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XL_Chill t1_j65uszy wrote

The stereotypes of high school bullies becoming cops and cope being wife heaters are around for a reason. Sure it isn’t every single cop but you can’t possibly deny there’s a culture of violence and power abuse in policing


TechBansh33 t1_j65v1wm wrote

Edited for typos: Correct, but the overgeneralization that all cops are dangerous is not accurate nor helpful for solving the issue. It’s not a binary situation and should not treated as such.


XL_Chill t1_j65w46d wrote

That boot won’t start tasting better just because you keep licking it


TechBansh33 t1_j6682a2 wrote

What boot? There are good officers, who do not deserve to be punished for the others. There are good doctors even though some push opiates. There are good teachers even though some are a waste of space. Everyone who cannot perform their job with integrity should not have that position.


Original-Document-62 t1_j67012d wrote

Not all gang members are murderers, but they're still gang members. Police forces are legalized gangs.


Keylime29 t1_j675dzc wrote

I agree not all are bad. There are a lot of good ones.

What I can’t wrap my head around is how many bad ones there are!

I also believe there aren’t consequences for the evil ones and that the current training seems to encourage violence