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lightninggod3 t1_j2e9wxz wrote

The headline is wrong is my entire point. Maybe your small brain will comprehend that


meekaANDmochi t1_j2eambo wrote

Yeah I’m sure 😂 that’s why your original comment I replied to said nothing about the headline and then you continued to double down on why an abortion at 8 months is wrong.


lightninggod3 t1_j2eb4jg wrote

Okay... And? The post says, "Abortion doctors can’t be charged under Arizona law". The post is wrong precisely due to the fact that said "abortion doctors" can be charged in a case where a healthy fetus is killed after the 15-week point


meekaANDmochi t1_j2ebzl7 wrote

The “post” is more than a headline. There’s an entire article attached to it. If you read the article as intended instead of hyperfocusing on the title, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Regardless, you never mentioned the article once before being called out on not reading it. You’ve been fighting about 8 month abortions this entire time.


CmdrShepard831 t1_j2fblkh wrote

God I am just sitting here wondering what this guy is like in real life. It's like you're talking to a door or a lamp except both of those things have practical benefits.