Valid_Username_56 t1_j19matt wrote
Waiting for the pics of "I did this"-stickers.
TopDeckHero420 t1_j19n8n5 wrote
Don't hear the R word much at all anymore.
[deleted] t1_j19nvzi wrote
cmc t1_j19nzcp wrote
I hear it all the time! But it looks like the Fed may be succeeding in the "soft landing" that was planned.
JackMitcham t1_j19o894 wrote
Which is a problem, according to the Federal Reserve.
This article is supposed to be bad news.
8008sgme2damoon t1_j19objf wrote
Are you referring to conservatives when they place "Joe Biden did this" stickers at the ⛽🛢 pump?
Valid_Username_56 t1_j19os1a wrote
Yes. I do that.
[deleted] t1_j19oztq wrote
[deleted] t1_j19pa3k wrote
Littlebotweak t1_j19ppli wrote
My gas is under $2.50 now, I’m gonna start putting up those stickers. Thanks, Joe!
Littlebotweak t1_j19pttr wrote
Did you hear that lesser known tech companies? You can stop pretending that twitter layoffs mean you have to freeze hiring. Thanks.
I expect Q1 to be better, but oy.
LadiesAndMentlegen t1_j19qioy wrote
I feel like demand is simply still way too high right now. Unemployment in my small midwest city is like 2%. Anecdotally, my brother was recently fired for some stupid thing from his near minimum wage job, and despite a bad work history from being fired from all his previous jobs, he found a new well paying job nearly instantly. Employers are desperate.
TopDeckHero420 t1_j19qyh9 wrote
The employment situation definitely makes low wage churn more volatile. There's plenty of people willing to take your place (and the company's shit). On the flip side, as you note, there are plenty of opportunities for those who show they are capable of more than minimum wage jobs.
kracer20 t1_j19r6lh wrote
All I hear about are employers saying they can't find workers. Other than not raising their wages as they should have, where did they go? Older folks have left the workforce, I hardly see HS students working anywhere. My only other guess is that as wages grew, some workers decided they could make it on two jobs, rather than three, or one job rather than two.
Textification t1_j19rr3s wrote
Regardless of how the gop tries to spin it, democrats have been by far the more fiscally responsible party.
[deleted] t1_j19t4u8 wrote
langis_on t1_j19u1la wrote
But how will the billionaires make money if we don't give them tax breaks!
langis_on t1_j19uaoa wrote
Thanks Joe!
[deleted] t1_j19v6xp wrote
jayfeather31 t1_j19vji6 wrote
...and the Federal Reserve will take this as bad news and raise rates even more aggressively, regardless of the economic impact.
Frankie6Strings t1_j19xcp8 wrote
This has been true for a long time.
NancyPelBroski t1_j19xim1 wrote
That’s weird, republicans told me that we were in a recession because they are paying more money for their groceries.
NancyPelBroski t1_j19xpqk wrote
Someone was complaining because he tapped into the SOR to lower gas prices. I don’t get it, no matter what he does they will bitch and moan.
Littlebotweak t1_j19ykfj wrote
Well, before that they were complaining that he wouldn't do that, so yea. Damned if he do, damned if he do not.
samuelgato t1_j19ywp8 wrote
What is this living wage you speak of?
Prices have increased 16%, wages have increased maybe 4-5% tops
[deleted] t1_j19zcg0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1a027y wrote
nexusjuan t1_j1a11zx wrote
I got a 30 percent raise. went from $12.50 to $18.50 in 3 months. With starting pay raised to $18. I work in a popular Italian chain restaurant as a cook. Base wages across this industry rose significantly.
[deleted] t1_j1a1qkl wrote
uberares t1_j1a3115 wrote
Over a million dead people from covid and four years of anti immigrant rhetoric.
reggiecide t1_j1a32gu wrote
Hundreds of thousands of working-age Americans died of COVID since 2020. Thousands Millions more have long COVID and may or may not be working.
[deleted] t1_j1a5cfr wrote
I have never been in a better financial position or felt this optimistic about my financial future. I wish that for everyone.
[deleted] t1_j1a5dx1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1a5xem wrote
0zymandeus t1_j1a608w wrote
It was that low around here, but they ticked price up a dollar a gallon in order to price gouge ahead of this winter storm
hillsons t1_j1a96k2 wrote
I'm so god damn tired of it always being labeled bad news no matter what. GDP is down, terrible news, recession looming! Wait, GDP is up, oh no, the fed is going to raise rates, horrible!
Haunting-Ad788 t1_j1abuip wrote
Yeah dude. They don’t have an ideology other than “my team good” and “their team bad.” Expecting any nuance beyond that is a fools errand.
[deleted] t1_j1ad917 wrote
EvangelionGonzalez t1_j1aej9g wrote
I saw this exact thing happen between my commute to work and lunch break. It was $3.15 on the way in, $3.90 at lunch. If you went two miles down the road, it was still around $3.25. It just happened that the $3.90 station is a much larger company and a much more trafficked area. Gouging people is disgusting.
Redoran_simp t1_j1aepdf wrote
Plus the millions with long covid that can't work
EvangelionGonzalez t1_j1aet0j wrote
Doing pretty well here myself. Did it hurt to invest so much money in my retirement for years? Yes. But now that I have more bills than before, I lowered my investment percentage. Putting more money in early in my career allowed me that flexibility. Feeling very positive about the future. Next step: Small starter home.
[deleted] t1_j1aglay wrote
[deleted] t1_j1aibft wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ajuiy wrote
SunsetKittens t1_j1akmzu wrote
I don't know. We'll see what the latest inflation numbers say later this month. Remember the Fed targets inflation - a cooling or cooking economy is just collateral.
If the inflation numbers come in good we may be seeing the super soft landing economists dreamed about. We might get good GDP growth and a pause in rate increases.
This news is not necessarily bad.
3v01 t1_j1alj9x wrote
Exactly. The fed isn’t pushing for a recession. They’re pushing for inflation to come down. This number doesn’t mean a whole lot to them assuming inflation continues how it did last month.
[deleted] t1_j1am6oe wrote
uberares t1_j1amaq8 wrote
People dont realize how high the % of those 55 and up still work, is.
ExistingCarry4868 t1_j1ao0j9 wrote
The couple of tech companies I know both hired a half dozen people each. They weren't in desperate need of people, but a bunch of talent just hit the market.
[deleted] t1_j1ao271 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ao8x9 wrote
Fuckedby2FA t1_j1apt3q wrote
No no no we need to give it all to the 1% they deserve it or something.
Mr_Bad_Example20 t1_j1aqhm6 wrote
Once gas prices settle and inflation drops what will they complain about ?
[deleted] t1_j1arqkq wrote
laconicflow t1_j1at9vy wrote
Well, with the economy there's usually an upside to all news. Rates raised, short sell.
MysteriousRoad5733 t1_j1aubhf wrote
Who started “paying people a living wage” ? Who are the recipients of this living wage ?
[deleted] t1_j1awgrq wrote
CAllD2B t1_j1awtwa wrote
I work in grassroots canvassing; we shut down over 45 offices because of COVID and have only been able to get maybe 5 up and running because of the way the job market has shifted.
[deleted] t1_j1awzv0 wrote
nihilistweasel t1_j1ax4tl wrote
R word is offensive to say outloud
nillerwafer t1_j1axhy7 wrote
The stuff they always complained about, Trans people in the bathrooms, Gays kissing in public, sexy cartoon characters being drawn a little less sexy. You already know.
ResponsibilityOne224 t1_j1aykvr wrote
Glad I was able to get a job at the federal reserve
izzgo t1_j1ayomf wrote
> democrats have been by far the more fiscally responsible party
decade after decade.
Mr_Bad_Example20 t1_j1ayxtj wrote
I guess there is always the migrant caravan invasion to fall back on as well
getBusyChild t1_j1az8zm wrote
Hence why Powell is pissed off every economic quarter.
nillerwafer t1_j1azen5 wrote
The migrant caravans they they organized to send to Martha’s Vinyard thinking that the Libs wouldn’t know what to do with all these people, only to find out that they would treat these people with some compassion and that it wasn’t even remotely the catastrophe that the right wanted it to be? Those migrant caravans?
It cracks me up every time just how badly it backfired.
diamond t1_j1azn3u wrote
I just love how every time the Republicans try to come up with an anti-Biden meme, it somehow blows up in their face.
First "Let's Go Brandon" gets turned into "Dark Brandon", and now all of their shitty little stickers are giving Biden credit for falling gas prices. Can't wait to see what they come up with next.
diamond t1_j1b0ltu wrote
We'll always have HunterLaptopTwitterGateGhazi. They'll be milking that tired old cow for the next 10 years.
VegasKL t1_j1b2o6n wrote
Yeah, it's always kinda odd (jk) how we seemingly have a major scandal or economic event which precedes a large recession, and the Dems pull us out of it.
It's almost like deregulation doesn't work over the long term for the economy as a whole, it just makes those industries rich until they collapse everything.
I guess the Dot-Com bubble could be attributed to Dems, but that might be from a lack of regulation (or slow moving regulation).
VegasKL t1_j1b3ira wrote
It's bad news "from the perspective of the economy" .. a healthy economy has a certain amount of unemployment, and growth.
When trying to cool it off to correct it, seeing more growth on top of it can be seen as a negative.
To the average person, it's seems like good news. We're living in very confusing times -- economic growth = bad, low unemployment = bad, massive layoffs in some industries yet still low unemployment = bad.
The problem is, it's not the wallet of the citizens, inflation is being driven by companies arbitrarily raising their prices (or reducing costs, features) because "everyone else is doing it." There's a reason some countries have a Windfall tax, so the government can step in and say "look here f***heads, you're gouging everyone."
[deleted] t1_j1b429o wrote
VegasKL t1_j1b48td wrote
A lot of these companies are just tightening their belt early in preparation for a 2008 level recession as to not be caught off guard.
If we don't get that, they'll start hiring again once they can't keep their current employees working 1.5 their work (to cover for the people they laid off). A lot of times with layoffs the workload doesn't significantly go down, they just burden the people who kept their job with the "be happy you're still employed" line.
[deleted] t1_j1b5n3h wrote
[deleted] t1_j1b7c5z wrote
Inconceivable-2020 t1_j1b93l7 wrote
Excess death figures strongly point to Covid deaths being over 3 million.
[deleted] t1_j1bbaht wrote
hillsons t1_j1bekbn wrote
I wonder what would happen if we stopped letting 30 people own all the wealth.
Morat20 t1_j1bgfl6 wrote
Well, it's almost always they didn't raise wages. Generally at all.
I've seen plenty of "20/hr" postings where it turns out they're offering 12 or 13 -- and other places are offering 15 or more.
After that, well, COVID killed off a lot of people and let a lot more disabled.
misuz_roper t1_j1bgm1b wrote
There go those Democrats.. making things better for all Americans. This must be investigated! Hunter Biden's laptop! Benghazi!
[deleted] t1_j1bgtnb wrote
[deleted] t1_j1bmrgv wrote
czs5056 t1_j1bpcxz wrote
Living wages for CEOs
Trompwnist t1_j1bppyf wrote
Infinite growth in a finite biosphere doesn't work
ChallyPrime t1_j1bwd5i wrote
Everybody says "recession" so much economists seem to want it.
this_dudeagain t1_j1bwxy3 wrote
More plebs for the soylent.
Snoo93079 t1_j1bx4dn wrote
That's because Republicans don't believe in cutting spending. They just don't believing in taxes. Democrats have the audacity to believe that you need to think how both revenue and spending work together.
Lawmonger t1_j1bxw4u wrote
Let the GOP complaints commence!
snoogins355 t1_j1bzibi wrote
We could be much more efficient. Nuclear power in particular
hotmessexpress44 t1_j1c05d6 wrote
I'd like to hear how you were fucked by 2FA.
hotmessexpress44 t1_j1c0dxj wrote
One will, conveniently, appear when the news is not in their favor right about election season.
NoLightOnMe t1_j1c219w wrote
Stop wondering and start preparing for such a world.
I_ONLY_PLAY_4C_LOAM t1_j1c3z8w wrote
I think what the fed is worried about is rising wages will entrench price increases that are causing inflation, and that the supply side issues we've been having since covid haven't resolved fully. It's not just that they don't like rising wages. The context is that rising wages won't mean much if everything else also rises. The Fed isn't some evil anti labor organization. They exist to prevent the next great depression, and the monetary policy to do that can look unintuitive.
I_ONLY_PLAY_4C_LOAM t1_j1c422o wrote
Ironically that preparation can cause a recession lol.
Relevant-Ad2254 t1_j1c4l61 wrote
👩🚀🔫👨🚀 always have been
hillsons t1_j1c4yh8 wrote
I’m prepared
Art-Zuron t1_j1c6860 wrote
Self fulfilling prophesies be like
Asst2RegionalMngr t1_j1c6cji wrote
The cost of borrowing keeps increasing as interest rates rise. Companies can't just keep hiring with free money anymore. They have to pay down their debt and cut costs. It has nothing to do with the strength of the economy.
Art-Zuron t1_j1c6fwc wrote
Not to mention that many workers were already working 2 or 3x what they were supposed to be working because many companies dropped to skeleton crews during covid to try and wring as much profit out of each and every soul that they had working.
"Nobody wants to work" and "Quiet quitting" didn't become dog whistles for no reason.
Art-Zuron t1_j1c6zqj wrote
I've heard the Internet called the "greatest experiment in chaos ever made" and I think that's part of why the dot com bubble happened. Neither the geezers nor the youngins really understood what it was. It was basically like Crypto. Unexplored frontiers. And, of course, like crypto, people quickly exploited that legal vacuum for nefarious purposes.
But, nowadays, while most of our elected representatives are still technologically illiterate, most of the population is pretty good at it. It doesn't help, however, that those illiterate fucks just do whatever ISPs and tech conglomerates bribe them to do though, otherwise we might have much better regulations.
A person is very smart but people are very stupid.
Art-Zuron t1_j1c77vq wrote
Those prices ain't ever coming down. The inflations artificial. It won't behave predictably according to supply and demand.
zaidakaid t1_j1c8wdo wrote
Wait you mean like how you’re supposed to run a business, or a personal budget? Blasphemy. What are these socialist falsehoods you speak of?
lvlint67 t1_j1cb3jb wrote
There are still supply side issues. Sourcing things like electronic components and raw materials like silicon and aluminum are still not easy.
I'm not writing off corporate greed, but we are still recovering..
lvlint67 t1_j1cbh9r wrote
I drive 20 minutes to work. Gas is consistently ~$0.50/gal more expensive on the work end. (Same chain).
lvlint67 t1_j1cbkln wrote
Sometimes I just kinda wish I could get in on the grifting. It's such an easy market to exploit and separate from their money.
I_ONLY_PLAY_4C_LOAM t1_j1cbmym wrote
Unfortunately our economy depends much on sentiment
I_ONLY_PLAY_4C_LOAM t1_j1cbok6 wrote
I agree, but there Fed has a hammer and obligation to use it
I_ONLY_PLAY_4C_LOAM t1_j1cbqnf wrote
There's also a war in Europe and a pandemic in China.
lvlint67 t1_j1cc45a wrote
** "crime"
> Releasing a bunch of violent criminals from federal prisons has lead to skyrocketing crime
The truth: Biden pardoned anyone in federal prison for pure pot possession and urged governors to do the same.
but you tie that to something like bail reform and mention a few anecdotes they heard from a friend of a friend that the cops went to the same 3 times in one night because a dude was beating his wife and "they couldn't do anything"
It's annoying how they'll cherry pick half truths and tie it to their emotions.
[deleted] t1_j1ce8rn wrote
Shrederjame t1_j1cemmz wrote
clinton was basically Reagan but blue so your lack of regulation theory still holds true.
disneylegend t1_j1ck0dp wrote
That’s okay. We can make a comeback in the fourth quarter.
fgreen68 t1_j1clw0m wrote
Republicans don't cut spending because that's how they payoff their donors.
[deleted] t1_j1crjfk wrote
Jasmine1742 t1_j1cs3t9 wrote
This has basically always been true, ever since the advent of the two modern democratic and republican parties.
[deleted] t1_j1cz7zd wrote
Niobous_p t1_j1d5wim wrote
This just means the feds will keep raising interest rates, because for some reason they now think a growing economy is bad.
Coffeetruckowner t1_j1d7g7a wrote
But I thought we were running out if diesel?
[deleted] t1_j1d7u8m wrote
Coffeetruckowner t1_j1d7wq7 wrote
I wish I would’ve kept track of all the silly theories my father-in-law had said to me over the last two years (that he has heard on Fox News) I would have to believe that none of them have come true. My question is, do they ever reckon those theories weeks, months, or years later that they were wrong? I mean yes they’ll never admit it publicly - but do they privately?
HardlyDecent t1_j1d9j76 wrote
What could possibly go wrong? Humans are rational, logical beings who...oh no.
Gb_packers973 t1_j1dc8lx wrote
You think yellen is doing a good job?
[deleted] t1_j1dcfrk wrote
civemaybe t1_j1dj6eq wrote
He did repeal Glass-Steagel, which laid the groundwork for 2008.
Reasonable_Ticket_84 t1_j1dnot7 wrote
>A lot of these companies are just tightening their belt early in preparation for a 2008 level recession as to not be caught off guard.
Many are also correcting for the COVID hiring bubble they went on. Seriously, Facebook went from 45k employees in 2019 to over 70k at the beginning of 2022. It's insanity not to call that a bubble. Alot of companies really went all in on "digital is the future forever" during COVID and unfortunately they have to scale back as reality sets in. Some actually did early in 2022, the larger tech companies held on but they are going to face the inevitable, hence why they started hiring freezes to try and shrink headcount through natural attrition rather than layoffs.
Reasonable_Ticket_84 t1_j1dnsz1 wrote
>Not to mention that many workers were already working 2 or 3x what they were supposed to be working because many companies dropped to skeleton crews during covid to try and wring as much profit out of each and every soul that they had working.
That actually wasn't common in the tech sector because demand for tech services was through the roof.
Art-Zuron t1_j1dsb71 wrote
A person is very smart, but people.are very stupid.
[deleted] t1_j1dzz6v wrote
TooManyDraculas t1_j1e04nx wrote
I still regularly see $30k listings for white collar work requiring college degrees and years of experience. With a living wage sitting in the high $40k range.
TooManyDraculas t1_j1e0gij wrote
Some of it. There's a ton of price gouging going on. Fiscal policy can't resolve that, legislation and other regulatory action can though.
214ObstructedReverie t1_j1e7uv6 wrote
The kinds of banks that Glass-Steagel prevented from existing (combo deposit and investment) actually fared better (due to their more diversified assets) in the 2008 crash than those that would have been allowed anyway.
It's much better to blame the Secondary Mortgage Market Engagement Act of 1984 from Reagan.
That bill allowed AA rates mortgage backed securities to be treated like securities, but did jack all to ensure that they were being rated properly. As a result, the system got poisoned by junk mortgage securities being thrown around as if they were as safe as government bonds.
SirAwesome3737 t1_j1etlat wrote
Wages overall increased 6.4% for November, but for "job switchers" they got 8.1%
dirtballmagnet t1_j19m4d7 wrote
Wow, it's almost as if when you start paying people a living wage they suddenly find money to spend.