GregoryGregory666666 t1_j62w10o wrote
Retired career LEO here. While everyone deserves a fair trial I will say if this is true then they deserve the max time in prison for this. Absolutely no excuse and something the profession can never tolerate.
MrDangerMan t1_j62ww1y wrote
The profession seems to tolerate terrible shit quite easily actually.
GloriousStoat t1_j62xuyo wrote
I had a local cop contact me on Grindr a while back. The things that fucking man said to me. If half of it were true he needs to be in a cage for the rest of his life. Or General Population. Cops are on some dark shit y’all.
rfdavid t1_j66459a wrote
Share it
GloriousStoat t1_j6654wj wrote
Honestly I’m terrified to even go into that town. Made it pretty clear if he were to see me he was going to plant drugs on me and arrest me unless I agreed willingly to go with him and live in a dog kennel in his basement. Had my name on it and everything. He would delete stuff as soon as I saw it and never had a chance to screen grab.
rfdavid t1_j665c22 wrote
Damn, it’s probably worth reporting that guy before he hurts someone. I’d think Grindr keeps messages even after they are deleted.
GloriousStoat t1_j666p8o wrote
I mean all I would be able to say is that one of the officers who is white and has a smallish penis said he did this this this and this. But then if had found out someone said something. He would know it was me. It’s terrible. And horrifying.
rfdavid t1_j66kqv5 wrote
Sorry to hear that. Makes sense he is angry with the small pp.
Stay safe.
Anonymoustard t1_j62w5p4 wrote
In your professional opinion, will this happen?
GregoryGregory666666 t1_j62wei7 wrote
The max? Not sure but I see some very long prison sentences being handed out. I can't imagine these two even considering this but it makes me wonder if there are other similar cases involving them. The one just likely started his career but the other may already have several years in uniform so he's had the time.
Blinky_OR OP t1_j62wu0g wrote
>Orfila also told the officer that they had dropped Ortega-Gutierrez off and "roughed him up," Fernandez Rundle said.
According to the off duty officer that found the victim and called 911, one of them admitted to "roughing him up". Given how cavalier this admission sounds, I highly doubt this is the first time this has happened as well.
GregoryGregory666666 t1_j62xnbm wrote
I'm sure more cases will turn up with both of them or at least the older one who will have more time on. I can tolerate known criminals/felons doing things as we expect it and we just move on. No way in hell I could ever tolerate this from two entrusted with the jobs they have. (Had)
[deleted] t1_j63epl2 wrote
jennanm t1_j62ycdp wrote
Ok pig
DeviousDenial t1_j63aj3f wrote
Well aren't you a brave little twerp hiding behind your keyboard.
Now go out in public and try it and hopefully the vid will be posted to YouTube so we can watch
Edit to add. Y'all are fucking stupid
Read the officers posts. He was saying that those bad cops do need to pay. And he was still insulted. WTF?
What did y'all do when that small lady officer pulled her steroid crazed sergeant off of the subject and was grabbed by her throat by him. Did you fucking insult and boo her too?
Lostinthisworld313 t1_j63cn14 wrote
It's not illegal to call cops pigs in real life. Watch auditors videos.
DeviousDenial t1_j63jcae wrote
Oh I know it's not illegal
DeviousDenial t1_j63ls4t wrote
Have you ever done it?
And are you defending what they did? Because who they were responding to was making some very good posts stating that those officers do need to pay. And yet he was still fucking insulted by someone that would never have the balls to really try it.
Lostinthisworld313 t1_j63ng6b wrote
I was not defending anyone..Just responding to your post which was challenging the other person to express that in real life. Maybe some anger management classes are in order...
fight_your_friends t1_j63hiv3 wrote
So you're insinuating they'd get assaulted by cops for calling them pigs, and you think it's funny that cops would do something like that.
DeviousDenial t1_j63jocj wrote
No. I am insinuating that there are a hell of a lot of very brave people on the internet that do crap they would never do face to face in the real world
Now where in the hell did I say anything about anybody beating anybody.
Karenomegas t1_j63lp00 wrote
You came to a place where cops kidnapped and beat a man. To talk about the real world and simp for authorities. Cool cool.
DeviousDenial t1_j63mmmk wrote
Are you saying that that policeman was fucking wrong in saying that's those cops should pay?
And he deserved to be insulted?
Retrogressive t1_j63wi6m wrote
There are no "good" police.
Mentalpatient87 t1_j63p5mg wrote
>Now where in the hell did I say anything about anybody beating anybody.
Everyone can see what you implied by the "hopefully the video gets posted" remark. Just admit it and don't be a little weasel.
DeviousDenial t1_j63qewf wrote
Damned right I want to see a video of a poser actually doing what they think they would do. Especially when they just insulted an officer that stood up and says that the bad cops do need to pay.
Everyone can see that you think that officer is just a pig too.
[deleted] t1_j69jz0u wrote
fight_your_friends t1_j63qgwz wrote
>Now where in the hell did I say anything about anybody beating anybody.
What does the word "insinuate" mean?
DeviousDenial t1_j63qjwx wrote
That explains a lot
fight_your_friends t1_j64dd3j wrote
Next time you make a statement about how psychedelics helped you see the value in people, remember this moment where you thought it'd be funny if some random guy got beaten senseless for offending law enforcement.
DeviousDenial t1_j64ekn5 wrote
I definitely saw the value in what the officer that was insulted was saying. The same as I saw the value in that female cop that pulled her piece of shit sergeant off of the person in the back seat off the squad car. Or the value of the DA that has the balls to bring attempted murder and kidnapping charges against these monsters.
They are actually trying to solve the problem and y'all are going to insult them for it? That is seriously fucked up.
[deleted] t1_j69kacb wrote
fight_your_friends t1_j6at84q wrote
Deflect, deflect, deflect. You're a bad person.
Karenomegas t1_j63llt4 wrote
Somebody wants some free soup.
[deleted] t1_j63p8fu wrote
[deleted] t1_j63sgkm wrote
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