Bunny_Boy_Auditor t1_j5vt3y6 wrote
Reply to comment by 8976r7 in 4.2 magnitude earthquake strikes off Malibu coast, USGS says by kockin26
What about 7?
8976r7 t1_j5vvc1g wrote
When the Loma Prieta earthquake happened in the bay area in 1989, they initially said it was a 7.1, but years later it was downgraded to a 6.9. So I've technically never been in one over 7, but I imagine I'd do the same thing I was doing during that 6.9--squatting in the stupid door jamb like a moron.
Atrocity_unknown t1_j5w20w9 wrote
I lived in Travis airforce base when that happened and one of our neighbors unfortunately died during that. I was only 2 at the time, but I remember seeing all the pictures on the wall dancing and glass breaking
8976r7 t1_j5w411f wrote
that's so sad. did they die from the house collapsing or something else?
Cryptix001 t1_j5w905u wrote
Door jamb fell on them
ChalupaCabre t1_j5xg2zr wrote
Definitely choose your door jambs carefully.
[deleted] t1_j5wb2nm wrote
[deleted] t1_j5w360o wrote
[deleted] t1_j5xnl43 wrote
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