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Old_Fart_1948 t1_j1z05fl wrote

Everyone hates Putin.

No matter who wins or loses, Russia has lost all credibility with the rest of the world.

The only way to fix this would be for the Russians to get rid of Putin.

And they're not gonna do it until things get really uncomfortable for Russians.

Anything that will make Russians more uncomfortable is good.


Halfmystical t1_j1z45dx wrote

While I too hate Putin, not everyone does. Channel 5 ( All Gas No Brakes guy ) really opened my eyes to the amount of people that are idiotic enough to support this dickhole Putin.

I almost hate his supporters more than Putin himself because they don’t even know WHY they support him.


jonny_chronic18 t1_j1z6gyx wrote

It's the submit to authority narrative. They are drawn to it because it's familiar.


torpedoguy t1_j1za7uh wrote

Or, like in the west, because he hurts 'the right people'.


chetchaka t1_j1zci3e wrote

They know why they support him, they just fear the repercussions for saying it out loud (it's fascism).


SIMPLEassNAME t1_j1zo5rp wrote

thing is getting rid of putin wont work. they have to change the whole management. if putin leaves someone similar ( medvedev )or even worse might come. they need to change their mindset to have an impact


ManagementEffective t1_j20306e wrote

This is something I do feel sorry for normal people of Russia… Their future is ruined for decades atleast. No money will fix the trust broken this bad by Putin and his minions. The best case scenario for the people would be to ditch the current regime, try to set up a new, democratic system, and pray for forgiveness (and pay the rebuilding costs of Ukraine). Which is very unlikely, but no can do.