Submitted by -Ima-Phat-Cookie-Ho- t3_zyikk5 in news
Any-Variation4081 t1_j261klk wrote
Good. Get every single one of the traitors and lock them up. They are clearly brainwashed way too easily and are dangerous. They have no place in the general public. Period.
Chippopotanuse t1_j261sr8 wrote
So, two things:
> A Kentucky man was arrested in Miami almost two years after the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Two fucking years. The feds are gonna find every one of these assholes. No matter how long it takes. As they should.
> This arrest came from the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force meant to investigate national security threats.
Oooh shit. FBI ain’t fuckin around. Right-wing assholes and hate groups are now on the terror task force radar. Finally.
Edit: and one more thing:
> Officers made the arrest in Miami and charged Easterday with eight criminal counts, including assaulting an officer with a dangerous weapon, an act of physical violence at the Capitol, entering a restricted area with a dangerous weapon and others.
He can have fun with at least 4-5 years in jail with those charges.
[deleted] t1_j263bp3 wrote
quitofilms t1_j263n34 wrote
>Federal investigators wrote they identified the man from a YouTube video where he was at times carrying a Confederate flag - and at one point, investigators wrote he sprayed a Capitol police officer with mace.
If he had been a person of colour, he would have been handled "very differently" President Obama agrees and the Head of Capitol Security agrees
"very differently" = shot dead
tukekairo t1_j265oxw wrote
Law and Order: Insurrection
[deleted] t1_j2663re wrote
[deleted] t1_j26781b wrote
[deleted] t1_j268a8i wrote
livingfortheliquid t1_j269dpv wrote
I do love these late 1/6th arrests. Makes those that have not been arrested on edge.
[deleted] t1_j269r27 wrote
[deleted] t1_j26bzjd wrote
azuresegugio t1_j26ehyx wrote
There's a also a guy staying in a hotel down there he needs a booking
[deleted] t1_j26h4ui wrote
macross1984 t1_j26hplc wrote
One more misguided idiot caught. I'll bet he thought he got away. Surprise.
Trayew t1_j26kbum wrote
We do not lose! And we do not forget! And we do not give up! Ever! - Carver. The Wire.
badbadbrains t1_j26lqf2 wrote
Score one for the Washington elites!
Deeleroy t1_j26m4r7 wrote
I was hoping Trump had gone to Miami, lol
VoldemortsHorcrux t1_j26nex8 wrote
4 or 5 years for those charges sounds ridiculously low. I know nothing about law, just saying my opinion. Should be in jail a lot longer than that
breadexpert69 t1_j26rywj wrote
Hold ALL of them accountable. Does not matter how long it takes.
[deleted] t1_j26szxx wrote
[deleted] t1_j26teg2 wrote
cycle_chyck t1_j26tq3a wrote
Lock 'em up!
Every time an insurrectionist is hunted down, I gotta admit it feels like Merry Christmas to me
Odd-Employment2517 t1_j26vil0 wrote
Entrapment is very specific to being something the average person would've done if given the same chance. Most people aren't so brain dead that they would've overthrown the will of the people from a democratic fair open election to instal someone that didn't even do anything for them. Entrapment doesn't cover any of this
Malaix t1_j26woqz wrote
Now do the libsoftiktok lady.
RoyalCities t1_j26wsg1 wrote
People can get put away for 15 years for holding more than 25 grams of pot in Florida.
Apparently literally trying to destroy democracy is less of an offence than drug laws.
Chippopotanuse t1_j26x23p wrote
You are 100% correct that it’s ridiculously low for the severity of the crime he committed. It should be 20+ years.
But based on what I’m seeing other Jan 6 seditionist get (and keep in mind this is all somewhat based off of federal sentencing guidelines and DOJ recommendations by the line prosecutors in these cases) my guess is he gets 4-7 years if he takes a plea deal and 5-8 if he goes to trial.
Scoutster13 t1_j26xfm5 wrote
> Two fucking years. The feds are gonna find every one of these assholes. No matter how long it takes. As they should.
I fucking love it -so glad they are still on it!
[deleted] t1_j26xhn5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j270l84 wrote
[deleted] t1_j271d7z wrote
[deleted] t1_j271ty8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j271v5r wrote
iambarrelrider t1_j272dpi wrote
Nothing says that you are for backing the blue like getting charged “assaulting an officer with a dangerous weapon.” So much for law and order.
[deleted] t1_j27338v wrote
[deleted] t1_j273bvt wrote
Tom_Neverwinter t1_j2748lt wrote
Need more Info to go off of here.
Malaix t1_j274emy wrote
the lady behind libs of tiktok did an interview with Tucker Carlson and it seems like she was identified after as one of the Jan 6th rioters.
[deleted] t1_j274ue0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j274yt7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j276mxo wrote
[deleted] t1_j277l08 wrote
[deleted] t1_j27962o wrote
[deleted] t1_j279nec wrote
[deleted] t1_j27ap4h wrote
[deleted] t1_j27ax6p wrote
[deleted] t1_j27bh74 wrote
[deleted] t1_j27bk01 wrote
[deleted] t1_j27bs8z wrote
[deleted] t1_j27c3cl wrote
[deleted] t1_j27cz3u wrote
[deleted] t1_j27ddkk wrote
[deleted] t1_j27dp6n wrote
delsys32 t1_j27e2t9 wrote
Here's a thought for those still on the run:
If you think facial recognition technology is scary today think about 10 years from now. You're gonna get caught.
[deleted] t1_j27e6gh wrote
[deleted] t1_j27e8o0 wrote
damnthistrafficjam t1_j27eeps wrote
Hopefully the ringleader of these “Very fine people” will join them soon.
[deleted] t1_j27g748 wrote
[deleted] t1_j27gn3f wrote
splycedaddy t1_j27h5np wrote
“Nearly 1,000 people have been charged in the violent attack,”
1000 out of how many? Do we know how many entered the capital? Someone should start a countdown til everyone is charged
[deleted] t1_j27hdi5 wrote
allegate t1_j27hpjj wrote
I'm glad the name was in the beginning of the article because I didn't want to read too far into it as to whether it was the person I know who 'fled' to Florida and was suspiciously absent the 5th, 6th, and 7th of January 2021.
Still waiting for that article.
Skellum t1_j27klvk wrote
> Minimum Sentancing
Honestly should be fully done away.
> Consequences for their actions
Even a single year in prison will absolutely fuck up your life and you for the rest of your life. So basically once they're in prison the revenge is pretty well there.
We really have to make an example of their leadership though if we want to see their behavior change. Not just the orange joke of a human but also Murdoch and his media empire.
[deleted] t1_j27l4wy wrote
ShawnyMcKnight t1_j27lcaa wrote
They won’t catch every one. Every person who was smart/paranoid enough to not have their cell phone on while committing the felony and not brag about it on Facebook will get away.
[deleted] t1_j27nao5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j27nqbr wrote
[deleted] t1_j27nx5a wrote
cantproveidid t1_j27o6qm wrote
And who managed to stay out of everyone else's cell phone pictures that those other folks bragged about on Facebook.
ShawnyMcKnight t1_j27o9jo wrote
Or wear a mask, thankfully they are against that.
cantproveidid t1_j27okkj wrote
Isn't he staying at a golf club?
cantproveidid t1_j27olfh wrote
Dunk Dunk
[deleted] t1_j27oub5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j27q445 wrote
are_we_there_bruh t1_j27satn wrote
Another traitor goes down 👏 How many are left?
[deleted] t1_j27t3by wrote
[deleted] t1_j27tdxc wrote
[deleted] t1_j27thwx wrote
[deleted] t1_j27tpna wrote
[deleted] t1_j27ukdv wrote
AKMarine t1_j27um6o wrote
Angry MAGAs are all over the FBI Facebook page blaming Ray Epps and Hunter Biden for the J6 attack, while also blaming the FBI for employing Ray Epps secretly and pushing the J6 agenda to take attention away from Ukraine money laundering.
The craziness there is also a great place to keep up with the latest conspiracy theories as well. For instance, did you know that one of the newest theories is that the FBI is a Gestapo agency controlled by the Democrats to take rights away from conservatives? Just follow Edward Scott’s comments on the FBI Facebook page to keep up to date with the latest conspiracy theories.
johnn48 t1_j27x8gg wrote
Jan 6th, the gift that keeps on giving.
Sephiroth_-77 t1_j281j7i wrote
She was there, but that by itself is not a crime.
[deleted] t1_j282t5m wrote
PM_ME_YOUR_URETHERA t1_j285aa1 wrote
Is the man who was arrested the leader of the insurrection?
Malaix t1_j288ksx wrote
From what I’ve read the photo was taken on a restricted area so it literally was a crime to be where she was.
[deleted] t1_j28adcy wrote
[deleted] t1_j28af2e wrote
[deleted] t1_j28agdz wrote
PunisherASM129 t1_j28an7m wrote
spoiler alert: he won't.
Garland is never going to indict trump or pursue the members of Congress who helped plan and execute the failed coup.
sleeplessinreno t1_j28b3l4 wrote
Tune in next week for 'Crazy Shit Conspiracy Theorists Say'
boxer_dogs_dance t1_j28ffw6 wrote
Have you visited r/capitolconsequences?
Smoothsay t1_j28gnnq wrote
facial recognition tech is terrifying. Great that its to round up these scumbags but it IS going to be rampantly misused.
Just because we like who it is being used to round up now does not mean we cant recognize the absolute shitshow that is coming our way between deepfakes and facial recognition mixed with big data.
iAmTheHYPE- t1_j28h49u wrote
> The feds are gonna find every one of these assholes.
Would be nice if they found that guy who lives at Mar-A-Lago.
iAmTheHYPE- t1_j28h8uv wrote
Sadly, they still haven't caught the pipe bomber.
iAmTheHYPE- t1_j28hceb wrote
Of course not, that'd give Dems the majority in the House, considering the 14th Amendment.
iAmTheHYPE- t1_j28ifhh wrote
Let's see... Qbert, Gosar, Marjorie, Hawley, Stone, the Flynn brothers, Giuliani, Trump, Meadows, etc.
Snowdeo720 t1_j28iq99 wrote
You can run, but you can’t hide.
Trojann2 t1_j28ixak wrote
Oh she’s right there…
JayCroghan t1_j28k19u wrote
My iPhone and Apartment Complex already do it with a mask on. Also the AirPods had some scanning thing when you first connect to iOS 15 where it scans your head for the best possible directional sound (?!). This is today…
Exseatsniffer t1_j28ko53 wrote
No matter how much he deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars nobody can risk a "president" getting shived in jail and the logistics of keeping him safe would be too costly.
The maximum we can hope for is house arrest in a dwelling of the states choice without internet access. But even that would be stretching out luck I'm afraid.
[deleted] t1_j28kyfy wrote
TheRavenSayeth t1_j28m0s0 wrote
Agreed. 7 years of your life gone with the world and everyone you love is going on with it. What he did was abhorrent but it seems like a fair sentence.
Chippopotanuse t1_j28mni4 wrote
They’ve already done a search warrant at Mar a Lago. A federal judge has already ruled that Trump and Eastman committed crimes. It’s coming.
Politicsboringagain t1_j28p0rg wrote
That's probably the funniest shit.
I bet he was chilling with his family on Christmas, calling everyone a shit lib, and saying how much he loves Trump.
Politicsboringagain t1_j28p6tl wrote
You should probably send that person name to the FBI.
GeoLogic23 t1_j28q6q0 wrote
Round the clock secret service protection, for life, no matter where he goes. But somehow keeping him safe when he's constrained in one place would be too expensive?
Not sure how that makes sense.
Rote515 t1_j28q6u0 wrote
Entering the capital when you’re not allowed to, especially while part of a riot, is a crime.
EvangelionGonzalez t1_j28q7yd wrote
Entering restricted areas and attempting insurrection against the United States are crimes.
EvangelionGonzalez t1_j28qg1d wrote
Trump's not going to fuck you.
[deleted] t1_j28r7tu wrote
K1ngofnoth1ng t1_j28r9xx wrote
Have you seen most of the people that were there that day? They definitely can not run.
Snowdeo720 t1_j28rd9b wrote
Meal team six was undeniably fully deployed that day.
No argument there.
Psyman2 t1_j28rrwe wrote
1000 have been charged so far
Panelpro40 t1_j28sbr6 wrote
He could easily be confined at camp David for a period of time. Long enough for his life to fade 👋👋👋.
Mr_Mimiseku t1_j28tt11 wrote
As a sometimes optimist who hates the former "president", he won't.
PunisherASM129 t1_j28uign wrote
reality gets down voted but in fairness, it's only been two full years (next week) since the televised insurrection. perhaps the Special Counsel will find evidence that trump was actually involved in January 6??? we will be eating crow then for sure.
Exseatsniffer t1_j28veqb wrote
Yep, secret service in jail. That's not going to cost extra hazard pay.
also, if he you think the Trumpets are insane now, wait until he stubs a toe in jail.
autotelica t1_j28vyge wrote
I walked into Kroger yesterday and noticed the security feed of the entrance on the overhead monitor. There was me with my grocery cart and a green square hovering over my face, tracking with my movements. Don't know if the feed was being processed through a facial recognition database, but it totally could be, right? It kind of creeped me out. My first thought was, "I hope my twin sister hasn't committed any felonies I don't know about!"
GeoLogic23 t1_j28wzxr wrote
You realize they currently have to pay for lodging and travel and shit, right?
Idk what this argument is you're trying to make. There are a million angles you could try, but "it's too expensive to put him in jail" is absolutely not the one I would take.
Definitely a better idea to shift to "it's too divisive to hold him accountable". I still think that's a terribly weak argument, but it's easier to defend than the previous one.
[deleted] t1_j290n3z wrote
allegate t1_j293m5h wrote
Way ahead of you. ;)
Exseatsniffer t1_j2988a1 wrote
Hey, I get it, I want him to rot in jail too, I just don't see it happening for aforementioned reasons. And I get it the reasons given might be bullshit but since when did it mattered if something was bullsjit or not? It hasn't in the last 20 years that's for sure.
GeoLogic23 t1_j2992is wrote
Ok but you weren't originally suggesting it as a bullshit reason. You were suggesting it as a logical reason.
You yourself claimed the logistics of keeping him safe in jail would be too costly, and thus we should be ok with house arrest.
[deleted] t1_j29gfmx wrote
tretower424 t1_j29m4zz wrote
That we know of. They could be trying to get the associates of the bomber first, in order to build a stronger case. All of it takes time.
tretower424 t1_j29muwv wrote
And some of them are straight up unhinged and serial offenders and definitely do not belong in "polite society".
Exseatsniffer t1_j29nf1r wrote
GeoLogic23 t1_j29nwd5 wrote
No worries, Happy New Year
Sovrin1 t1_j29p9h0 wrote
> nobody can risk a "president" getting shived in jail
I'd risk that.
dayton967 t1_j29pejo wrote
New Reddit group there
joemeteorite8 t1_j29uha5 wrote
I just recently bought a house and had to scan my face into the IRS database. I was extremely hesitant to do it, but my family would be living on the street if I didn’t do it.
joemeteorite8 t1_j29uvai wrote
I like your optimism but there’s no chance in hell Trump ever sees the inside of a cell. If he’s ever actually tried for his crimes on and leading up to Jan 6, he’ll tie it up in court until he’s dead.
Chippopotanuse t1_j29vw0x wrote
Thats all true.
I still think he will get indicted. I think he will get prosecuted.
But like you say…he will fight every little thing on appeal and tie up the system for the rest of his life.
Exseatsniffer t1_j29wczt wrote
You either have little or nothing to lose or are oblivious to what rage fuckery his brainwashed flock is capable of.
I for one would not like to find out and I live 1000nds miles away from this power keg.
Skellum t1_j29x247 wrote
It's such a problem with sentancing though. All it does is let us get our revenge need out but doesnt really solve the problem. Lets imagine the normal path for one of these people in prison, they go in, they probably join a white supremacist/skin head gang for protection, they pick up more shitty behaviors and criminal connections. They get out.. they then go to work with their support network which is now 100% white supremacists and skinheads as they no longer have anything.
What did we accomplish? We kicked the problem down the road for 10 years and made it worse. We never actually fixed it. We really need prison reform for everyone possibly with legislation that makes it illegal to discriminate against hiring former convicts or that you're not obligated to report it unless you're a sex offender.
Maybe job placement/training/relocation so that when you come out you're at parity-10% or so of when you went in depending on your circumstances. Not that prison should be a reward, but so that it actually does something useful.
Acewrap t1_j29z348 wrote
Have a heart! It's not like he had weed on him
[deleted] t1_j2a0zh3 wrote
BruceRee33 t1_j2a1nlc wrote
This is definitely a feel good story for me. The people who were there just standing on the grounds waving flags and yelling all hail Trump, that's an acceptable form of protest. For everyone of the jackasses that got caught up in the mob mentality and entered the building, especially the ones who committed assault, I hope they are in a constant state of paranoia and stress. I hope they have nightmares about the FBI knocking on their front door. I hope every time they see a person wearing a suit and sunglasses driving a Tahoe, they shit their pants. Fucking moronic deplorable people.
appendixgallop t1_j2a78z3 wrote
White privilege.
[deleted] t1_j2a7p51 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2a7stp wrote
[deleted] t1_j2arumf wrote
AgoraiosBum t1_j2atdsz wrote
You do not get to win, shitbird!
WindyCityKnight t1_j2b463i wrote
Yes. Big brother will always be watching.
Dark_Styx t1_j2bp7cv wrote
I read "bought a horse" at first and thought "why would your family live on the street without a horse?"
spatialflow t1_j2cafij wrote
It's gotten so bad that people are buying horses just so they can stay in the stable with it
willit1016 t1_j2e0n07 wrote
It is a very slow walk but they coming for you. I wonder if ron and peter sweating it out now .. they won't admit it but i believe the went. If I see them dropping dime
superpony123 t1_j2fl2it wrote
GOOD. lock these thugs up and throw away the key and make an example of them. I know that they don't actually get that long for this stuff, but it would be nice if they did.
[deleted] t1_j260rep wrote