Submitted by nosotros_road_sodium t3_10in8a2 in news
[deleted] t1_j5f9b2s wrote
polysciguy1123 t1_j5f9l1m wrote
Whose design?
[deleted] t1_j5famte wrote
fatninja80085 t1_j5fbngz wrote
Helen Keller
[deleted] t1_j5fc2ix wrote
[deleted] t1_j5fijit wrote
8BitSk8r t1_j5fimy3 wrote
Republicans. They literally voted against increasing baby formula supply.
[deleted] t1_j5fioku wrote
[deleted] t1_j5fjjxl wrote
[deleted] t1_j5fkud6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5flexd wrote
[deleted] t1_j5fo4n8 wrote
desertbat5864 t1_j5fo7mo wrote
I haven’t seen this in the news for a while and I was wondering when it would start being news again. I haven’t been able to find any version of formula my baby does well on (the kind with partially hydrolyzed whey) in any store near me or online for MONTHS. Any version of the generic gentle ease. All that’s in stores is the super expensive gentle ease liquid form and for some reason it is not the same and my baby can’t use it.
[deleted] t1_j5fp30h wrote
Ceratisa t1_j5fpana wrote
Out of curiosity, what do you define as does well on?
Fun_Necessary1021 t1_j5fpor6 wrote
My baby was having the shits
desertbat5864 t1_j5fqaci wrote
Doesn’t make her spit up/vomit, doesn’t either give her diarrhea or give her constipation, she will actually drink it, things like that. Also I’ve found the formulas that are left at the store are extremely foamy or don’t mix well and leave clumps. Plus if you have a baby you know how frustrating it is In general to be constantly switching formulas no matter what. It’s hard when they are little on their tummies. I have found another that she did ok on but there was only one left. Went to the store again, none of that brand either.
desertbat5864 t1_j5fqfv5 wrote
Oh and doesn’t give her major gas pains.
Ceratisa t1_j5fqhy3 wrote
Ah ty. See, since we know chemically exactly what's in breastmilk I figured there would be fairly little variance to different formulae
desertbat5864 t1_j5fqqil wrote
Ya it’s interesting how much they vary! And how much they all vary while saying “our closest formula to breast milk”. You can see that label across the same exact brand but their different formulas. Like how can they BOTH be “closest to breast milk” when they have different main ingredients? Lol
Ceratisa t1_j5fqxaz wrote
The secret is marketing bullshit! Add a healthy dose to every essential product!
air401 t1_j5frbju wrote
I didn't know baby formula grew on plants! Where can I get some of those seeds?
[deleted] t1_j5frlgj wrote
[deleted] t1_j5ft9y6 wrote
martin4reddit t1_j5ftx4h wrote
Oh, but the dairy industry couldn’t possibly be made to compete with foreign corporations! Because French suppliers have -checks notes- ahem, lower safety standards and animal welfare practices.
And the other corporations that don’t pay tax don’t want the tax burden increased by uhhh a few hundred million dollars (divided by a few hundred million taxed entities)!
[deleted] t1_j5fuo7c wrote
[deleted] t1_j5fv1vl wrote
dba1990 t1_j5fw4fd wrote
Just like computer chips. Just like eggs right now.
All these “shortages” are (in some capacity) effects of corporate/Wall Street greed wanting more profit with excuses of ‘inflation’ and ‘product scarcity’ thanks to the COVID pandemic.
Neon-Night-Riders t1_j5fxz1o wrote
Try bobbie at target. Made of way better stuff than the other big name brands and pretty easy to find there. Our baby’s doing great on it.
The_Drizzle_Returns t1_j5fz2dy wrote
> Just like eggs right now.
Not like eggs, Eggs is due to bird flu which has required millions of chickens to be killed.
yreland t1_j5g09i2 wrote
I have a family member who works at this facility. All I can say is he’s not known for his personal hygiene. Or supreme work ethic.
moeburn t1_j5g0hs4 wrote
Yes like eggs. We don't have the increased prices in Canada because we have supply management for eggs.
That's where we compel all egg producers to make X amount of eggs, whether people actually want to buy them or not. And if people don't buy them, the government buys them instead.
So all the egg producers are always producing the same number of eggs regardless of demand, and they're always making the same amount of money.
End result is we were paying slightly more than you guys during times of plenty, and now we're paying way way less than you guys ($2 CAD/doz here in Ontario) during times of scarcity.
Your government was about to do that with baby formula, and then voted against it.
mabhatter t1_j5g0odh wrote
This company was given multiple warnings and chances by the FDA didn't actually have production halted and FDA recalls mandated until there was a string of illnesses and deaths possibly tied back to formula. The the FDA went there and things the company had been warned of repeatedly still weren't fixed and their being cagey but unsafe levels of contaminants were found.
Then after they reopened the plant got shut down for flooding? I mean how are they building a baby formula plant without effective mitigations for that stuff? There's definitely criminal level negligence going on where FDA rules simply weren't being followed even after the company was repeatedly warned. People should be rightfully angry about the breakdown in the safety process.
Educational-News2334 t1_j5g0rnz wrote
Our youngest had all those problems. Had to cut out gluten,dairy, and surprisingly tomato’s.
ladydadida t1_j5g0we2 wrote
Try Baby’s Only by Natures One! They have a Pea Protein formula that is often tolerable for babies with cow milk allergy and you can bulk order it at a great discount.
[deleted] t1_j5g17he wrote
[deleted] t1_j5g1azp wrote
desertbat5864 t1_j5g1c69 wrote
Tomatoes was the first thing my mom warned me about while I was breastfeeding! I would have had no idea.
Educational-News2334 t1_j5g22bn wrote
It was kind of a fluke that we found out. Many other parent’s suggested dairy and gluten but our daughter was still projectile vomiting and having diarrhea. But once we figure out it was the tomato’s she’s been real good. Another thing we found out is sourdough bread is tolerable for the baby. My wife and I have been making sourdough to replace regular bread.
mabhatter t1_j5g28b2 wrote
The Avian Flu outbreak really shows how seriously the FDA takes this stuff to keep out food supply and public health safe. It's not all a conspiracy... people really actually do their jobs quite often.
FizzWigget t1_j5g2h25 wrote
Pork industry as well. Lied about the shortage and took bets on who would catch covid
bad-fengshui t1_j5g2ncw wrote
My wife is on an elimination diet right now and we gambled on pizza... hoping it was a seafood allergy. We were wrong and have a very fussy baby on our hands.
Good to know about tomatoes, I wouldn't have guessed!
lokicramer t1_j5g2qy6 wrote
Make less, charge more, save money, celebrate huge profits for your shitty investors.
Educational-News2334 t1_j5g3xom wrote
Very relatable! We literally said screw it and indulged on some Mexican food. Huge mistake, it was a rough night…..
Sigh… back to more chicken and rice.
[deleted] t1_j5g42dy wrote
HungryTreasure t1_j5g65i2 wrote
Weird how the other companies are magically short now too. Yet, I see tonnes of similar milk-based supplements fully stocked everywhere. Sounds like a fake shortage to increase profits.
[deleted] t1_j5g6tbo wrote
onlyherefordestiny2 t1_j5g6vjf wrote
They can have more than one allergy or intolerance so you might not be wrong. My kid had a dairy protein intolerance and I kept finding milk in everything including my iron supplements. It's rough. Hope you figure it out.
[deleted] t1_j5g9enb wrote
[deleted] t1_j5g9kjg wrote
party_benson t1_j5gag4i wrote
They'll pay a fine, fire some low level workers to make up the profits and nothing will have been learned and no one will be accountable.
[deleted] t1_j5ge195 wrote
Lucky_pidgin t1_j5gesy5 wrote
Husband worked at Nutricia factory here in NL, where they recently had to switch things up a bit to appease the FDA. They were coming over to inspect the facility as a lot of the baby food was needed in the US. As the designated American on staff he got the "pleasure" of dealing with the FDA. its insane they have to resort to importing critical food for tiny people.
happy-cig t1_j5gfc8i wrote
You can say that because Canada doesn't even consume close to the amount of eggs the USA consumes.
moeburn t1_j5gfecc wrote
No but when they were always producing 20% more than Canadians ever bought, and the avian flu problem results in a loss of 19% of your eggs, you still have a surplus, and prices don't change. That's the point. The government says "please make all this extra food every year, don't worry we will pay for it if nobody wants it. We just want it to be available in case there's a shortage one year."
The American government instead says "here's $100,000, please make food with it". And you hope that they vote to increase or decreases that amount as farmers need it.
Sweet-MamaRoRo t1_j5gfkpk wrote
This just feels like something we should nationalize and tie to a prescription or something so it’s paid for with insurance at least partially, the formula shortage was awful and effected tube fed people as well.
moeburn t1_j5gg8zi wrote
No because we're a smaller country with fewer people and fewer chickens :/
These arguments never make any sense. Compare Canada to any individual state with around 30 million people then, like California.
The point is the supply management system. It's this weird semi-socialism thing where the government tells the industry of some life-essential product to always make more than people will actually buy, they mandate production quotas on them. And then the government pays them for all the extra that they don't sell, so that it doesn't actually burden the producers and make the industry collapse. That way one bad year when there's an avian flu outbreak or a baby formula factory contamination, there's still enough surplus to make up the difference and the prices/availability don't change at all, because you made sure the industry was always making enough to cover it.
[deleted] t1_j5ggtva wrote
VanillaGorilla- t1_j5gix14 wrote
They'll learn what to say for next time to make it go away.
rpgnoob17 t1_j5gjmmt wrote
Does the region you live in have a breast milk bank?
twitch_delta_blues t1_j5glidw wrote
Hmmm. Almost like the executive class has screwed over America by destroying our manufacturing capabilities.
[deleted] t1_j5gotp4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5gp7di wrote
Eurocorp t1_j5grcde wrote
Yeah like the US buys a ton of milk products to help the price of milk keep stable because of the dairy subsides.
All the subsidies of an industry mean little if the cows or chickens start falling sick.
definitely_not_tina t1_j5grlt7 wrote
It’s all about the cheapest way to make a profit.
Indurum t1_j5gun9m wrote
Now do oil and literally every other product that has gone up like 250%
N8CCRG t1_j5gvz7i wrote
There was a huge whistleblower report that had them under serious investigation. The whistleblower claimed they not only didn't fix the things they were told they had to fix, but celebrated tricking the follow up inspectors into thinking that they had, and then using the money they saved on stock buybacks to line their pockets.
Art-Zuron t1_j5h0rb6 wrote
When inflation's 15% but many things go up 30%+ is sus
[deleted] t1_j5h2jkv wrote
digitelle t1_j5h59nw wrote
But they…. Want people that have more babies?
Why would it matter if they voted against it? It’s odd the company doesn’t work for supply and demand..?
razorirr t1_j5h64e9 wrote
So the canadian government is paying piles of money to keep farmers making too much of a livestock product, when we all know livestock products are a huge waste of energy, land, water, and emit more GHG compared to just making plants and telling people to not have an ommlette every morning?
Unicorn_puke t1_j5h6not wrote
How's his drinking?
[deleted] t1_j5h80kq wrote
[deleted] t1_j5h860q wrote
moeburn t1_j5h8tjz wrote
>telling people to not have an ommlette every morning?
We do it with all dairy and poultry products. Basically every staple perishable calorie we produce en-masse in Canada has supply management.
[deleted] t1_j5h95ux wrote
PMmeserenity t1_j5hatl4 wrote
How does supply management stop bird flu?
moeburn t1_j5haxc0 wrote
It makes it so that prices don't fluctuate in a shortage.
PMmeserenity t1_j5hazsk wrote
Good thing climate change isn’t an issue in Canada! No reason not to be extremely wasteful with industrial production...
lokithegregorian t1_j5hbcak wrote
They want those babies born starving and therefore compelled to compete and produce. In effect, before the new people figure out whats going on (late 20s at best), they will replenish the work force, and create a demand for police, as the legalization of abortion had a significant effect on crime. You can't control the poor without turning one half against the other.
They need the unwanted half to feed the machine.
moeburn t1_j5hbd8m wrote
> to be extremely wasteful
It's actually less wasteful this way. Your American farmers are still dumping all their excess milk when they can't sell it, they just don't have any government intervention to protect them when it all goes tits up, so they either produce even more to try and make more money (which gets dumped), or they go bankrupt and get bought up and consolidated by billionaires.
>Farmers with perishable products such as milk were at the mercy of processors who knew they could pressure farmers into accepting lower prices because the alternative was a spoiled product worth nothing. If individual farmers each tried to compensate for low prices by producing more, the result was a market glut which further depressed prices. Often the solution was to dump the excess milk, wasting it. Processors could threaten to refuse delivery and lower prices by encouraging competition among producers, allowing the price to be set by the most desperate farmer. Consumers were subject to price volatility, erratic supplies and seasonal shortages. Furthermore, it was difficult to ensure consistent quality when farmers could not rely on a fair return for their efforts and investment.
PMmeserenity t1_j5hcbzb wrote
So it seems like your whole story is just full of shit. Canada’s laws haven’t helped it avoid egg price fluctuations, Canada had just been lucky enough to avoid significant bird flu before 2022 but that’s changing. So let’s see how price controls do going forward, now that you’re actually dealing with the issue.
Also, I don’t know know where you live in Canada, but it seems like most of the country has seen steep egg price increases this last year. You might find them for 2/dozen, but in Toronto the average price is $4.45. Kinda seems like you’re just making shit up?
PMmeserenity t1_j5hcrvg wrote
And the US government actually does buy a ton of milk and cheese, both to maintain prices and production capacity, and to create a national reserve. I think we’ve got about 1.5 billion pounds of cheese in storage.
[deleted] t1_j5hdjnm wrote
bildramer t1_j5hf7lw wrote
The FDA are the very ones responsible for the mess. Paying them more money is supposed to accomplish what, exactly?
[deleted] t1_j5hfw2l wrote
moeburn t1_j5hii68 wrote
> Canada’s laws haven’t helped it avoid egg price fluctuations,
That's exactly what they do.
>Canada had just been lucky enough to avoid significant bird flu before 2022
Right... the bird flu epidemic causing steep increase in egg prices in US and UK and elsewhere was in 2022. Hence the prices today, in 2023. We were all affected by it, but your country is seeing more expensive price increases because of it than mine because of a different policy.
>in Toronto the average price is $4.45.
I don't know where you got that number, but that's okay, because I got my own numbers, and they're both in the same currency, $USD: ( (
So people in Toronto are paying 3/4 what people in major US cities are paying for a dozen eggs.
Especially weird considering almost everything is almost always more expensive in Canada due to our smaller population and lack of economies of scale.
neonlexicon t1_j5hjm9b wrote
Also doesn't help that big poultry farms have been pumping chickens full of hormones & screwing up their genetics to the point where their immune systems are practically nonexistent, allowing avian flu to just rip through them by the millions.
PMmeserenity t1_j5hl8yr wrote
> I don't know where you got that number
It's in the article I linked.
And even if what you say is true, I'd rather not pay extra for eggs all the time to avoid rare price spikes. There's plenty of other foods to eat, and no reason to tolerate constant inefficiency (both carbon footprint and cost) in order to make sure prices don't fluctuate. It's not like those controls will help you avoid inflation overall, just occasional spikes. If my whole grocery bill is smaller in the US, why does it matter that eggs cost more sometimes?
And the reason everything is more expensive in Canada (and I agree, it is, at least where I travel for work) might have something to do with these price controls.
There's a lot of things about the US that deserve criticism, but food supply really isn't it. If there's anything we are good at, it's making a ton of commodity foods, cheap.
timsterri t1_j5hnz0t wrote
Do you live in the US, and if so, are you insane? You want ANYthing in this world to be modeled after our insurance system?! Holy shit, baby formula would go up 5000% in the first three months.
[deleted] t1_j5hoave wrote
[deleted] t1_j5hoj58 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5homu6 wrote
yreland t1_j5hppeh wrote
A diabetic that still drinks two tall boys on his way home.
[deleted] t1_j5hrhu9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5hrywp wrote
[deleted] t1_j5hs7vk wrote
[deleted] t1_j5hsflr wrote
Fabulous-Ad6844 t1_j5hwsma wrote
While forcing births. Smh
DefinitelyNotAliens t1_j5i0p58 wrote
The FDA is responsible for taking reports, investigating them, issuing multiple warning to a private company they are out of compliance, starting a plan to fix the issue, private company not complying and then shutting down a facility that killed babies due to unsafe food standards?
Timeline here. Pdf of the intitial complaints.
They had gotten a warning several months prior, and then sicknesses started. Of the batches of formula sampled, none actually turned up as positive for bacterial contamination. After several sicknesses they arranged a site visit to Abbott anyways. Abbott was notified of the visit due to COVID and then said they had an active outbreak. The visit was delayed. At this point, no formula from the homes of sick/ deceased infants had actually tested positive, just the children. But all their formula came from one facility.
When Abbott tried for a second delay, the FDA showed up anyways, found dilapidated equipment, roof leaks and multiple swabs came back positive for bacterial contamination. The facility had not made any changes since the prior warning but understaffing at the FDA had poor follow up. They confirmed bacterial contamination on Feb 13 and had a recall by the 17th after delaying voluntary recall. On Feb 17th the FDA issued a statement to not use those baby formula cans and the company finally recalled them.
Better funding for more frequent inspections and more follow up could have stopped them from having the facility get that bad and better enforcement of repairs once the issues are found.
Crackleflame35 t1_j5i0y6r wrote
Well the good news is if it's been months she'll grow out of it soon enough and on to solid foods
allroadsendindeath t1_j5i2g6u wrote
During the worst of the shortage I had good luck picking out the most egregiously expensive, independently run grocery stores I could find and they tended to always have the formula I was looking for in stock. Fancy folk tend not to have a lot of infants at home apparently.
HyldHyld t1_j5i2iij wrote
The FDA is such a shit show as well. "Rules" is laughable. Ambiguous sentences you need to divine information out of at best. Definitely two failures in this story.
MrBadBadly t1_j5i36v1 wrote
Glad to hear he's not a quitter!
[deleted] t1_j5i4tce wrote
[deleted] t1_j5i516z wrote
Putin_is_a_Puto t1_j5i5a2v wrote
Everyone responsible for this is no different than a serial child abuser
Putin_is_a_Puto t1_j5i5f2n wrote
Probably somewhere on fuck off island
daretoredd t1_j5i5iwm wrote
Not one seen this coming, oh wait yes we did, because the same thing happened last year.
Rockman507 t1_j5i6mqc wrote
This, I was just down visiting my folks and our order got delayed so we figured we would look down there. Drove nearly 100 miles and ended up at a fancy organic store paying 5$ more to get one. Ugh nearly a year of this now
flygirl083 t1_j5i79ft wrote
I could never figure out why people were blaming Biden for the shortage. He doesn’t control Abbott’s factories. He doesn’t personally oversee day to day ops. If anything, the FDA was far too lenient about previous violations. Had they cracked down hard way back then, we might have avoided this whole thing.
[deleted] t1_j5i7vs9 wrote
keklulbur t1_j5i9zoe wrote
the fda got declawed because if they actually did anything and a shortage happens u will hear tucker and co saying LIBERALS TRYING TO CONTROLL WHAT WE FEED OUR CHILDREN!!!!!
so they stuck between doing their actual jobs and soft warnings because public will side with the corps over the feds
texasdeafdogs t1_j5id40m wrote
Some of the special formulas smell So. Damn. Bad. Idk how they can stomach the stench.
OhCrapItsYouAgain t1_j5id765 wrote
For what it’s worth, Sams club near me (Chicago area) has the Gerber partially hydrolyzed whey in stock
happy-cig t1_j5idj28 wrote
Well its about scalability right?
Canada - population ~38mil, consumption ~38mil eggs
USA - population ~331mil, consumption ~339mil eggs
So with the Avian flu if we lose any percentage of our chickens then we get rekt, as shown by current times.
Also USA Egg production - 96.6 billion
Canada 839 million
We are producing 11.5x times the eggs as Canada. while you are only 9x our population.
[deleted] t1_j5idmh6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5idomx wrote
StumbleNOLA t1_j5if3g6 wrote
Well you see…. by allowing two companies to buy up all formula manufacturers in the country and moving all production to just two plants. The companies were able to show two quarters of above expectations growth.
StumbleNOLA t1_j5ifbm4 wrote
Costco has had their gentle store brand in stock for the last couple of weeks. My son does great on it, and it’s about 1/3 the price of Similac.
Unicorn_puke t1_j5ifv7o wrote
Somehow this is exactly what i pictured
quats5 t1_j5igu4b wrote
Come to think of it, lack of formula makes it much harder for mothers to work.
[deleted] t1_j5ijwue wrote
PPvsFC_ t1_j5ikf3v wrote
Wtf. This is a psychotic idea.
cruelbankai t1_j5ikokh wrote
Boy, what a shit hole country we live in
[deleted] t1_j5ilwt7 wrote
Drogan1088 t1_j5in851 wrote
From what I gathered, the shut down of the factories was known months in advance. I would argue there should be some blame on the administration for not figuring out a replacement source for when the factories were inevitably going to be shut down for the cleaning.
[deleted] t1_j5ioumd wrote
Sweet-MamaRoRo t1_j5irebc wrote
Yes I do. I also think they need to price cap it. My sons formula for his gtube is $12 a day normally and by his insurance it’s twice that. We literally can’t afford to make enough to get off Medicaid until it’s an insane amount over (like 70-80k) because of insurance for him.
[deleted] t1_j5irh0p wrote
90swasbest t1_j5ituli wrote
If I owned the place, I'd immediately close it. Fuck you. Don't threaten me. I'll take my rich ass ball and go to my rich ass home and be rich ass. Good luck with that formula thing.
thisvideoiswrong t1_j5iwhw7 wrote
From the FDA's timeline someone posted above, they made their first consumer advisory 4 days after confirming bacterial contamination, 10 days after the first test showing possible contamination, and they pressed the company to voluntarily recall it 3 times in that 4 day period. If they'd taken action without hard evidence, in the US political environment, they might have gotten shut down entirely, they couldn't get the funding they needed as it was.
Now, if you want to argue that it should have been shut down months earlier when they found the first safety violations, I wouldn't disagree, but that would require much more aggressive laws. The way things actually work, with almost everything, is that the inspector goes out, says, "you'd better have these things fixed by the next time someone comes out here," and then leaves and doesn't come back for many months or even years. And then when they do come back if there's still a problem they can start thinking about issuing fines.
[deleted] t1_j5iwlzi wrote
[deleted] t1_j5iz9tv wrote
[deleted] t1_j5izlyg wrote
Torifyme12 t1_j5j0xme wrote
It's actually worse than you're making it out to be. They tried to blackmail the USG into not shutting them down.
They basically said, "Yeah well you don't want kids to go hungry do you? Better put off that FDA action plan then"
[deleted] t1_j5j6b81 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5j6ue8 wrote
bildramer t1_j5j9ilv wrote
The FDA is also responsible for the insane regulations that don't let anyone import foreign baby food in the first place. Not because of any nutrition requirements, or safety, but labeling requirements. Why not temporarily suspend those? I guess babies don't matter that much after all.
The FDA is responsible for closing the plant two+ months after they had multiple reports about the same issue leading to baby deaths, relying on "maybe if we tell them they'll stop on their own" when they had less reports I guess, and for somehow not finding any of the clearly contaminated baby formula. Or maybe that means there wasn't any, and the contamination in the plant was confirmation bias and not significant? If they were trustworthy I wouldn't question that, but they aren't. The FDA is responsible for not responding quickly to the issue after the fact, taking entire months to sign paperwork and plan meetings when babies are potentially dying. The FDA is responsible for wanting increased control over the baby formula supply chain but having no sensible plan and communicating nothing to the public when a real crisis came. "Let's just kill the majority of the country's supply for months, and wait, maybe some day we'll reopen it" is not a plan.
I don't see how giving them more staff could fix the dumb decisionmaking.
I guess you're right in that it's not only them. The WIC contracts are responsible for Abbott having all this monopoly power, and the NAFTA is responsible for enormous tariffs on Canadian formula.
FiveFoot20 t1_j5jan4g wrote
Have you tried the amino acid formulas like nestle Alfamino?
[deleted] t1_j5jcbcn wrote
[deleted] t1_j5jch45 wrote
Natryska t1_j5jd9y7 wrote
Whatever Sam's Club puts in their lactose safe formula (the orange cap one) smells like straight ASS. I'm so glad our LO just turned 1 and we can wean her off of this nasty smelling crap.
Natryska t1_j5jdgfa wrote
At least the tall boys aren't making it into the formula (I hope)
yreland t1_j5jeumf wrote
Probably not. Last time we talked about his work he said the FDA was all over them.
DazedWithCoffee t1_j5jfram wrote
One thing I found awful was the increased availability of individually packaged Similac 360 something, while pro advance was still nowhere to be seen. Much higher markup on those, as you can imagine.
[deleted] t1_j5jklk3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5jlmxv wrote
[deleted] t1_j5jmx5m wrote
[deleted] t1_j5jp36y wrote
ugh god damn your life must be awful
good luck to you 🫢
DefinitelyNotAliens t1_j5jt8zu wrote
They did allow import other countries formula. We eased import regs almost immediately and the FDA is changing rules to make it a permanent shift and working with overseas suppliers to keep formula incoming, especially with our ongoing shortage.
They had four cases. Two illnesses, two deaths. They and the state department of health (Texas and Minnesota) and the CDC were all involved in testing and none of the formula tested was contaminated in testing. Some bacteria doesn't mean the entire can was evenly contaminated, especially since the infections weren't widespread. Unless you think multiple state departments of health and CDC were in on the grift, too. They also had the CDC sequence DNA of the bacteria and knew the cases were linked and it wasn't just environmental which is why they focused on formula without contaminated supply in any of the homes. They also sequenced DNA of bacteria in the plant.
Given the fact it wasn't a pattern at first - and four is bad without being a mass outbreak - the babies shouldn't be affected at all, but October to February given mass pandemic slowing everything at the Dept of Health in those States and the CDC and three days to shutdown after confirmation is downright fast. With the first few cases being in Minnesota, it was potentially environmental and not food related. The third case was Texas.
They did immediately start a plan to reopen the plant, and they shut down in February and the plant failed multiple reopening inspections because subsequent tests still had contamination on tested swabs. They did reopen in May, and shut in early June. It flooded due to storms, damaging supply again.
You're mad at the FDA over things they actually did do and are continuing to do. They didn't flood the factory immediately after opening. And they are permanently changing import rules.
[deleted] t1_j5jxe23 wrote
WeeaboosDogma t1_j5k4i7q wrote
What's to investigate. We have the comodification of baby formula in the States with strict regulations preventing imports of baby formula abroad (and starting new companies domestically).
Tack that with the fact baby formula is disgustingly overpriced as it's a cartel (three manufacturers in the US making all supply, with an inelastic commodity being baby formula.) controlling the prices as an oligopoly. Then since it's an inelastic commodity (baby formula has theoretically infinite demand, as people will pay anything to feed their children) they can justify the lack of competition in the market (that is granted by law) and SiNcE yOu'Ll pAy AnYtHiNg, they'll jump the price up. What's that? A synthetic supply crisis? Better jump THE PRICE EVEN HIGHER THAN IT IS.
Want to fix it. Allow more companies domestically produce it, or import abroad. (Or decomodify formula, whoops).
"But that will crash the market and the prices will fall too much the companies wouldn't turn a profit".
GOOD, I hope they choke and die and parents can by formula to FEED THEIR BABIES. It should be less than 6$ a jar. It ain't.
Melodic-Chemist-381 t1_j5kdper wrote
Just another company faking the funk to help create shortages and false inflation.
juicyfizz t1_j5ket7o wrote
My new boss just came from over there. He said he made it 10 months before he left.
thelyfeaquatic t1_j5kfdro wrote
Those are so expensive, it’s usually not feasible. I think ours was $4/oz three years ago. If a baby drinks 30oz a day, that’s $120/day. Would be like $3,600 a month. Plus, they prioritize premies first and regular babies get whatever is left over.
[deleted] t1_j5kjdgk wrote
desertbat5864 t1_j5kpyi8 wrote
Yes, very lucky for my baby. Unfortunate for those that still have tiny ones.
Bendezium t1_j5ld0p0 wrote
But the almighty capitalist market shall provideth what thy people need.
unfinished_diy t1_j5lt6yk wrote
Just to clarify, this article says they voted against additional money for the FDA, do you know what the plan was for the FDA money? I know I should just Google myself, but was curious.
Remembers_that_time t1_j5lwzuq wrote
They want more people that are poor and stupid. More babies is the method, not the goal.
Ivizalinto t1_j5mb0my wrote
There's also another liquid one that's fairly expensive unfortunately. Similac is the only thing my first kid could handle. For some reason he would just kick the rest of it. It's the closest thing to gentlease that I could find at the time.
HyldHyld t1_j5nb5ec wrote
The FDA only ever has the claws that the people funneling money into the agency give it. Look at all the shit all over grocery stores should give you a good enough idea.
[deleted] t1_j5nbkei wrote
[deleted] t1_j5njrfw wrote
KicksYouInTheCrack t1_j5ohv3z wrote
The same cost as daycare! So a month of feeding and care for a baby costs the same as a Hawaiian vacation for a week.
[deleted] t1_j62hbdt wrote
[deleted] t1_j5f8jun wrote