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AccomplishedDrag9882 t1_izccrci wrote

they will scan your handset before you back it up however


tricheboars t1_izclbmw wrote

The child porn scan program or whatever was also canceled


Technoist t1_izd6fcq wrote

Source on it being cancelled? I think they just delayed it for a bit.

Also I’d rather just call it for what it is: a backdoor.

These news about them having all the data end to end encrypted is GREAT news though and would put them ahead of competitors like Google, Dropbox, Microsoft etc.

People need to understand that these cloud companies have the keys to your data even though it is encrypted.


mystateofconfusion t1_izd99q9 wrote

Last paragraph on the actual article posted, among many others.


Technoist t1_izdc9gv wrote

Thanks, but it says stopped, not cancelled. I read that as halted. The source they link to is behind a paywall. I haven’t seen an official statement about it.

Edit: here a link saying the information has been removed from the website but the “plans are unchanged” and it will come (1 year old however):


nickh4xdawg t1_izewdtf wrote

Craig confirmed it in an interview yesterday. Your link is a whole year old. It’s officially cancelled.


[deleted] OP t1_ize0xc9 wrote



nickh4xdawg t1_izewqaz wrote

You and him are both wrong that’s why he’s being downvoted. It was confirmed yesterday by Craig that it’s cancelled. here’s a source newer than a year ago.


reckless_commenter t1_izdqhwv wrote

Dropbox used to claim that its data was encrypted at rest, without proof or explanation.

Eventually, it became clear that it wasn't, and Dropbox had to roll back its policy to "data is not encrypted at rest, but we have very strict employee policies about how personal data can be accessed..." - which, if I had anything confidential, I would absolutely not trust.


Technoist t1_ize3oqg wrote

That’s crazy. What a junk company. Wouldn’t use it unless together with Cryptomator or so but it just seems like a hassle and it just feels wrong to give them any money at all.


Iormungand t1_izk8cu0 wrote

As someone in IT and Security for over a decade..... Do people actually have widespread beliefs that cloud services are secure from the operators of that service? That's always going to be the exception (maybe changing with moves like this?)


Technoist t1_izkfz0v wrote

Oh yes, I’ve heard and read plenty of people argue that iCloud (and similar services) is 100% private because the “data is encrypted”. I bet the majority have no idea. If they even care.