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t1_j5kbm8y wrote

So borderline a monopoly then. When I had a Windows phone (I know...) I used Bing maps out of stubbornness to be zero Google and it worked fine enough. I still use them and aside from looking at reviews (which are Yelp) it is otherwise accurate. But when Windows phone went away I moved back to Android. No Bing maps. Tried to hack web version to work and it had weird issues too. Tried openstreetmaps and it was crazy lacking. Only two map apps on Android that seem to work are Google and Waze and I like neither. I just deal with Google's shit UI and collecting my data out of lack of options, with Waze merging there is really not an alternative. Google really wants your location data. On top of that, now maps keeps bitching how it can't figure out where I am and wants me to TAKE PICTURES of my surroundings, like no fucking thank you, previous phones tracked perfectly what did they do that fucked up GPS so bad?