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PattyMcFatty0 t1_j0xqkd0 wrote

An app which is already proven to have one of the most aggressive and obvious algorithms to find you what you like is not going to give you the truth, it's going to give you what you THINK is the truth. Every "news channel" I've found on the site usually chooses a daily thing to make a video on. Usually that video happens to always fit a specific narrative conservative or progressive because it's easier than making constant videos to ACTUALLY educate people about what they should know.

A lot of these also tend to cover topics that are trendy and would reach the widest audience. So a lot of smaller but still important things are lost or ignored because it's not important on tik tok to cover them.

Edit: It's also funny because it just shows how these news videos don't even tell people that this policy is for state employees only. It just shows that because of the compression it simplifies the news enough so that it's possible to come to a different conclusion than what is actually the truth.


tdt0005 t1_j0zexa7 wrote

Got it. Powers that be definitely aren’t concerned with keeping us uninformed…

You’re right that you are very prone to confirmation bias. I can see how this might exacerbate the problem, but generally people are already confirming their own bias all the time. For those seeking to challenge their beliefs, you get exposed to all kinds of things. For instance I get lots of pro-Christian content but also athiest content.

My experience is I’ve found things most that changed my mind. It’s been instrumental in helping my mental health in the last 2 years and getting off of other social media. And lots of other people like me are worried about losing that community.

I understand this is only for govt employees, but I seem to remember Trump trying to outright ban it before I ever even downloaded it. It’s not unreasonable to be worried about it getting taken away completely.

Tiktok or no tiktok, we should always be suspicious of the governments motives. And the control of information and limiting interactions to keep us ignorant and happy in our own ecosystems is absolutely intentional and used against us.