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Atxflyguy83 t1_j32d9w7 wrote

This isn't that surprising.

Source: I grew up in the next town over from here.


Orlando1701 t1_j33mx19 wrote

9/10 when I gun is found in a bathroom it’s someone with a conceal carry permit who forgot it after taking a dump. I was a 911 dispatcher at one point in my life and we used to get calls about guns in bathrooms semi-regularly and it was always someone with a permit who left it behind.


Cream253Team t1_j33nhqd wrote

Responsible gun owners^TM


Orlando1701 t1_j33ogca wrote

The thing you find out after working in a gun store then 911 dispatching is the people who are the most passionate about guns are generally the last people who should have them. I remember having to help “2A absolutist” break down their firearms or them paying me $25/hr to clean their guns for them.


420ipblood t1_j33thos wrote

You're bragging like "LOL These dudes paid ME (of all people) $25/hr!! LOL IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!"

Are you just shit at cleaning guns and hawk around the first time buyers or are you good at it but have no clue that professionals make money doing professions?


Orlando1701 t1_j33w4z1 wrote

Dude… did you have a stroke while writing that?

And I made sure every first time gun owner knew how to break down their firearm. It’s one of the reasons why man I could move some iron.


pileofcrustycumsocs t1_j34elbo wrote

While I in no way agree with the other guy and do agree that he’s definitely an ass I am also curious why you’d charge a per hour charge and not a per gun charge maybe if I was doing a deep cleaning it would take me an hour or more for some guns but I imagine most of your business would just be pistols or shotguns no?


Orlando1701 t1_j34nbpo wrote

That’s just what the store I worked for charged.


Swagaru t1_j34hq74 wrote

You can be a gun owner and still be irresponsible.

Same as a car or boat though.


Cream253Team t1_j35028g wrote

Yeah, but cars and boats aren't literally designed to kill someone. They have a use other than ending a life, so I hope you can understand why it's not the same.


Swagaru t1_j356zc9 wrote

Sure. But they all can still be irresponsibly used to harm people - either through gross negligence or malicious intent.

Acting like there aren’t any responsible gun owners is rather silly.


Cream253Team t1_j35chu4 wrote

Okay, I get the feeling you don't really get the difference. There's two parts to it.

If you're trying to say that cars are dangerous, well yeah no shit. They're big objects that move fast. There are a lot of things that can fit in that category, from beasts of labor to overhead light fixtures. So maybe try to narrow down why somethings are more dangerous than others.

Leading into that, the reason guns are considered more dangerous than most things we take for granted is because, and I hope this isn't a surprise to you, but are literally designed to destroy something in the easiest man-portable way possible. Compared to a car, you can use a car for a lot of things. You can go get groceries with a car. Hell, in some ways not having a form of motor transportation can leave you disadvantaged in today's world. We just accept that there is inherent risk, but even then we still work in licenses, registration, and other regulations and it's not like irresponsibility isn't punished here either. And on top of that, if we want to stay on topic with respect to the above article, if your car gets lost/stolen, while it may be used to facilitate a crime, it probably won't be the tool of a murder. If your gun gets stolen... I do not see many other ways that could play out.

They're not the same. Guns require a much greater level of responsibility and competency. Especially as a tool that the vast majority of people do not need and will never use.


Swagaru t1_j35j6ca wrote

I get the feeling you don’t understand what the mass majority of gun owners do with their firearms. They’re not going on mass killing sprees. Even if “they’re designed to kill”.

I do understand the difference you’re talking about. I’m saying they both require responsibility, competence, and can be used negligently to harm. That’s all.

Look at 9/11; Airplanes were used to kill thousands of people, but those aren’t designed to be lethal by any means. They’re designed with maximum safety in mind.

I take my guns to the shooting range for fun and sport. Many people do the same thing everyday without ever intending of using them for killing.

It boils down to the will and morality of the person, regardless of the tool used. This is clearly demonstrated when the police - or a CCW holder - stops a murderous criminal by using their gun.


Delicious-Day-3614 t1_j3606kh wrote

What s gun owner does with their guns is irrelevant when they've been lost and are now in the possession of someone who shouldn't have them.

This isn't complicated, you just dont know how to be wrong.

The wild west had stricter gun control ffs.


TogepiMain t1_j35rzaf wrote

Hey how bout you put up or shut up huh?

Let's see those good guy with a gun statistics, then


Swagaru t1_j35y04f wrote

Y’all are insufferable, angry people.


TogepiMain t1_j36z9l7 wrote

Huh, weird. Here I thought you were the insufferable blatherer who can't even back up their own claims.


mtarascio t1_j37yvnw wrote

Yep, people who want to arm teachers don't understand this fact.

Staff also use student bathrooms all the time.


jschubart t1_j39rojl wrote

>where an adminstrator’s gun was reportedly left in a bathroom and found by a student.

Looks like this falls into that 90%. Time to rescind this 'responsible' gun owners right to concealed carry.

But who am I kidding? This is Texas. They will just say more gun education is needed (without forcing any) and then suggest more guns in schools to fix everything.


tpuckis t1_j32ia26 wrote

RO, midlo, or Ennis

I'm a red oak boy myself lol (Trust I don't say that with any ounce of pride)


Ghost0fBanquo t1_j34c5b3 wrote

Don't forget Ferris and Palmer lol.

Fuck that whole area.


tpuckis t1_j35ntjj wrote

Those shitholes in the Ellis county shithole don't count lmao