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RandomChurn t1_j0cm0es wrote

Such a sucker: got played.

I wonder if it's dementia? My mother was both frugal and canny all her life. So, discovering that she was getting cheated by all sorts of scams via snail mail (Publisher's Clearinghouse-type things, and way worse) came as such a shock. Lord knows how much money was lost.

Turned out to be an early sign of dementia 😣


Morat20 t1_j0d3jr8 wrote


Rudy's got all the hallmarks of that (and a reputation for hard drinking, day or night). He might be suffering some severe cogitative defects at this point.


CompleteNumpty t1_j0eahhx wrote

Could be both, Korsakoff's is an alcohol-related dementia and would fit some aspects of his personality:

"Those with Korsakoff syndrome may "confabulate," or make up, information they can't remember. They are not "lying" but may actually believe their invented explanations. Scientists don’t yet understand the mechanism by which Korsakoff syndrome may cause confabulation."


Yossarian1138 t1_j0eu8cv wrote

They might be able to figure it out quicker if they stop using words that confabulate people.


Alan_Smithee_ t1_j0fhz6j wrote

And yet Trump allegedly doesn’t drink.


CompleteNumpty t1_j0g4vbo wrote

It can also be caused by an exceptionally bad diet


McGryphon t1_j0garj7 wrote

Are you saying hamberders are not the breakfast, lunch and dinner of champions?



kingtz t1_j0ctsqo wrote

Also factor in the fact that Rudy has known Trump for decades. Surely, he of all people would be familiar with how Trump screws over his "friends" and employees and yet he thought that working for Trump was a good idea?

Then again, we're talking about Mr. Four Seasons Landscaping guy over here.