u2 wrote
Wow that will really hurt, maybe .001% of users are now banned. Tictoc is popular all over the world, has no real need of a US market.
Hobbesaurus t1_j23ier3 wrote
The amount of people who come into these threads and either don’t give a shit or outright try to defend TikTok is comical… if it was any other social media platform in the headline these threads would be a dumpster fire
HowardBunnyColvin t1_j23n6bz wrote
Not a surprise. You shouldn't be installing that shit on work or government devices anyway.
If you wanna tiktok, use your own phone. I notice people being so alarmed like WHY IS AUBURN BANNING TIKTOK they're just banning it on their network, you're free to do it without using their wifi
HowardBunnyColvin t1_j23n8if wrote
especially on US government devices
simple security measure
HowardBunnyColvin t1_j23n9sr wrote
yep. imagine someone actually took the time to read all that shit lol
[deleted] t1_j23ql7l wrote
[deleted] t1_j23qmgp wrote
[deleted] t1_j242wgv wrote
CovidGR t1_j247m2v wrote
They don't need to be using social media on taxpayer funded phones anyway. Get a personal phone.
throwaway_0x90 t1_j2482p3 wrote
I don't think anyone should have social media apps on work-provided / corporate devices anyway. That's something you should only be using your personal
device for to begin with.
[deleted] t1_j249vcr wrote
ailee43 t1_j24avpz wrote
That'll be about as effective as their metal detectors that representatives choose to just walk around
idontagreewitu t1_j24dj27 wrote
Cool, then it shouldn't be a concern.
freedfg t1_j24dkg0 wrote
Am I crazy on this one.
Should personal apps and technologies already be not allowed on official devices?
That's like downloading Skyrim on a work laptop. Cool and fun. But get your own personal device Jesus....
[deleted] t1_j24f2yp wrote
tantramx t1_j24fe34 wrote
Breaking news: company device policy blocks installation of certain apps. Slow news day?
timar48 t1_j24i1bm wrote
What I don’t understand is why people don’t get the fact that if it’s a company or government issued phone they have legal rights to every thing on it. Of course you should have and want a personal device.
No you’re not crazy, just sensible, but people are who put personal apps on what is essentially someone else’s phone most certainly.
-CaptainFormula- t1_j24igvs wrote
TikTok only makes profit from storing and selling personal information. It just so happens that the personal information of the average American is worth a lot more money than the average Jamaican.
I assure you TikTok not only needs Americans to willingly give them their information, it was specifically designed to target them. If you enjoy TikTok outside of a five eyes nation that's fine, they're willing to pay to host your little vertical videos too. Price of doing business. So long as they can collect what they were actually after.
brakeled t1_j24iibo wrote
I’m a federal employee. TikTok has never been allowed on our phones and there are security settings to ensure it can never be downloaded. I don’t know why this is suddenly news as if it wasn’t implemented literally 3 years ago at this point.
[deleted] t1_j24jgcd wrote
blackbeautybyseven t1_j24m5hx wrote
How many 13 year olds are on staff to need this?
[deleted] t1_j24p8r1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j24ruy3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j24s1vv wrote
[deleted] t1_j24sbil wrote
[deleted] t1_j24zn2a wrote
shankhisnun t1_j2514xe wrote
My cousin's out fighting dragons and what do I get? Guard duty
[deleted] t1_j257y2u wrote
[deleted] t1_j25a6q4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j25cbj7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j25ejms wrote
MonsignorJabroni t1_j25eth7 wrote
I work for local government and don't even connect my personal phone to the building wifi. I'm not doing anything I shouldn't, but I value my privacy and try to stay away from my personal phone becoming public record.
[deleted] t1_j25gxue wrote
Perpetual_Manchild t1_j25hg04 wrote
Cool, now do all the other devices
sweetpeapickle t1_j25jwgc wrote
I find this to be inane, because why should they be on Tiktok to begin with at work.... all of those sites should be off limits at work...for government people that is.
[deleted] t1_j268pzg wrote
gustopherus t1_j29havk wrote
I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an arrow in the knee.
thatfreshjive t1_j228asy wrote
Congress takes credit for something that was already forbidden, more at 11.