black_flag_4ever t1_j0wfac7 wrote
>Police were following Aviles because she was wanted in connection with six other burglaries. Police sources described her as a recidivist who had just been arrested Dec. 8. Aviles was arrested for seven burglaries in the 19th Precinct on the Upper East Side alone between Nov. 25 and Dec. 8.
Arrested for seven burglaries in less than a month and out on bail. That's crazy.
SpaceTabs t1_j0wty65 wrote
Now imagine they have been doing that every day
Neoxyte t1_j0yexo8 wrote
Isn't burglary one of the charges you can't get bail for? Also when you get a lot of charges like that you usually get an ankle monitor. Idk what the fuck happened here.
Gb_packers973 t1_j10dulx wrote
Shes back out on bail
[deleted] t1_j0ws8i3 wrote
Most_Ruin_3005 t1_j0x4hl9 wrote
Sure, but also... in the grand scheme of possible crimes, burglary is pretty low on the list. Since it's just burglarly charges, we can deduce the following:
- In order to get a burglarly charge (vs. Robbery, Larcency, etc), the alleged has to be unarmed (guns or violence would automatically tack on attempted X charges [assault, etc])
- The alleged would have had to have trespessed onto the premesis with the intent of theft, but either did not manage take anything substantive and did not cause any significant damage or harm (which would be their own charges, like vandalism, etc)
So even though it's 7 arrests... they're arrests for stuff that's just a real shitty nuisence rather than something that was substantively dangeous to other people. Even vague language implying forceful action (e.g. "you're going to get out of my way!", etc) are enough to get a higher charge than burglarly in NY -- this further reinforces the idea that this person is just an objectively very stupid thief, rather than a real menace.
ShooterMcGavin2020 t1_j0xcx42 wrote
Someone breaking into your house goes way past the nuisance level. By doing this, she also put others at risk of harm (for example hurt themselves defending their home).
8604 t1_j0y4liz wrote
Dude not everyone can afford a burglary. Stealing a catalytic converter isn't violent and all that bad either, until thousand dollar car repairs leave you on the brink of being in poverty.
2SP00KY4ME t1_j0yafre wrote
I don't think you appreciate how traumatizing a burglary can be. Your house is supposed to be a fundamentally safe space. The person that broke in could've slit your throat while you slept if they wanted, or killed your dog. That can seriously, seriously ruin a person's mental health.
[deleted] t1_j0x65s4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j0xcq6y wrote
[deleted] t1_j0xmj29 wrote
BeautifulType t1_j0xfq8n wrote
Blah blah blah sheep have you any morales?
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