Submitted by AugustWolf22 t3_10kw5l6 in news
[deleted] t1_j5t4uw4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5t6oes wrote
mrcolon96 t1_j5t6ta9 wrote
Poor people, things must've been horrible for quite some time if they're making such a public statement.
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j5t6zez wrote
It doesn't help that they are also currently going through a nasty cold snap (-30^(oc) in places) too.
[deleted] t1_j5t8img wrote
Izzo t1_j5tcbfc wrote
Definitely not Covid. Best Korea does not get Covid.
[deleted] t1_j5tcw3n wrote
[deleted] t1_j5tdfcr wrote
Legeto t1_j5tequp wrote
North Korea is nuts when it comes to media. They use it to get things, usually food from the US or South Korea especially during the winter when food is short because they don’t have enough farmers. I wouldn’t put it past their leaders using this for something too because they won’t provide their own people with anything willingly.
[deleted] t1_j5tfgp7 wrote
Error_404_403 t1_j5tfy9v wrote
Sure thing it is Covid. By way of China.
Edit: but in Best Korea it is just a "respiratory disease", which it is.
El1Zilla t1_j5tiopm wrote
I’m just wondering if Kim Jung Un has had Covid yet. Probably not since he doesn’t go anywhere.
[deleted] t1_j5tisot wrote
iGoalie t1_j5tje4d wrote
To that point, the harmony hack (100 million dollars stolen) was attributed to the Lazarus group (aka North Korea state hackers)
This maybe an attempt to change the narrative
It could also just be their govt is fucked up and evil and killing its own people
RafeDangerous t1_j5tjepl wrote
I'd be stunned to find out he isn't fully vaccinated, probably with either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines. They're not available in NK, but it would be trivially easy for him to get his hands on whichever ones he wanted for himself and select friends/family.
El1Zilla t1_j5tjle6 wrote
I mean you maybe right. But it wouldn’t surprise me if he did catch Covid and his health ain’t all that great so hopefully he croaks.
microwave_safe_bowl t1_j5tjsmg wrote
isn't the capital always locked down anyway?
[deleted] t1_j5tjxrh wrote
WaitingForNormal t1_j5tknys wrote
“Respiratory illness” wonder what it could be?
[deleted] t1_j5tl5ip wrote
shabby47 t1_j5tmenk wrote
“It’s just the flu”
[deleted] t1_j5tmh9r wrote
[deleted] t1_j5tn9li wrote
billpalto t1_j5tnd9g wrote
Good thing they spent all that money on missiles and weapons to threaten their neighbors. That should keep them safe.
Daydream_Sunscreen t1_j5tnptk wrote
They grow flowers in NK?
red_sutter t1_j5to7nj wrote
A straight up “don’t go outside” announcement that is not followed up with some dumb bullshit about it being a plot or weapon of “the west” must mean it’s pretty serious
Dapper-Pilot-9734 t1_j5to98a wrote
I'm not ready for another worldwide lockdown... Please
gentleman_bronco t1_j5tolws wrote
Strange and unexplainable respiratory illness that totally isn't COVID.
Bunniemonkey t1_j5tp341 wrote
There would just be a power vacuum and not much would change for the people of North Korea unfortunately.
asdaaaaaaaa t1_j5tpz8k wrote
If anything, standards would drop until whatever new power settles in, especially if there's in-fighting. Sure, there's not much right now, but it can always get worse.
deftoner42 t1_j5tq01f wrote
They call it "The California flu." That's where it originally came from. It began when American actors ate overcooked carp. It's spread by keeping the house too warm and also by Americans' weakened spirit.
[deleted] t1_j5tq0q8 wrote
hey-look-over-there t1_j5tq2yi wrote
You're just asking to get banned from r/Pyongyang
songintherain t1_j5tq45b wrote
They can shoot the virus
FaustsAccountant t1_j5tqnnr wrote
Would it be a mistake to think their weapons are rusted and decrepit like Russia’s?
Error_404_403 t1_j5trxnv wrote
Oh my. What would I do without r/Pyongyang??
Modern_Bear t1_j5tt94r wrote
His sister would take over. She has been in the spotlight a lot lately. He already killed his aunt and uncle, and who knows how many other family members, so she is one of the few left.
billpalto t1_j5ttfbv wrote
I'm not sure. I saw one documentary about a NK soldier who defected and got away to the South. He was grossly underfed, and had worms. Soldiers supposedly get better food than the regulars.
[deleted] t1_j5ttybx wrote
[deleted] t1_j5ttzyx wrote
[deleted] t1_j5tux5t wrote
bnonymousbeeeee t1_j5tx9dq wrote
Nothing happened! Our health was on vacation!
_night_cat t1_j5ty5h6 wrote
“As always, stay indoors!”
[deleted] t1_j5tyikr wrote
heybrother45 t1_j5tymdj wrote
I know that the majority in that sub are role playing, but I have to imagine some of them are not, and that freaks me out.
EvidentlyEmpirical t1_j5u1wnc wrote
So they're fucking frozen in place, and suffering from presumably Covid, with their sub-standard medicine... All locked in together spreading and infecting each other. The death toll is going to be catastrophic.
EvidentlyEmpirical t1_j5u25d2 wrote
Even if he dies it won't change anything. The power structure there would fight it out until someone came out on top, and the idiocy would continue. It'll continue until the people revolt (unlikely, as they're so heavily brainwashed) or China rolls in to replace it.
RoyalCities t1_j5u2rsy wrote
Wow. Had to look this up. A defector said the uncle was executed by firing squad of anti aircraft guns - another says he was ripped apart by 120 hungry dogs.
I guess we really dont know what goes on behind the scenes but that is some next level super-villain stuff.
Kenny__Loggins t1_j5u2u90 wrote
Every country is nuts with the media. It just looks different when you're talking about an empire vs a struggling nation like NK.
Kryavan t1_j5u49b4 wrote
You sure it wasn't sharks with frickin laser beans?
Fine-Will t1_j5u4y27 wrote
That's an oddly specific number of hungry dogs.
neuromorph t1_j5u5e8m wrote
Time to play "Covid/ Not Covid"
[deleted] t1_j5u8g3a wrote
[deleted] t1_j5uadac wrote
[deleted] t1_j5uai0d wrote
[deleted] t1_j5uaopu wrote
tnfrs t1_j5uasm7 wrote
does it rhyme with schmovid
VerticalYea t1_j5ub7in wrote
That's it. Banned. And your children are banned. And their children are banned! For the next 6 months.
[deleted] t1_j5ub84f wrote
NotUniqueWorkAccount t1_j5uc0yu wrote
How gracious of you to make it at 6 months oh merciful one!
Please, stop by for supper and to fuck my wife and her friends after you get off work at your nuclear missile range!
Praise be 🙌
Philo_T_Farnsworth t1_j5uc7e4 wrote
I was blinded during the event.
disharmony-hellride t1_j5uc934 wrote
Methinks you’re on to something
disharmony-hellride t1_j5ucgnl wrote
Some of the rural hospitals in N Korea don’t even have power. This is most likely already awful but it sounds like this could be catastrophic.
cutestslothevr t1_j5ud2ae wrote
It's more lack of quality land to farm than the number of farmers. Historically, South Korea was where the farming/food production was and the more mountainous North was more industrial. North Korea used Soviet and Chinese aid and over farmed the land that they could, but they have a pretty cold climate and unpredictable rain, so now that they can't get fertilizer and equipment such as water pumps as easily they barely feeding the population during a good year.
davidb1976 t1_j5ue67z wrote
Many such cases :(
[deleted] t1_j5uec7q wrote
Grammarnazi_bot t1_j5uetit wrote
The dog thing is false
[deleted] t1_j5uh45b wrote
[deleted] t1_j5uhhxg wrote
YouNeedAnne t1_j5uic51 wrote
Well, the point of them all staying locked in is so they don't infect each other.
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j5uigoy wrote
The Western news outlets do tend towards being biased against North Korea and exaggerate stories to sensationalize the nation. This Does, however seem pretty serious and unexaggerated as it was announced by the DPRK government themselves and the news is just repeating what the North Korean Health authorities have said.
[deleted] t1_j5uikg7 wrote
all4whatnot t1_j5uiqcc wrote
By Easter it'll be gone.
Heiferoni t1_j5uiqgy wrote
It's a wonderful land built from candy where all of your wildest dreams come true!
cutestslothevr t1_j5ujs4f wrote
His sister is very scary. She's very involved with propaganda and often speaks out against South Korea. The only thing keeping her from being successor is how patriarchal North Korea is.
Iwaspromisedcookies t1_j5uk61w wrote
Vaccines don’t stop you from getting covid
RafeDangerous t1_j5uknea wrote
No, but odds are if you've been vaccinated you're much less likely to get seriously ill or die from it.
[deleted] t1_j5ulcmt wrote
Iwaspromisedcookies t1_j5um5dy wrote
Do they have their own vaccines? Or do they not vaccinate their population?
RafeDangerous t1_j5umto8 wrote
> Do they have their own vaccines?
> Or do they not vaccinate their population?
It's unclear what they're actually doing, but they may be vaccinating at least part of their population with a Chinese made vaccine (the effectiveness of which is very questionable)
RedditNotIncluded t1_j5uo6u6 wrote
Sounds like you need to be electrocured
[deleted] t1_j5uo7i5 wrote
fergie_lr t1_j5uoohy wrote
Pretty sure he’s vaccinated even if he had or does get it. Putin got his pretty early in the pandemic.
PersonVotedDown t1_j5uorzh wrote
Nah, at best they have the Chinese or Russian vaccine. Hell, that may have been what Russia gave them for the Ammo.
Robot_tangerine t1_j5up5va wrote
It will miraculously go away by April as the heat comes
[deleted] t1_j5up6ql wrote
Different-Produce870 t1_j5upiqh wrote
-30 degrees original content?
FaustTriumphant t1_j5uqit3 wrote
If they're vaccinating their own people, it's likely they're giving priority to the military (thanks to NK's "Military First Policy" and to their "Core Class."
NK divides their population into three strata; "Core" (regime loyalists), "Wavering" (average citizens) and "Hostile" (everyone the regime considers disloyal and undesirable).
During the 1990s North Korean Famine, NK prioritized aid delivery to its Core Class (and even allowed them to skim/steal some of it to sell on the black market for profit). The rest of the population got nothing and is where most of the casualties came from.
It would not surprise me if they would/did do the same in regard to Covid vaccines as well.
VerticalYea t1_j5uqsl6 wrote
I would but I am... too tired. Yes. All of my many genitals work, but I am simply too tired to use them.
oldgeek123 t1_j5urdfa wrote
They barely feed their population. What makes you think they'd vaccinate them? Especially with vaccines from the big, bad West.
zer0saurus t1_j5usv7b wrote
Allergies, definitely allergies.
PuellaBona t1_j5uu34w wrote
That bitch is just biding her time. She's devious.
[deleted] t1_j5uv2ac wrote
lallybrock t1_j5uxc5z wrote
He did loose weight a while back
InsomniaticWanderer t1_j5v13px wrote
A mysterious respiratory illness you say?
I wonder what it could be...
[deleted] t1_j5v2uml wrote
GoTron88 t1_j5v3qw8 wrote
Why am I hearing these comments in the voice of Cave Johnson?
TheManassaBaller t1_j5v4qlw wrote
Degrees celcius would probably make more sense considering the context.
TheManassaBaller t1_j5v51eo wrote
Wasn't that attributed to them quite a while back? Why would announcing a covid lockdown now be an attempt to change that narrative? How are they related at all?
TyhmensAndSaperstein t1_j5v6ci4 wrote
What's the propaganda benefit of not just saying it's covid?
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j5v6r8q wrote
They don't have many tests, so maybe they are just being overly cautious with calling it covid without the means to be 100% sure. Idk what befit it would have though.
Friedumb t1_j5v6x4m wrote
It was pretty wild from what I recollect. They shot one shell, then had the uncle stand in the depression and scattered him to the wind. Still better then being subjected to slave labor for life I guess...
TzarKazm t1_j5v7sno wrote
Sounds about right. I don't think north Korea has had original content in quite a while.
Charlie_Warlie t1_j5v84q9 wrote
I know what you're getting at but here in the states we are getting hit by more than 1 illness and I imagine they could be too. RSV, Covid, Flu, and different strains of the common cold.
[deleted] t1_j5v9c9w wrote
[deleted] t1_j5v9lsk wrote
[deleted] t1_j5vat1a wrote
[deleted] t1_j5vdrlh wrote
[deleted] t1_j5veet9 wrote
iGoalie t1_j5vico1 wrote
This one was just attributed yesterday … but there are plenty of other hacks you could be thinking of
[deleted] t1_j5vigue wrote
DividedState t1_j5vjm50 wrote
Maybe you can inject bleach.
[deleted] t1_j5vk7nj wrote
YimmyGhey t1_j5vmj76 wrote
Schmovid Pine Dean, actually.
[deleted] t1_j5vmoxd wrote
Primae_Noctis t1_j5vmzol wrote
No idea. Think of a posh British voice, whose always looking down their nose at you.
[deleted] t1_j5vokms wrote
Oh right! I almost forgot, they're Covid free!
akuboyasu t1_j5vpy1r wrote
Kekw they got it from china
El1Zilla t1_j5vuhf3 wrote
Of course man, his sister will fill in the power vacuum and DPRK is running the place not only Kim
arcsecond t1_j5vxhpt wrote
Because of the hordes of people that travel to/from North Korea? You know for all their tourist destinations.
[deleted] t1_j5vydne wrote
[deleted] t1_j5vzanc wrote
VPFrancisson t1_j5w0ej1 wrote
Oh so just another regular day in North Korea
LeVin1986 t1_j5w1yt8 wrote
Their normal stuff and tanks and aircraft are done and likely looted for parts. Their missiles and rocket artillery is likely maintained enough for their purpose.
[deleted] t1_j5w2f2o wrote
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j5w2qac wrote
No? they are halting all businesses and Factories etc. this is very disruptive to supply chains and is out of the ordinary.
VPFrancisson t1_j5w2tgb wrote
They have industries ?
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j5w3dnt wrote
They are an autarkic (Virtually) closed system economy, which means that they have to make everything they need by and for themselves, so yes of course they have industries even if said industries production is often insufficient and key resources scarce or unavailable.
VPFrancisson t1_j5w3sl2 wrote
welll then it’s just NK being NK with more spices
LeVin1986 t1_j5w3z6n wrote
There is a tenuous lines of communication open to North Korea via China. North Koreans work in China or Russia, people also escape to China and may defect to South Korea. Some keep in touch with family back home and send money back. It's all very tenuous because North Korean government knows all about this and only tolerate it due to the money they bring in to the country. It can ends very suddenly if they feel like making an example out of few people. Story from defectors are also limited in their usefulness because they can be greatly exaggerated, or limited to their home town. The dark humor I've gotten from South Korean researchers on North Korea is that the only corroborating evidence they can collect on North Korean food situation is the number of bodies that float down the Imjin river.
Perle1234 t1_j5w6efn wrote
No, the DPRK is def not paying for bleach lol.
Quick_Parsley_5505 t1_j5w7phw wrote
Or that he has the Russian or Chinese vax
D4RKNESSAW1LD t1_j5wcs5a wrote
Gee I wonder which one that is.
D4RKNESSAW1LD t1_j5wcuih wrote
It’ll be like a miracle just gone in and out
InkDaddy2 t1_j5wen4q wrote
They have the lowest military spending in the region, they're just poor. It's a resource poor area, and they don't exactly cultivate many trade relationships. Isolation is not a strong economic choice, apparently.
[deleted] t1_j5wf1gk wrote
InkDaddy2 t1_j5wfq26 wrote
It could be a matter of fearing a public scare. A lot of countries still have difficulty getting vaccines, and North Korea would reasonably stand to have an even greater difficulty considering their isolation and lack of sea trade routes. They'd have to get their vaccines from China, and considering their low trade capacity I doubt they could pay for them.
So unless they ask for help from China, they aren't getting vaccines anytime soon. Whether they've done so and failed, or are simply too proud to do so, I don't know, but they don't have any other way to get those vaccines.
InkDaddy2 t1_j5wgt85 wrote
You can visit depending on where your passport is from. I know you can't normally visit with a US passport, I'm not sure who else is barred but Europeans are usually fine.
It's more normal than most people expect, there are a lot of videos these days. Not a lot of private cars, people in the city mostly travel by public transit (buses and subways). There are parks, water parks (I am bothered by there being a rock climbing gym in one), fried food vendors, karaoke, etc. It's nice to see since I used to think it would be more 1984.
Dapper-Pilot-9734 t1_j5wh5ir wrote
Clearly I meant that it spread from China, who does have hordes traveling the world (and thousands currently dying from COVID)
InkDaddy2 t1_j5wigvl wrote
These days there are a lot of tourist videos, and you can find some North Korean films or cartoons if you look hard enough (letterboxd + YouTube help for films). You can visit if you have a passport, but some passports are barred like those from the US.
But official communications are limited and journalism around North Korea by outside journalists is usually time-lagged and hearsay. As a rule, outside news about North Korea is easy to exaggerate, but Covid-19 is a deadly pandemic and is still an active threat.
coondingee t1_j5wikhw wrote
Don’t forget the fans killing you when you sleep.
[deleted] t1_j5wql7t wrote
pudding7 t1_j5wrlee wrote
> It began when American actors ate overcooked carp.
Overcook the fish? Straight to jail. Overcook, undercook. Jail.
pudding7 t1_j5wrr7v wrote
I love that he travels by armored train. He's like a comic book villain.
ashkestar t1_j5wvr00 wrote
You don’t really have to imagine that, though. Do you really think there are a lot of actual North Koreans hanging out on a US-based website in an English-speaking subreddit where all the other posters are quite obviously making a joke of your nation?
tydye29 t1_j5wwzlt wrote
I immediately thought of this.
Nop277 t1_j5wzzms wrote
If everyone died in North Korea I wonder how long it would take for us to find out.
El1Zilla t1_j5x05x9 wrote
Yeah he read too many comic book as a kid lol
[deleted] t1_j5x0713 wrote
88mistymage88 t1_j5x3n7u wrote
-22F which isn't a fun temp and generally keeps a large majority of people inside.
Oh u/Different-Produce870 :
Now -40C does equal -40F which is when it really gets fun! Ever see a dog suddenly not be able to walk after taking a poo in their own yard? I have! Running and picking up the Chihuahuas and Chi mix was/is easy... picking up the Lab/Shar-pei (RIP) at 45 pounds was a bit much back then (pregnant). Cats get kept totally inside during those temps... they have indoor potties.
Mr_Diesel13 t1_j5x4l1r wrote
The lab boys tell me it’s normal…
[deleted] t1_j5x532a wrote
DavidNipondeCarlos t1_j5x805w wrote
I don’t know but they have been around for a long time. Lots of people alive today there.
scrivensB t1_j5x8aef wrote
Seriously, what point does obfuscating something that utterly transparent serve?
greatestmofo t1_j5xaez9 wrote
Bring on them lockdowns!
Mikethebest78 t1_j5xb8jz wrote
I would be willing to bet that Kim and the North Korean elites have all been vaccinated whereas the common people of North Korea have been denied that chance. You know just a feeling I have.
[deleted] t1_j5xdchd wrote
[deleted] t1_j5xdewu wrote
Bayo77 t1_j5y5aox wrote
I dont know if you just made this up or if its official north korean propaganda.
[deleted] t1_j5yjv6b wrote
They've had COVID for years and the death toll didn't spike
EvidentlyEmpirical t1_j5ykm2p wrote
That they let us know about.
Remember getting any real accurate information out of North Korea is difficult at best.
Dixie_Flatlin3 t1_j5yp3ya wrote
can't wait
Redditor_76 t1_j5z5c32 wrote
Prepare the fish too fast? Jail, Prepare the fish too slow? Believe it or not, also Jail
[deleted] t1_j5zvg0b wrote
[deleted] t1_j5zwfba wrote
anthrofeare t1_j60h3vq wrote
Aren't they already pretty much locked down for the most part?
katiel0429 t1_j60kpn8 wrote
Yeah, that’s going to be extremely detrimental. They’re already hungry. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t see this ending well.
katiel0429 t1_j60ldqd wrote
Masks and lockdowns… ya know, the normal precautions taken with respiratory infections
[deleted] t1_j60zs3g wrote
[deleted] t1_j6119y9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j62v8kx wrote
Phoenix_Lazarus t1_j654bel wrote
I'm just hoping it's not bird flu. If it did a jump in North Korea, we're fucked.
[deleted] t1_j69orb6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5t3cav wrote