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kittenpantzen t1_j0x1vp0 wrote

Is texting from your personal phone not an option? Or sending an email?

Edit: not being snarky. When I worked for my state govt in a different state, we were not allowed to use social media on state-provided devices, but nobody gaf what you did with your personal item as long as it wasn't something like taking photos of records or watching porn in the office or someshit.


Maindric t1_j0xoggw wrote

Not when you work in a scif.

Edit: Email sometimes works except for attachments. Also, if you need a timely response email isn't super useful.


kittenpantzen t1_j0xs0vl wrote

If you work in a scif, that is all the more reason why your government-issued device shouldn't have any non-gov-approved apps on it.


Maindric t1_j0zd3hu wrote

Certain social media websites are approved, some are blocked. I only have it open for messenger and nothing else. Certainly a lot easier for my wife to get a hold of me than the one uncleared phone on a podium sending someone else to find me. There are strict rules on what we can and can't do. For example, webcams and microphones are hardware removed, USB ports are disabled. In other words, there is no chance of video or audio leaking out.

Also, 100% of executables are blocked as well, so no downloading even approved applications outside of the government package manager. When you're stuck in there for 12 hours, including your breaks, it helps a little as well.


kittenpantzen t1_j0zm2ts wrote

That sounds more reasonable. And, I would assume that your messages are logged and at a minimum, spot audited. It still surprises me that they would let you use something like Messenger, where the company also has an archive of all messages sent/received.