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kinglouie493 t1_j0zboos wrote

It’s not the fk’n rifle, it’s his willingness to injure others. The guy has no remorse and probably should be isolated from society.


fight_your_friends t1_j0zcjv9 wrote

True enough, but how would we know this about someone until they do it?

Why is it I always get downvotes instead of suggestions on this topic?


Morgrid t1_j0zghqu wrote

You can't PreCrime people


fight_your_friends t1_j0zheou wrote

Not saying we should, but it's been very apparent that all of these shooters had prior red flags that were ignored. When the investigation into this guy gets going, how many friends or family members are gonna be saying they saw this coming?

So, aside from saying "just enforce the laws", how do we get the laws enforced?


jeremytheninja t1_j0zigx8 wrote

Isn’t that the goal of red flag laws?


fight_your_friends t1_j0zkpyg wrote

Red flags are known issues, though. Domestic violence, for example.

They aren't (supposed to be) prejudicial.