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I_ONLY_PLAY_4C_LOAM t1_j1c3z8w wrote

I think what the fed is worried about is rising wages will entrench price increases that are causing inflation, and that the supply side issues we've been having since covid haven't resolved fully. It's not just that they don't like rising wages. The context is that rising wages won't mean much if everything else also rises. The Fed isn't some evil anti labor organization. They exist to prevent the next great depression, and the monetary policy to do that can look unintuitive.


Art-Zuron t1_j1c77vq wrote

Those prices ain't ever coming down. The inflations artificial. It won't behave predictably according to supply and demand.


lvlint67 t1_j1cb3jb wrote

There are still supply side issues. Sourcing things like electronic components and raw materials like silicon and aluminum are still not easy.

I'm not writing off corporate greed, but we are still recovering..


TooManyDraculas t1_j1e0gij wrote

Some of it. There's a ton of price gouging going on. Fiscal policy can't resolve that, legislation and other regulatory action can though.