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Nizdizzle t1_j1lue6v wrote

Can you elaborate on what makes Walmart a pretty good employer?


masterofshadows t1_j1m00bv wrote

I'm not the op, but I'm a Walmart employee and while they're not perfect they do in fact take overtime seriously. Wages have gone up significantly. I've received a 50% increase in wages since 2020, where I was already making over 15 in a state that's still on federal minimum. The insurance isn't the best but it's definitely not bad. I can see a virtual doctor for free and most generic drugs are $4. Seeing an in person doctor is $35, which isn't super cheap it's also not super expensive either. They stopped pushing for part time and look to mostly have full time now with set schedules when possible.

In retail this is a good employer. Could they improve on some stuff? Yes. But they're not the evil empire. Like many jobs it really depends on who your management is.


alice-in-canada-land t1_j1oionx wrote

Worth pointing out that minimum wage in Ontario is $15.50 an hour, and that we don't depend on our employers to pay for health insurance.