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Sivick314 t1_j0wurz1 wrote

They are going after tiktok because it's owned by the Chinese. If the CCP bought Facebook you could kiss it goodbye


[deleted] t1_j0ww5aa wrote



Sivick314 t1_j0wx8v8 wrote

Really don't think banning a CCP owned app from government phones is a bad idea. Honestly, all social media should be banned.


[deleted] t1_j0x1bps wrote



SaltyMudpuppy t1_j0x8vpg wrote

> I view it as petty protectionism at best

Then you must have a very narrow worldview.


[deleted] t1_j0x9h4z wrote



bubblegumdrops t1_j0xosfl wrote

I assume the users of the government owned mobile devices could just use it on their personal phones. Since, you know, it’s not a ban on tiktok on all American phones.