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PM_ur_Rump t1_j1fbzxx wrote

I think it's poorly thought out and targets the wrong people for possible small levels of tax evasion, instead of filling the deliberate loopholes in tax law that allow for massive tax avoidance.


igottagetoutofthis t1_j1fcnnu wrote

My point is that how can you bitch about the rich not paying taxes all the while you aren’t? Everyone should pay their fair share, whether it’s the rich, or the working class.


jhanesnack_films t1_j1fdb1p wrote

Let's get the rich squared away first and then we can see how much we need to go after the working class. With the levels of inequality we've got in this country, one thing should be balanced in our favor.


PM_ur_Rump t1_j1fdxxb wrote

I do pay my taxes. I work a steady blue collar job with payroll deductions, at a small business where I am well aware of how much tax the business pays as well.

That's exactly why I'm much more concerned with the big fish than the minnows.


Willinton06 t1_j1fdela wrote

Cause me paying taxes won’t change shit, then paying taxes would change a lot, I still pay my taxes tho but you get the idea