Submitted by WhoIsJolyonWest t3_10pg94u in news
[deleted] t1_j6kaltm wrote
Bending_toast t1_j6kaxsr wrote
>Currently, the park has 75,000 cast members, as the company refers to its employees
I wonder if I started calling my colleagues ‘ fellow cast members’ how they would react..
Commentment_Phobe t1_j6kbh6b wrote
“Poor unfortunate souls”
Chumbief t1_j6kdcjd wrote
Good! Stand together brothers!
[deleted] t1_j6kdocn wrote
[deleted] t1_j6kenno wrote
999others t1_j6kesny wrote
Because they cast them aside.
redzeusky t1_j6kfr4q wrote
Poor Mickey. First DeSantis - and now the union.
OccamsSchickQuattro t1_j6kfw3f wrote
They are caste members from a lower caste that’s all
[deleted] t1_j6ki1k5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6kidfw wrote
[deleted] t1_j6kjxjl wrote
schroedingersnewcat t1_j6kqi3d wrote
There are cast members that work full time that live in their car because they can't afford rent in the area.
This is about the mouse refusing to pay a living wage.
Edit: a letter
J_Robert_Oofenheimer t1_j6kr003 wrote
If you want to visit Disney World for two weeks and see EVERYTHING there, it'll cost you about what the "cast members" make in a year. So... Yeah. Fuck the mouse. They can afford to pay these people.
[deleted] t1_j6krntd wrote
Professional-Can1385 t1_j6kvrj4 wrote
Who can afford to go to Disney for 2 weeks?!
Disney can and should pay.
J_Robert_Oofenheimer t1_j6kw92j wrote
My family could. Once. It was a super special vacation. But it was WAY more affordable back then. Looking at prices now, I don't see how anybody does it.
Morat20 t1_j6kxifg wrote
Feel the same way about season tickets to, say, football.
My dad had them for years, on a foreman's salary. Good seats too, his one big "for himself" item.
Now? Shit, someone doing that job would spend a week's salary for two shit seats for one game.
InterestingPlay55 t1_j6l09y6 wrote
3 adults paying for a 3 bedroom suite is how we did.
schroedingersnewcat t1_j6l2rlm wrote
We do, but there are caveats.
We have DVC (the disney timeshare) and we pool our points. We have 3 groups that add points to the kitty. We have either 7 or 9 adults. If there are 9 adults, there are 2 kids. If 7 adults, no kids.
Every adult pays their own way for passes, food, and merch. 2 of the 7 adults work for Disney, so they get free passes. 2 or 4 more use the disney comp passes, and the remaining 3 have annual passes.
Food wise, breakfast is always in the room (we have a full kitchen). Lunch occasionally is too. We usually do max 1 meal a day in the parks. Merch is purchased sparingly because it's not as good (to us) as it used to be, and we go all the time. We stay on property once a year for 12 nights.
JonSpangler t1_j6l3ufc wrote
Unless your everything is counting 2 weeks of Hotel Club Suites, Victoria and Albert Dinners, Yacht rentals, and personalized safaris then no it does not.
You can have a complete Disney World trip and see all the main attractions (and even take a trip down the street to Universal) for way way less.
[deleted] t1_j6l4zxi wrote
TUGrad t1_j6l53an wrote
"Revenue was up 36% and profits more than doubled from the previous fiscal year. And both revenue and operating profits are above what the company posted in fiscal year 2019, before the pandemic, with a 12% rise in revenue and a 10% gain in earnings."
suggestiondude t1_j6l5rh1 wrote
I honestly wouldn't want to be there for 2 weeks, you can do the parks in 3 days tops.
rockmasterflex t1_j6lbakn wrote
IKEA calls all their employees coworkers. That’s what you, the customer, are supposed to call them too
beeandthecity t1_j6lf596 wrote
The thought process is basically to say that where the guests are (rides, restaurants, stores, etc) is the “stage”, your uniform is a “costume”, and the parks/guest experiences are the “show”.
Source: used to work at Disney parks
[deleted] t1_j6lfgqr wrote
[deleted] t1_j6lgfbp wrote
count023 t1_j6lglek wrote
Ah, it's one of those American english things where they randomly drop letters from words? Like how maths is math or labour is Labor?
fullload93 t1_j6lgzk5 wrote
2 weeks? Dude you can do everything in the park in about 4 or 5 day’s maximum. 2 weeks would be insane lol.
DevelopedDevelopment t1_j6li05r wrote
Thats... Actually because "Cast members" is a term for theater roles. Because they employ a lot of entertainment at their parks. Even though most of them are serving in background roles and are just playing around in the secret tunnels.
shamblingman t1_j6li39b wrote
Does your employer consider the workplace a "stage"?
DevelopedDevelopment t1_j6li45m wrote
I guess everything being a part of the show is where the magic comes from.
shamblingman t1_j6lifrq wrote
I go to Disneyworld several times a year since we're big fans. It costs a fortune with a family of four. $109 per ticket is the cheapest it gets for a single day ticket. I travel a ton for work so I leverage my airline miles and Marriott points to remove the travel and lodging costs.
It can easily cost $1000/day to go to the park.
shamblingman t1_j6likkx wrote
No way a family could do everything at all four parks in 4 or 5 days. Not possible.
dew22 t1_j6lj616 wrote
Yeah last time I went we were there for 8 days, 7 of which were park days and on day seven we said fuck it and went to the movies instead. I’d say 5 days is the perfect amount of time for WDW
notqualitystreet t1_j6lmugj wrote
Wait I’m calling the IKEA employees ‘coworker’? Please don’t hurt me for this I’m high
APeacefulWarrior t1_j6ln2wc wrote
Yep, basically. That's the theory, anyway.
(My mom worked for Disney, so can confirm too.)
rockmasterflex t1_j6lpboy wrote
Yea that is what corporate wants you to call their employees in the store. Absolutely hilarious
fixITman1911 t1_j6lqcj1 wrote
you can not do everything in the parks in 3 days
[deleted] t1_j6lsx0q wrote
MalaysianOfficial_1 t1_j6lv88g wrote
Hahahahahaha it's a shit joke but an accurate shit joke nonetheless.
[deleted] t1_j6lxi3w wrote
mhornberger t1_j6lxxth wrote
I find it far less demeaning than Subway's "Sandwich Artist." At least at Disney someone really is playing a character, so it makes sense in some way.
X3TheBigOX3 t1_j6ly766 wrote
And even if they did, they would just be constantly doing stuff all the time. That becomes exhausting, and you can't enjoy everything. I go for a week minimum, but usually longer. I like to have a rest day after a few days of the park. Then do another 3 days. Then relax for a day or two before heading home. Makes the trip much more enjoyable when you're not trying to squeeze everything in. Nothing is worse than being tired, cranky, and miserable at a park. You spend a ton of money on these trips, you want to enjoy yourself. I usually go once a year, and that's how I do it. Any other way would be miserable.
[deleted] t1_j6lz2eb wrote
ThatOtherGuy_CA t1_j6m2alk wrote
As they should, Disney is posting record profits and insane profit margins, and can apparently throw $20M golden parachutes at failure executives. Meanwhile they stagnate wages?
Hold them by the mouse ears!
[deleted] t1_j6m2pr9 wrote
reyrain t1_j6m7agr wrote
Those are solid choices and considerations.
But, if I may ask, why do it every year? The park does not change that often and there are other places to discover on this huge planet! (:
yo2sense t1_j6malx4 wrote
5 days seems right. I've only been once and we did 3 park days (skipping Hollywood Studios) but the third day it was hot and I was hungover from exploiting the free soda plus one alcoholic beverage per meal to horde malt beverage tall boys in our room. So we ended up doing only half of Animal Kingdom.
We plan to return at some point and I think 5 days would be enough.
karibear909 t1_j6me55i wrote
So does that mean we can hang out in the break room too?
WillDill94 t1_j6mgdsi wrote
2 weeks on property is like $5-$6k for 2 adults. Your pricing assumptions are crazy lmao
WillDill94 t1_j6mgjar wrote
Yeah half the comments on these threads about prices are made by people who have no clue wtf they’re doing. 2 weeks for 2 adults is like MAYBE $5-$6k at pop century, including park tickets
schroedingersnewcat t1_j6mk1d2 wrote
I see other things, that is just our annual family vacation. I am fingers crossed headed to Japan this fall
someoneexplainit01 t1_j6mkoev wrote
If they can pay chapek $23,000,000 just to go away then they can afford to pay their workers better in CFL.
Disney is just another evil corporation that underpays the people who make it function.
reyrain t1_j6mnof9 wrote
I see! Fingers crossed for you and have an awesome trip (:
[deleted] t1_j6mnrfk wrote
Rampaging_Ducks t1_j6ms9fq wrote
Yes, poor, sad, mistreated, record-profits Disney. Why can't those godless commie employees be happy with their crumbs?! Nobody wants to work!!1!
vhshier t1_j6munqa wrote
Yes. Disney parks use theater/show themed terminology. Customers are guests, and employees are cast members. The place where guests can walk around is front of house, or "on stage." Back of house where cast go is "back stage."
Edit: I realized now that you were asking that of someone who wants to randomly call employees Cast Member. It's still unique, and I don't think I will ever drop the terms when I leave Disney employment.
Adaun t1_j6myjqt wrote
This is true. Also incredibly misleading. Profits more than doubled…to roughly 1/6 of what they were before the pandemic…or 1/3 if you use 2015 as a base.
Also, that’s before adjusting for inflation.
I’m not advocating for Disney’s business practices, (here or in general) but they fired their CEO for a reason. The reason is that the numbers suck.
[deleted] t1_j6n2i7r wrote
[deleted] t1_j6n2qqe wrote
[deleted] t1_j6n3fav wrote
rockmasterflex t1_j6n3tji wrote
No! They have signs posted that those are coworker spaces only!
OccamsSchickQuattro t1_j6n5jns wrote
No caste and cast are two different words.
[deleted] t1_j6n6aog wrote
pmgarman t1_j6n8v93 wrote
lol - was just there a few weeks for Christmas (annual pass, campground, far cheaper than it sounds) and didn’t get to everything
[deleted] t1_j6n95nz wrote
fixITman1911 t1_j6nacyu wrote
How was camping there? Tent, Trailer, Cabin?
pmgarman t1_j6nd4sp wrote
As a campground? A bit cramped. Though far better maintained than most we go to. So it’s a trade off. Renting or bringing your own golf cart is almost a requirement - the campground is larger than magic kingdom. They have cabins too but they are the price and quality of a resort room but with a bunk bed.
Boat transport to magic kingdom, buses internally in the campground and to all the parks.
Can see the MK fireworks each night from the beach, and you can hear them throughout the campground.
Christmas time lots of people decorate, I hear but haven’t experienced Halloween is even bigger.
You get the same mix of jerks and nice people as you do anywhere else in Disney… but unlike resorts where you don’t see them after you close your door you may have windows looking right into their campsite.
Lots more dogs, usually well behaved or more than kids at least. Only had 1 dog neighbor for a little bit that barked. The rest were fine.
I do like sleeping in my own bed though, and having my own kitchen for most meals. That’s probably where we saved the most money not having to eat out constantly. Though there’s a quick service place on property that has decent fried chicken and corn bread.
superlillydogmom t1_j6ndmpa wrote
Bc you have to get the furniture from a ware house and put together yourself. So you are a co-worker too!
[deleted] t1_j6nesvo wrote
shamblingman t1_j6neuoa wrote
one of my first jobs was at Disneyland in Anaheim. I was desktop support at the then new admin building. I enjoyed my time there and I still have the Disney branded hard hat they gave me to walk through Disney California Adventure while it was under construction.
I was never "on stage" so was not referred to as a cast member.
Ornery_Translator285 t1_j6nhb6s wrote
We did it too, once, in the 90’s. Stayed at three different resorts, went to all three parks, and just enjoyed the pools and food.
Glad my dad got to do it once like that because Disney is his favorite.
needabiggerhammer t1_j6nkke8 wrote
Is it a translation/culture thing? Like makes sense in Swedish but not so much in American English?
BoltgunOnHisHip t1_j6nxwpf wrote
Kinda like the Mormons trying to get people to refer to them as "latter day saints."
goldenboy2191 t1_j6nz985 wrote
My sister does it, and let’s put it this way… my family makes 4 times what her family does and we can’t even afford Disney
Lahm0123 t1_j6oquxo wrote
Greetings fellow cast members!
fixITman1911 t1_j6oud98 wrote
Ah, so you brought your own camper. We have looked at it in the past, but since we don't have a camper the cost to rent is the same as just getting a room; and I'm not tenting in Disney!
pmgarman t1_j6ouvpg wrote
I tent camped growing up, I don’t tent camp now. Haha
But yeah we have our own RV, we are from DFW but enjoy the traveling.
Knowing RVs I’m almost fearful of a rented one to be honest…
fixITman1911 t1_j6p5ed8 wrote
I tent camp and love it, but all the things that make tenting great and relaxing are also the things that make me not think it would be a fit for disney
pmgarman t1_j6p9dd1 wrote
It’s worth trying probably - the sites are far more private than you’d be used to in a normal camp ground but not near as private as proper primitive camping. If you’re local or in the area worth the experience
35Lcrowww t1_j6k8ds0 wrote
Did they at least give everyone chili?