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lumpkin2013 OP t1_j4swxvm wrote

$76,000,000 in salary and incentives over the last 2 years to one man. Meanwhile, they're planning hiring freezes and layoffs.


ChucksNorris243 t1_j4tklwo wrote

Now they gotta pay 2 CEOs, time to cut staff and make hot dogs $11 again


JennJayBee t1_j4tpngt wrote

The hot dogs have been $12-15 since at least 2021.

That's the price BEFORE the markups begin.

Edit: You can get a plain or plant-based dog for about $10.


ChucksNorris243 t1_j4tpwxi wrote

Ouch!! Haven't been to Disney World since 1/2020 and guess I didn't notice at Disney Land in October. Awful.


JennJayBee t1_j4tq88t wrote

I'm going off of Casey's Corner prices at WDW. They might be different in California.


NYCinPGH t1_j4ts6oi wrote

This is why I don’t get fast food at WDW - if I’m going to get gouged, I at least want good food, and if possible, someone to bring it to me.


JennJayBee t1_j4tt27a wrote

The table service isn't always good, either. The better restaurants honestly are either at Disney Springs or the resorts.

But there are a few of the quick service locations that stood out.

The Buffalo chicken grilled cheese sandwich over at ABC Commissary was amazing, but I've learned how to make it at home for much cheaper.

Satu'li Canteen is pretty good, too.

If you want a hot dog, you leave the park and go to Portillo's. Chicago dog with the best damn onion rings and a slice of chocolate cake (or a cake shake)... It's well worth the calories.


NYCinPGH t1_j4tvivo wrote

That’s pretty much where we are. There are 1 or 2 Table Service in each park we like (and not always the popular ones), and we’ll do lunches there, but for dinners, we always go to a restaurant in a resort near the park we’ve been in all day, in the resort we’re staying, or at Disney Springs.


Powered_by_JetA t1_j4tv8c3 wrote

The hot dogs at B.B. Wolf's Sausage Co. at Disney Springs are phenomenal too and worth the price, plus they come with a bag of chips for free.


Fishfisherton t1_j4vel5c wrote

Had dinner with some family friends at the german biergarten and the table service was downright HOSTILE. Every 2-3 minutes the waiter would come over and ask "Anything I can get you? CHECK?" To try to get us out as fast as they could.


JennJayBee t1_j4vjxqw wrote

Yikes. Thankfully, I've never had an issue with bad service. It's just that the food/experience has typically been mediocre for the price, with a few rare exceptions. Cinderella's Royal Table, for example, only just brought back the princesses roaming the room. Previously, folks had been fighting over reservations and paying up to nearly $70/person just to have Cindy come out and occasionally wave. (And the food was Denny's quality.)

And that's been pretty much on brand for in park restaurants as a whole lately— underwhelming overpriced food. Places like Boathouse (Disney Springs) aren't cheap, but at least the food and overall experience is better.


dubBAU5 t1_j4wu955 wrote

Portillos is always the right choice.


JennJayBee t1_j4xh0ha wrote

I'm mostly there for the onion rings, honestly, but it's all good.


onlyhere4gonewild t1_j4t04zx wrote

Poor guy.


literalilliteratekat t1_j4tt7i0 wrote

No but you see CEOs of his talent are that rare, and if they didn't pay him that much he'd get poached! No sir, you could not find anyone else out of 8 billion people that could do a better job.


Powered_by_JetA t1_j4tv3of wrote

Man, I would've pissed off literally everyone and lied to shareholders for $19.9 million. Disney, hire me next.


LoveBulge t1_j4uioxl wrote

You’ve got it all wrong! We paid him $76 Million to only lose Disney $3 Billion, if we paid him less the losses could’ve been double that. Trust us, we did the maff.


ioncloud9 t1_j4v3m08 wrote

I bet you could write an AI that could do his job better than he did.


Gonkimus t1_j4ua680 wrote

He'll be on skid row in about a week with that chump change exit pay. :(


kingaustin t1_j4t3ivn wrote

That’s what all the price gauging and cost cutting was for.


McBurty t1_j4toy9z wrote

That, ESPN and Fox


JennJayBee t1_j4tpx1m wrote

Hold on to your butts, because they're looking at buying WWE next.


McBurty t1_j4uuv71 wrote

Its rumored that WWE was just sold to the Saudi investment fund.


lumpkin2013 OP t1_j4tsp3t wrote

I think what we need is for investors to start lawsuits against the boards of these corporations.

A shareholder should be able to get a lot better return on investment by the company investing in new products, or the company, or acquisitions. Giving gigantic payouts to small groups of individuals cannot be a good return on value no matter what those individuals do.

Don't forget he's the CEO but all the other C-levels and board members are probably getting millions of dollars as well.


dew22 t1_j4twh0e wrote

There’s already an activist share holder trying to get a seat on the board. Who knows maybe something will happen


Martholomeow t1_j4wc28l wrote

Disney has almost 200,000 employees. If the average salary is $75k then $76m adds up to around 1000 employees. But as far as i can tell they laid off around 4000 people.