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TheTabman t1_j13j0ru wrote

I think even in English "dunkelsten Vergangenheit/darkest history" does not always has a meaning related to skin colour.


EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j144nmc wrote

You’re right, but I think we should probably refrain from anything that sounds like it could be referring to color for this one, just to be safe.


the_noise_we_made t1_j14as6o wrote

I hope you're joking. Dark here is being used as a metaphor and isn't referring to literal color and, more than that, is referring to the dark deeds of the people that did the exploiting which, undoubtedly, were 99.9% if not 100% white.


EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j14b07x wrote

I am, just like the first person who said it. It’s clearly a homonym though, and somebody is going to take it wrong.


BurnTrees- t1_j14mjgd wrote

So what if somebody takes it wrong? You can say the earth is round and somebody will take it wrong.


EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j14mudr wrote

Damn, do I really gotta go back and add the /s to my whole thread of replies?


davispw t1_j14o1b3 wrote

If you don’t, then somebody might take them wrong. /s


bertimann t1_j1508n9 wrote

Yes. People say so much dumb shit on the internet that it is impossible to know you are sarcastic without it. Nobody knows each other and their actual opinions on here


StateParkMasturbator t1_j14ty9y wrote

Too late. Take the downvotes like a man. Or woman. Or nonbinary. I don't know anymore.


Its_Singularity_Time t1_j166opp wrote

You could say, "take the downvotes like a human", but that doesn't sound right either. Like it's implying that other species take chagrin to being downvoted.


SuperOrganizer t1_j156wpx wrote

You might not be aware but the world is full of diverse people. /s

A few don’t even speak English as their first language. /s

At least everyone on the internet only says amazingly sane and stable things in reality so sarcasm is super easy to detect. /s

The established indicator for sarcasm on reddit is “/s” and it is not at all difficult or time-consuming to add. I see many people lately railing against this simple convention on an app where people communicate. It boggles my mind why anyone would argue against a known convention that works to clarify for a known gap in clear and effective communication.

That said, I call BS on your particular case. I don’t detect a hint of sarcasm in your previous posts. You had an unpopular opinion on this one, that’s all.


bertimann t1_j14zyh0 wrote

Then somebody needs to pull their head out of their ass, because it's obvious what this is supposed to mean and we shouldn't accommodate the one person that tries to be annoying about it