Slimfictiv t1_j6ca2fk wrote
Erdogan thinking thanksgiving is coming.
Most-Hawk-4175 t1_j6cbgtt wrote
Whenever you see far right activities, protests and public stunts like this then Russia always seems to be involved.
These book burnings are conveniently being done in countries that have tensions with Turkey and could result in NATO instability.
Far right interests and Russian interests go hand in hand. They both want Western democracies and governments to fail.
The Western world and the Muslim world should unite against this threat to peace.
follow-the-rainbow t1_j6cbw4x wrote
You had me until the last sentence, what make you think that Muslim countries are pro democracy by nature?
[deleted] t1_j6cbxo3 wrote
TailRudder t1_j6cckfl wrote
Uh.... The only reason why this kind of thing becomes an issue is because Muslim governments ARE far right governments. Russia does this to remind them that.
Most-Hawk-4175 t1_j6ccsxz wrote
Im saying Western civilization and Muslim countries face a common enemy that's trying to create instability and violence and we shouldn't let it succeed by remaining peaceful united against it.
That doesn't mean some Muslims countries are pro democracy nor does it mean the West has to like some laws in many Muslim countries but we still put our differences aside and remain peaceful and do business and have military alliances.
We shouldn't let these public book burnings and threats of violence stop that.
Most-Hawk-4175 t1_j6cdlzm wrote
These publicity stunts like the book burnings are to create rifts in the West and Muslim countries allied with the West like Turkey. Russia does this to poison and diminish the West and Muslim relations.
Muslim countries are religious and have their own unique internal politics very different from the West and far right western groups.
redander t1_j6ceoo2 wrote
Hasn't the usa always been one of the most dangerous places to travel? We're a backwards country. Also, if you are worried about hate due to being Middle Eastern I highly recommend visiting Detroit area. We have the largest population outside the middle east. Plus you can make jokes about having to go south aka Canada
[deleted] t1_j6cf6wh wrote
chrisdurand t1_j6cf7sp wrote
Tldr: Erdogan is up for re-election this year and he's posturing. Same reason he's pulling these stunts with Finland and Sweden with NATO.
Em42 t1_j6cfbwz wrote
I was just thinking maybe we need to rethink Incirlik, According to wikipedia (some of the info there is 20 years old...), Incirlik Air Base has one 3,048 m (10,000 ft)-long runway, located among about 57 hardened aircraft shelters. Tactical nuclear weapons are stored at the base. Among them are "up to" 50 B61 nuclear bombs. I want to say it's really a joint NATO base but I'm not sure where I read that now. it's always been mostly US tech, equipment and troops though, mostly because to the US has more tech, equipment and troops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. A lot of the info about the base is out of date, which makes me quite concerned that there are more nukes or more risk weaponry, or fewer troop than previously and it does make me an bit concerned. there than they're telling us, or that damn more concerned than previously that the troops they have stationed there are not enough to guard those bombs.
Cimatron85 t1_j6cmepj wrote
Welcome to geopolitics.
[deleted] t1_j6cnv2n wrote
ObliviousAstroturfer t1_j6coaee wrote
Four months to go.
This week it'll be invading Greece I think, although they haven't tried slinging some shit at Germany lately, probably didn't want all the Leo crowd cramping their style.
I've got to admit, didn't expect Erdygerdy to come up with fresh material.
WolfOfBelial t1_j6cp29d wrote
Actually far right is divided in the pro-ukrainian and pro-russian camp. Mainly because Russian troll presence is overwhelming on far right forums.
It's well known Russia has been releasing left wing and right wing propaganda to polarize and de-stabilize the world. The extremists are just useful idiots or greedy opportunists. There are no mutual interests with Russia. Only servitude. A lot of people obviously don't realize this.
Tho, we can't really counter Russian propaganda in extremist circles because they have been isolated from the community and antagonized to the point where they are lost causes. So, I guess we reap what we sow.
[deleted] t1_j6cp5v3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6cp8f9 wrote
GreenOnionCrusader t1_j6cqtnd wrote
Am I the only one who read this as turkey the bird and not turkey the country for a minute?
PunkFriday t1_j6cqujj wrote
Nato needs to revisit Turkey's membership status. Are there lesser partnerships without the veto rights?
BrianThatDude t1_j6crut8 wrote
Just want to point out that they have changed their name spelling for the world's purposes to Turkiye.
Not sure why this is downvoted. It's literally their name now. The un approved it.
[deleted] t1_j6cs461 wrote
SunsetKittens t1_j6cttk3 wrote
Even their name got inflation.
SurroundTiny t1_j6cvhk4 wrote
I thought their security teams beat people up when they visit.
TitaniumGoldAlloyMan t1_j6cvxd1 wrote
The west is creating instability and destruction in the Middle East for centuries. Who is going to stop them bad apples?
[deleted] t1_j6cw9rg wrote
[deleted] t1_j6cwmph wrote
ZealousMajestic t1_j6cxj9c wrote
Could you explain why you think they're "very different" from far-right western groups?
Honest question.
It seems like they have very similar stances on lots of key issues.
It_Is_Boogie t1_j6cz6cc wrote
Unfortunately, he's not wrong, at least in the US.
SomeDEGuy t1_j6czm8m wrote
As long as Turkey has control over a major world waterway, they'll have power and position.
TechSquidTV t1_j6d2v71 wrote
You're not getting my vote to team up with religious nations, we have too much religion at home.
[deleted] t1_j6d3t2k wrote
RobinsShaman t1_j6d42p7 wrote
Only with Russia.
RobinsShaman t1_j6d46ev wrote
Lol. I hope the votes are counted carefully.
Most-Hawk-4175 t1_j6d4s8w wrote
Far right political movements and groups in the West have wealth, power and influence and push fervent populism, white supremacy and nationalism that believe Western Democracies are tyrannical and oppressive to their way of life because of various policies like pro immigration, gay marriage, government welfare, voting rights. They are also fervently against Muslim immigration especially in Europe.
The Muslim world has no far right wing populism brewing within society. In fact, it's the complete opposite. The Arab spring was uprisings and revolutions from the poor and workers demanding elections and human rights. And recent protests in Iran were demanding women's rights among other things.
And Muslim governments are diverse and complicated. Some are obviously oppressive that are guided by religious fundamentalisum and are authoritarian like Iran. But others are more like progressive Democracies and others are monarchies with kings and royalty.
Some Muslim countries may share hatred for gay marriage and trans people and have authoritarian governments that far right Western groups aspire to but just because a few Muslim countries happen to support a few issues that far right groups do in the West does not make them comparable at all. They are not in most cases.
Painting with a broad brush that Muslim countries are far right are comparable to the political philosophies and aspirations of Western far right groups is just wrong on every single point.
sjfiuauqadfj t1_j6d6526 wrote
i just expected him to keep lowering interest rates
MrBallistik t1_j6d769n wrote
Common enemy? So... Democrat Liberals can fight against Christian Nationalism by appealing to a different group of religious fundamentalists?
TwoFrontHitters t1_j6d7stm wrote
I mean yea... The US isn't exactly the safest place in the world, at all. Trust me, I'd jump at the chance to be given refugee status to Europe or Ireland or something similar.
XPaarthurnaxX t1_j6dag6r wrote
This kinda posturing is incredibly effective on sunni muslims, I don't blame him
happy_the_dragon t1_j6dczr9 wrote
American here. Do… do we not like Turkey? The only thing I concretely know about the country is that I have a vintage teaser from there.
[deleted] t1_j6dhxjs wrote
[deleted] t1_j6dhxwt wrote
_Panacea_ t1_j6di3j3 wrote
Turkey was a secular ally of the US. Now it's a religious authoritarian shitshow.
[deleted] t1_j6dk00h wrote
indigofire1o8 OP t1_j6dl6mp wrote
Sir, there wasn't a paywall when I read the article and it seems like all the other people in this comment section didn't get a paywall. Have a nice day ❤️
Takeonlyone t1_j6dmmut wrote
Government Leaders creating fear when there isn’t. Then stating if it wasn’t for them it would have happened…
Takeonlyone t1_j6dn1u1 wrote
The Muslim world is not run by government. It’s run by their religion or religious leaders. The west is run for politicians. However if DeSantis gets his way it will be run by Christian Clerics.
[deleted] t1_j6dn242 wrote
Takeonlyone t1_j6dnc7b wrote
Democratic Liberals are not the gun nuts crying don’t tread on me, or screaming for their freedom when non is taken. It’s all on the Right Wing Nuts and their cult.
justforthearticles20 t1_j6doy4c wrote
In 3 months his corrupt pet judges will rule that his closest opponent(s) are ineligible to run, and if he still loses, will declare it Coup #739 and refuse to leave office.
FlatterFlat t1_j6dswg7 wrote
I grew up under the cold war. Nope, nowhere near that. Living in Denmark, a strategic location for blockading the Baltic sea, we would have been nuked and that would have been that. Every news (and there weren't that many back then) we with war in the middle east etc.
[deleted] t1_j6dtztr wrote
[deleted] t1_j6dufes wrote
0Camus0 t1_j6dx6cq wrote
99% of the population is Muslim. Threats of violence, what a surprise.
sonofgoku7 t1_j6e0n1s wrote
you really think other people are gonna respect the autonomy of Turkey when they very clearly don't respect the autonomy of other countries?
HolyGig t1_j6e1db5 wrote
Risk of attack in the US? Is he referring to his own security forces beating people in the streets here?
Mormegil1971 t1_j6e2tfm wrote
Creating imaginary dangers from ‘others’ is fascism 101.
[deleted] t1_j6e726j wrote
ParanoidFactoid t1_j6e8qw5 wrote
Every time Erdogan comes to the US there's a greater risk of attack ... against US citizen by his goons.
[deleted] t1_j6e9xsu wrote
[deleted] t1_j6ea5bt wrote
[deleted] t1_j6eac7l wrote
[deleted] t1_j6eevc3 wrote
Just-Flamingo-410 t1_j6elpkl wrote
Please note there wasn't any book burning (in last weeks). Erdogan said there was and he's been furious about book burnings. In reality someone ripped some pages from the quran. Sligh difference. Erdogan makes it worse than it is and stirs up shit while there is only a little poo.
LifeSleeper t1_j6emyar wrote
This mofo really thinks the average American is out here giving two shits about Turkey. Fucking lol.
Outrageous-Gur4824 t1_j6enwy8 wrote
When my father was a senior US Air Force officer, one of his duties was to negotiate a new labor contract between the USAF and the Turkish national labor union for labor done by Turkish contractors on US bases in Turkey.
One night, my father’s aide disappeared. Several days later, he was dropped off at my fdther’s tenlotsry apartment at Incirlik AFB — badly beaten and still bleeding.
It was a typical Turkish tactic — sending the message to my father not to drive too hard a bargain, lest he be next.
So yeah, people visiting Turkey should be wary.
WirelessBCupSupport t1_j6epho0 wrote
He's stuffing his ballots!
IhsousApoTaLidl t1_j6eveje wrote
They will get as much respect for their name from me as the respect they have shown for my country's airspace and land borders; none.
I mean, it's not everyone else's fault they saw Turkey in an english lexicon, didn't check to see what the word they were stealing meant and ran with it for their country's name.
GibbysUSSA t1_j6f20li wrote
The west is run by politicians, many of whom are working for religious leaders and various religious groups. There is a growing Christian Nationalist movement in the west that has infiltrated our government.
DuckDuckJeeper t1_j6f6lwu wrote
American here as well. The Americans that I run with would give the shirt off their back to someone needing help. The only exception might be if the person is a wife abusing, child exploiting, extremist douche.
That said, Turkish citizens who aren’t wife abusing, child exploiting, extremist douches should consider themselves welcomed regardless of how flighty Erdogan might behave.
[deleted] t1_j6ff42t wrote
SethikTollin7 t1_j6flshf wrote
Eye for an eye doesn't make the world blind, but choosing an equal financial burden to the issue sounds fun.
Teantis t1_j6gpgxl wrote
Nato cannot 'revisit' anyone's membership status. There's no mechanism for booting countries from the alliance. There's some really tenuous legal reasoning the other states could unanimously declare one of the member states in material breach of the treaty and repudiate it, but there's a) zero precedent for it and b) really unlikely to ever get unanimous consent from everyone as quite a few countries would be concerned it could be used on them in the future.
To get turkiye out of NATO the us and it's main allies would likely have to make life so uncomfortable for them that they withdraw themselves. Like when you wanna break up with your partner and just act like an ass till they break up with you.
[deleted] t1_j6gri2f wrote
fuck_the_fuckin_mods t1_j6gz0kr wrote
We don’t like authoritarian wannabe dictators like Erdogan. The Philippines is an ally too for example, but… well… their leaders lately are so far beyond fucked that it’s almost comical. The only thing I have against the citizens of these countries is that they allowed this to happen (or worse, supported it). FWIW I’m not a huge fan of the general populous here in the US for the exact same reasons.
fuck_the_fuckin_mods t1_j6gzf8w wrote
More nationalistic posturing from Erdogan.
PrudentDamage600 t1_j6h78br wrote
Don’t you dare talk about our belovéd Republican Party like that!
PrudentDamage600 t1_j6h7ayn wrote
Don’t you dare talk about our belovéd Republican Party like that!
PrudentDamage600 t1_j6h7c3w wrote
Don’t you dare talk about our belovéd Republican Party like that!
[deleted] t1_j6hdgv3 wrote
roelbw t1_j6hndky wrote
All other NATO countries could decide to create a "new" alliance called NNATO, and then leave the old NATO, leaving just Turkey in it. The problem is that Turkey has had access to western military technology for a long, long time.
slashd t1_j6i9a6y wrote
What did your father do next?
khanfusion t1_j6ix5ta wrote
I imagine his supporters are a lot like MAGA folk over here. Completely stupid, and willing to believe anything he says.
Sc0nnie t1_j6j36md wrote
Wild. I sincerely hope the response was to stop employing Turkish nationals on the base entirely.
ControlledSingular t1_j6ja04p wrote
Nah face reality. Rural idiots love strongmen everywhere. You see it in every democratic country.
[deleted] t1_j6jdq9i wrote
Outrageous-Gur4824 t1_j6jdsry wrote
He negotiated a fair contract and then came home to Ramstein AFB, where he resumed his primary role as the Deputu War Plannwe for HQ US Air Forces Europe.
Outrageous-Gur4824 t1_j6jea69 wrote
The realomse was to conclude negotiations as if nothing had happened. US government didn’t want to give the Turks the satisfaction of letting them know it had any impact.
Sc0nnie t1_j6jjyb9 wrote
That’s unfortunate. Knowingly employing violent criminals risks the security of the base. Dressing it up as “not giving them the satisfaction” of acknowledging the blackmail is rationalization.
[deleted] t1_j6jq299 wrote
DavidNipondeCarlos t1_j6mg2j8 wrote
8 years ago we retired military could fly there on transport to visit the area area as tourists. No longer aloud for our security.
marcingrzegzhik t1_j6c80fj wrote
These days, it seems the world is getting more and more dangerous. It's concerning to hear of warnings like this.