[deleted] t1_j08abfg wrote
ToddlerOlympian t1_j08csij wrote
>The bureau said police cleared the area of makeshift treehouses and later found explosive devices, gasoline and road flares.
These guys are definitely breaking some laws. But terrorists? I fail to see how.
NickDanger3di t1_j08ddco wrote
I get it; when conservatives plot to, and proceed to, violently storm the Capitol and seat of national government, to prevent a legit election from being confirmed, it's just an unruly crowd.
Throw some bottles, when a police training center is being built by a regime that has extensive history of violence against poor people, and is damaging the ecology, it's Domestic Terrorism.
UncannyTarotSpread t1_j08e8ov wrote
Because any laws originally aimed at authoritarian groups using overt violence will almost inevitably be used to attack and demoralize the left
MitsyEyedMourning t1_j08giwx wrote
When it suits them the police label every teeny tiny fire cracker they find as an explosive.
code_archeologist t1_j08gmqh wrote
A little context on this from a local.
Nobody here in Atlanta wants 'Cop City' except the cops.
N8CCRG t1_j08go1y wrote
Ah, so they can use that phrase. I always see so many comments on other news stories saying that it's a very high bar before they can label something as terrorism, this must be really explicit.
<reads article>
Oh. That's it? That reached the high bar for the domestic terrorism label? Huh.
[deleted] t1_j08gu2l wrote
[deleted] t1_j08hnxh wrote
[deleted] t1_j08j3qh wrote
cakeweefs t1_j08jcgw wrote
I mean, we're certainly not using it in the traditional sense lately. Not enough, anyhow.
[deleted] t1_j08k1k0 wrote
dbclass t1_j08s8up wrote
Don't forget Cox and other wealthy companies and people.
PointOfFingers t1_j08uf4b wrote
Sitting in tree houses is definitely not domestic terrorism. Can't wait to hear what these "explosive devices" actually are. Porta potties? A box of matches? A bong?
[deleted] t1_j08ut4d wrote
blackrabbitsrun t1_j08w0rg wrote
Ah I get it now, as long as white supremacists don't target cops specifically they can avoid the Domestic Terrorist label. Government officials, innocent people are fair game though.
N8CCRG t1_j08wyot wrote
And even when they do target the cops, like those trying to defend the Capitol, they lie and say they weren't attacking the cops.
blackrabbitsrun t1_j08x3yu wrote
Or they just mask off and call those cops traitors to the cause and thus expendable.
[deleted] t1_j08yu1v wrote
Sirlancemehlot t1_j093atu wrote
“Yesterday, several people threw rocks at police cars and attacked EMT’s outside the neighboring fire stations with rocks and bottles,” the bureau said Wednesday.
N8CCRG t1_j094wen wrote
Are you saying you think that reaches the level of terrorism, when other far more violent and politically motivated acts don't?
TheGrandExquisitor t1_j09g28j wrote
I fucking hate this country.
[deleted] t1_j09g83y wrote
JasonEAltMTG t1_j09hn24 wrote
I don't want to leave and end up a victim of America's foreign policy
verasev t1_j09k52r wrote
Don't know if it'll help. People keep trying to turn America's foreign policy into its domestic policy as well.
splycedaddy t1_j09pgw4 wrote
“The bureau said police cleared the area of makeshift treehouses and later found explosive devices, gasoline and road flares.”
They say they did find explosive devices. we will have to wait and see because cops also think homemade radios are explosive devices.
Still waiting for terrorism charges when a group takes out the power grid with guns… seriously, i’ll wait
NYR_LFC t1_j09qm4v wrote
You forgot they killed a police officer on Jan 6!
Sirlancemehlot t1_j09s5qb wrote
Just quoting the article. For the record, I believe the attack on Jan 6th was a terrorist act without question, as was the attack on Paul Pelosi. Acts for violence for political purposes are acts of terrorism. This fits. Thats all. Even if you don't like cops, fireman and emt's.
[deleted] t1_j09uhy1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j0a1k56 wrote
N8CCRG t1_j0a3bfe wrote
I think then you didn't understand my first comment.
texansfan t1_j0a4wah wrote
I don’t know man, I bet a lot of people in the city are fed up with the crime and want something to change
Sirlancemehlot t1_j0a6t92 wrote
Possibly. I'm not trying to argue anything or puck a fight. Just stating the obvious really.
CrustyWhiteSocks t1_j0aapd2 wrote
My company got the contract to roleplay at "cop-city."
offbeat_ahmad t1_j0afntx wrote
"We overheard some chatter about 'dropping a bomb', and we had no choice but to mow them all down." - some cop
[deleted] t1_j0av9sb wrote
rdxxx t1_j0b48eb wrote
Cops solve crime? Is crime happening because there is not enough cops?
ManWithYourPlan t1_j0bi8w4 wrote
I mean Atlanta crime in the 90s was dramatically reduced after huge efforts by the Atlanta PD and other govt agencies.
Edit: "I don't know anything about this, but I don't like the idea of it, so I'll downvote it!"
ItilityMSP t1_j0bkv7s wrote
Cop city…sponsored by major corporations… who are the police for? Certainly isn’t for you or me.
Brought to you by OPC.
[deleted] t1_j0bq672 wrote
Msrsr3513 t1_j0cu4po wrote
Possession of an unregistered destructive device is a felony 10 years in prison. Throwing rocks at first responders shows intent to do harm. Possession plus intent equals domestic terrorist charges.
ToddlerOlympian t1_j0cuqju wrote
Using the term "first responders" in this context is just silly.
Msrsr3513 t1_j0cuu8a wrote
They threw rocks at emts and fire fighters
ToddlerOlympian t1_j0cw8rh wrote
Wow, that's a total asshole move.
But how is that terrorism?
Redoran_simp t1_j0cxioq wrote
Crime dropped everywhere in the 90s. Likely because we took the lead out of everything.
[deleted] t1_j0d2gwb wrote
[deleted] t1_j0d3bfr wrote
Experiment_93711b t1_j0d3dfq wrote
As mentioned, they found explosive devices. I don't know if that alone would do it as perhaps it's just fire crackers or some other shit to be used in demonstration. We'll know if/when this goes to trial.
misterjustin t1_j0itp4t wrote
What are you talking about? The domestic terrorism label is almost exclusively used on white supremacists/nationalists.
blackrabbitsrun t1_j0j91ut wrote
By everybody. Except prosecutors, news stations, and law enforcement.
ragingRobot t1_j0jjhkx wrote
I live in the city and there's not much crime in my area at all. I definitely don't want this. Most of the "crime" you hear about is up in Buckhead near the mall. I don't think cop city will fix that.
texansfan t1_j0jlq04 wrote
We live in Sandy Springs and it’s a topic of conversation in our neighborhood. It’s probably exaggerated on the platforms they get their news, but people have been talking about the lady in Buckhead being killed in that carjacking non-stop.
ragingRobot t1_j0jsial wrote
Interesting do you and/or your neighbors support the cop city thing?
texansfan t1_j0l5w11 wrote
So since your neighborhood is safe, fuck the rest of the people who want less crime? Lol, what a position.
ragingRobot t1_j0lbfjx wrote
That's not what I said. I asked if you support cop city. I don't think it will help because it's not the right solution but do you?
texansfan t1_j0le4lu wrote
I think Atlanta cops are understaffed and undertrained for the amount and types of crime being committed. So a big center designed to recruit and better train cops doesn’t strike me as the horrible idea everyone on Reddit seems to think it is.
But I don’t know enough about it to have an opinion either way. That’s what government leaders are for. Too many people think they know all the answers to all of the things they have zero experience or expertise in.
wazserd t1_j0zn6i2 wrote
I mean what else would you call it when someone burns down houses and cars?
wazserd t1_j0zn9ql wrote
No, as long as you don't burn peoples houses down you don't get labelled as a terrorist
wazserd t1_j0znp6w wrote
You forgot the explosives and gasoline, and the part where they burn down multiple houses, but yes they assaulted paramedics.
Imagine being one of the people in here pretending this shit is okay.
wazserd t1_j0znva3 wrote
When they are found with explosives, gasoline, and there were multiple houses burned down, and they attacked civilians (paramedics) for no reason, all in the name of their political goals, it sounds 100% like every dictionary in the world's definition for terrorism.
[deleted] t1_j0zo1ao wrote
wazserd t1_j0zofcc wrote
+ gasoline
+ burning houses down
+ burning cars
+ assaulting civilians (paramedics)
in the name of your political goals
is the dictionary definition of terrorism.
Stop being brainwashed.
Emu-Silly t1_j1541nm wrote
Stop REEEEEEEing into the void and move on with your life
wazserd t1_j156hoi wrote
glass houses
move along
Emu-Silly t1_j1575p5 wrote
Hope you have a joyful christmas away from something that's clearly affecting your mental health friend
wazserd t1_j158di9 wrote
who are you?
Emu-Silly t1_j158wgs wrote
I don't know, who are you?
wazserd t1_j159pah wrote
the.... person you can't stop messaging for some reason?
Emu-Silly t1_j15akxr wrote
I mean, I'll stop if you want (maybe), but I'm just.... fascinated looking at this post. You're legit yelling into the void. Do you not realize this?
[deleted] t1_j088wio wrote